In this script we solve the lid driven cavity problem for stationary Stokes and Navier-Stokes flow. That is, a unit square domain, with no-slip left, bottom and right boundaries and a top boundary that is moving at unit velocity in positive x-direction.

The script is identical to except that it uses the Raviart-Thomas discretization providing compatible velocity and pressure spaces resulting in a pointwise divergence-free velocity field.

12from nutils import mesh, function, solver, export, cli, testing
13from nutils.expression_v2 import Namespace
14import numpy
15import treelog
18def main(nelems: int, degree: int, reynolds: float):
19    '''
20    Driven cavity benchmark problem using compatible spaces.
22    .. arguments::
24       nelems [12]
25         Number of elements along edge.
26       degree [2]
27         Polynomial degree for velocity; the pressure space is one degree less.
28       reynolds [1000]
29         Reynolds number, taking the domain size as characteristic length.
30    '''
32    verts = numpy.linspace(0, 1, nelems+1)
33    domain, geom = mesh.rectilinear([verts, verts])
35    ns = Namespace()
36    ns.δ = function.eye(domain.ndims)
37    ns.Σ = function.ones([domain.ndims])
38    ns.x = geom
39    ns.define_for('x', gradient='∇', normal='n', jacobians=('dV', 'dS'))
40    ns.Re = reynolds
41    ns.ubasis = function.vectorize([
42        domain.basis('spline', degree=(degree, degree-1), removedofs=((0, -1), None)),
43        domain.basis('spline', degree=(degree-1, degree), removedofs=(None, (0, -1)))])
44    ns.pbasis = domain.basis('spline', degree=degree-1)
45    ns.u = function.dotarg('u', ns.ubasis)
46    ns.p = function.dotarg('p', ns.pbasis)
47    ns.lm = function.Argument('lm', ())
48    ns.stress_ij = '(∇_j(u_i) + ∇_i(u_j)) / Re - p δ_ij'
49    ns.uwall = function.stack([domain.boundary.indicator('top'), 0])
50    ns.N = 5 * degree * nelems  # nitsche constant based on element size = 1/nelems
51    ns.nitsche_ni = '(N ubasis_ni - (∇_j(ubasis_ni) + ∇_i(ubasis_nj)) n_j) / Re'
53    ures = domain.integral('∇_j(ubasis_ni) stress_ij dV' @ ns, degree=2*degree)
54    ures += domain.boundary.integral('(nitsche_ni (u_i - uwall_i) - ubasis_ni stress_ij n_j) dS' @ ns, degree=2*degree)
55    pres = domain.integral('pbasis_n (∇_k(u_k) + lm) dV' @ ns, degree=2*degree)
56    lres = domain.integral('p dV' @ ns, degree=2*degree)
58    with treelog.context('stokes'):
59        state0 = solver.solve_linear(['u', 'p', 'lm'], [ures, pres, lres])
60        postprocess(domain, ns, **state0)
62    ures += domain.integral('ubasis_ni ∇_j(u_i) u_j dV' @ ns, degree=3*degree)
63    with treelog.context('navierstokes'):
64        state1 = solver.newton(('u', 'p', 'lm'), (ures, pres, lres), arguments=state0).solve(tol=1e-10)
65        postprocess(domain, ns, **state1)
67    return state0, state1

Postprocessing in this script is separated so that it can be reused for the results of Stokes and Navier-Stokes, and because of the extra steps required for establishing streamlines.

74def postprocess(domain, ns, every=.05, spacing=.01, **arguments):
76    div = domain.integral('∇_k(u_k)^2 dV' @ ns, degree=1).eval(**arguments)**.5
77'velocity divergence: {:.2e}'.format(div))  # confirm that velocity is pointwise divergence-free
79    ns = ns.copy_()  # copy namespace so that we don't modify the calling argument
80    ns.streambasis = domain.basis('std', degree=2)[1:]  # remove first dof to obtain non-singular system
81 = function.dotarg('streamdofs', ns.streambasis)  # stream function
82    ns.ε = function.levicivita(2)
83    sqr = domain.integral('Σ_i (u_i - ε_ij ∇_j(stream))^2 dV' @ ns, degree=4)
84    arguments['streamdofs'] = solver.optimize('streamdofs', sqr, arguments=arguments)  # compute streamlines
86    bezier = domain.sample('bezier', 9)
87    x, u, p, stream = bezier.eval(['x_i', 'sqrt(u_i u_i)', 'p', 'stream'] @ ns, **arguments)
88    with export.mplfigure('flow.png') as fig:  # plot velocity as field, pressure as contours, streamlines as dashed
89        ax = fig.add_axes([.1, .1, .8, .8], yticks=[], aspect='equal')
90        import matplotlib.collections
91        ax.add_collection(matplotlib.collections.LineCollection(x[bezier.hull], colors='w', linewidths=.5, alpha=.2))
92        ax.tricontour(x[:, 0], x[:, 1], bezier.tri, stream, 16, colors='k', linestyles='dotted', linewidths=.5, zorder=9)
93        caxu = fig.add_axes([.1, .1, .03, .8], title='velocity')
94        imu = ax.tripcolor(x[:, 0], x[:, 1], bezier.tri, u, shading='gouraud', cmap='jet')
95        fig.colorbar(imu, cax=caxu)
96        caxu.yaxis.set_ticks_position('left')
97        caxp = fig.add_axes([.87, .1, .03, .8], title='pressure')
98        imp = ax.tricontour(x[:, 0], x[:, 1], bezier.tri, p, 16, cmap='gray', linestyles='solid')
99        fig.colorbar(imp, cax=caxp)

