
The elementseq module.

class nutils.elementseq.References(ndims)

Bases: nutils.types.Singleton

Abstract base class for a sequence of Reference objects.

Parameters:ndims (int) – The number of dimensions of the references in this sequence.


Subclasses must implement __len__() and get().

static from_iter(value, ndims)

Create a References sequence from an iterator.



Return type:


static uniform(value, length)

Create a uniform References.



Return type:


static empty(ndims)

Create an empty References sequence.

Parameters:ndims (int) –
Return type:References

Return bool(self).


Return len(self).


Implement iter(self).

__getitem__(self, index)

Return self[index].

__add__(self, other)

Return self+other.

__mul__(self, other)

Return self*other.

get(self, index)

Return the reference at index.

Parameters:index (int) –
Returns:reference – The reference at index.
Return type:Reference
take(self, indices)

Return a selection of this sequence.

Parameters:indices (numpy.ndarray, ndim: 1, dtype: int) – The indices of references of this sequence to select.
Returns:references – The sequence of selected references.
Return type:References
compress(self, mask)

Return a selection of this sequence.

Parameters:mask (numpy.ndarray, ndim: 1, dtype: bool) – A boolean mask of references of this sequence to select.
Returns:sequence – The sequence of selected references.
Return type:References
repeat(self, count)

Return this sequence repeated count times.

Parameters:count (int) –
Returns:sequence – This sequence repeated count times.
Return type:References
product(self, other)

Return the product of this sequence with another sequence.

Parameters:other (References) –
Returns:sequence – The product sequence.
Return type:References
chain(self, other)

Return the chained sequence of this sequence with other.

Parameters:other (References) –
Returns:sequence – The chained sequence.
Return type:References

Return the sequence of child references.

Returns:The sequence of child references:
(cref for ref in self for cref in ref.child_refs)
Return type:References

Return the sequence of edge references.

Returns:The sequence of edge references:
(eref for ref in self for eref in ref.edge_refs)
Return type:References

True if all reference in this sequence are equal.

getpoints(self, ischeme, degree)

Return a sequence of Points.