If the script is executed (as opposed to imported), calls the main function with arguments provided from the command line. To keep with the default arguments simply run python3 (view log).

107if __name__ == '__main__':

Once a simulation is developed and tested, it is good practice to save a few strategic return values for regression testing. The nutils.testing module, which builds on the standard unittest framework, facilitates this by providing nutils.testing.TestCase.assertAlmostEqual64() for the embedding of desired results as compressed base64 data.

117class test(testing.TestCase):
119    def test_p2(self):
120        state0, state1 = main(nelems=3, reynolds=100, degree=2)
121        with self.subTest('stokes-velocity'):
122            self.assertAlmostEqual64(state0['u'], '''
123                eNrzu9Bt8OuUndkD/eTTSqezzP2g/E3698/ZmZlf2GjSaHJS3/90/Wm/C4qGh04CAErOF+g=''')
124        with self.subTest('stokes-pressure'):
125            self.assertAlmostEqual64(state0['p'], '''
126                eNoBIADf/0fSMC4P0ZLKjCk4JC7Pwy901sjb0jA90Lkt0NHxLm41+KgP+Q==''')
127        with self.subTest('stokes-multiplier'):
128            self.assertAlmostEqual(state0['lm'], 0)
129        with self.subTest('navier-stokes-velocity'):
130            self.assertAlmostEqual64(state1['u'], '''
131                eNoBMADP/2XOWjJSy5k1jS+yyzvLODfgL1rO0MrINpsxHM2ZNSrPqDTANCPVQsxCzeAvcc04yT3AF9c=''')
132        with self.subTest('navier-stokes-pressure'):
133            self.assertAlmostEqual64(state1['p'], '''
134                eNpbqpasrWa46TSTfoT+krO/de/pntA3Pnf2zFNtn2u2hglmAOKVDlE=''')
135        with self.subTest('navier-stokes-multiplier'):
136            self.assertAlmostEqual(state1['lm'], 0)
138    def test_p3(self):
139        state0, state1 = main(nelems=3, reynolds=100, degree=3)
140        with self.subTest('stokes-velocity'):
141            self.assertAlmostEqual64(state0['u'], '''
142                eNqbo3f7/AeDb2dmGGtd7r+odk7icoQJgjUHLpty8b/BvrMzjF/rll9qMD5kwAAFopc6dRvO2J2fo8d4
143                3sko4wwAjL4lyw==''', atol=1e-14)
144        with self.subTest('stokes-pressure'):
145            self.assertAlmostEqual64(state0['p'], '''
146                eNpbrN+us+Z8qWHMyfcXrly013l1ZocRAxwI6uvoHbwsZuxxNvZC5eUQg+5zS8wAElAT9w==''')
147        with self.subTest('stokes-multiplier'):
148            self.assertAlmostEqual(state0['lm'], 0)
149        with self.subTest('navier-stokes-velocity'):
150            self.assertAlmostEqual64(state1['u'], '''
151                eNoBUACv/14yGcxyNPbJYTahLj/LSDE7yy43SM9WMsXJoDR+N3Iw8s1hM5zJODeizcE0X8phNrQwUDOO
152                NbMzJi+ty4s1oDFqzxIzysjWzXIwFM3tNMjIpDMlJw==''')
153        with self.subTest('navier-stokes-pressure'):
154            self.assertAlmostEqual64(state1['p'], '''
155                eNoBMgDN/yoxvDHizaEy88kDLgoviCt4znIzMy7jL7nTRMzqzhAwBTA/LE0w6czY2GQwoNEYMHE3NDUW
156                DQ==''')
157        with self.subTest('navier-stokes-multiplier'):
158            self.assertAlmostEqual(state1['lm'], 0)