In this script we solve the nonlinear Saint Venant-Kichhoff problem on a unit square domain (optionally with a circular cutout), clamped at both the left and right boundary in such a way that an arc is formed over a specified angle. The configuration is constructed such that a symmetric solution is expected.

 9from nutils import mesh, function, solver, export, cli, testing
10from nutils.expression_v2 import Namespace
11import numpy
14def main(nelems: int, etype: str, btype: str, degree: int, poisson: float, angle: float, restol: float, trim: bool):
15    '''
16    Deformed hyperelastic plate.
18    .. arguments::
20       nelems [10]
21         Number of elements along edge.
22       etype [square]
23         Type of elements (square/triangle/mixed).
24       btype [std]
25         Type of basis function (std/spline).
26       degree [1]
27         Polynomial degree.
28       poisson [.25]
29         Poisson's ratio, nonnegative and stricly smaller than 1/2.
30       angle [20]
31         Rotation angle for right clamp (degrees).
32       restol [1e-8]
33         Newton tolerance.
34       trim [no]
35         Create circular-shaped hole.
36    '''
38    domain, geom = mesh.unitsquare(nelems, etype)
39    if trim:
40        domain = domain.trim(function.norm2(geom-.5)-.2, maxrefine=2)
41    bezier = domain.sample('bezier', 5)
43    ns = Namespace()
44    ns.x = geom
45    ns.define_for('x', gradient='∇', normal='n', jacobians=('dV', 'dS'))
46    ns.angle = angle * numpy.pi / 180
47    ns.lmbda = 2 * poisson
48 = 1 - 2 * poisson
49    ns.ubasis = domain.basis(btype, degree=degree)
50    ns.u = function.dotarg('lhs', ns.ubasis, shape=(domain.ndims,))
51    ns.X_i = 'x_i + u_i'
52    ns.strain_ij = '.5 (∇_j(u_i) + ∇_i(u_j))'
53 = 'lmbda strain_ii strain_jj + 2 mu strain_ij strain_ij'
55    sqr = domain.boundary['left'].integral('u_k u_k dS' @ ns, degree=degree*2)
56    sqr += domain.boundary['right'].integral('((u_0 - x_1 sin(2 angle) - cos(angle) + 1)^2 + (u_1 - x_1 (cos(2 angle) - 1) + sin(angle))^2) dS' @ ns, degree=degree*2)
57    cons = solver.optimize('lhs', sqr, droptol=1e-15)
59    energy = domain.integral('energy dV' @ ns, degree=degree*2)
60    lhs0 = solver.optimize('lhs', energy, constrain=cons)
61    X, energy = bezier.eval(['X_i', 'energy'] @ ns, lhs=lhs0)
62    export.triplot('linear.png', X, energy, tri=bezier.tri, hull=bezier.hull)
64    ns.strain_ij = '.5 (∇_j(u_i) + ∇_i(u_j) + ∇_i(u_k) ∇_j(u_k))'
65 = 'lmbda strain_ii strain_jj + 2 mu strain_ij strain_ij'
67    energy = domain.integral('energy dV' @ ns, degree=degree*2)
68    lhs1 = solver.minimize('lhs', energy, arguments=dict(lhs=lhs0), constrain=cons).solve(restol)
69    X, energy = bezier.eval(['X_i', 'energy'] @ ns, lhs=lhs1)
70    export.triplot('nonlinear.png', X, energy, tri=bezier.tri, hull=bezier.hull)
72    return lhs0, lhs1

If the script is executed (as opposed to imported), calls the main function with arguments provided from the command line. For example, to keep with the default arguments simply run python3 (view log). To select quadratic splines and a cutout add python3 btype=spline degree=2 trim=yes (view log).

81if __name__ == '__main__':

Once a simulation is developed and tested, it is good practice to save a few strategic return values for regression testing. The nutils.testing module, which builds on the standard unittest framework, facilitates this by providing nutils.testing.TestCase.assertAlmostEqual64() for the embedding of desired results as compressed base64 data.

 91class test(testing.TestCase):
 93    def test_default(self):
 94        lhs0, lhs1 = main(nelems=4, etype='square', btype='std', degree=1, poisson=.25, angle=10, restol=1e-8, trim=False)
 95        with self.subTest('linear'):
 96            self.assertAlmostEqual64(lhs0, '''
 97                eNpjYMAE5ZeSL/HqJ146YeB4cbvhl/PzjPrOcVy8da7b4Og5W6Osc/rGt88+MvY+u+yC7NlcQ+GzEsYP
 98                z/w3nn1mvon7mdsXJM8oG304vdH45Oluk2WnlU1bTgMAv04qwA==''')
 99        with self.subTest('non-linear'):
100            self.assertAlmostEqual64(lhs1, '''
101                eNpjYMAEZdrKl2/p37soY1h84aKh2/lmI4Zz7loq5y0MD55rNtI652Rcefa48aUzzZcjzj4ylDjrYnz6
102                jIBJ8Zl2E9Yzty9InlE2+nB6o/HJ090my04rm7acBgAKcSdV''')
104    def test_mixed(self):
105        lhs0, lhs1 = main(nelems=4, etype='mixed', btype='std', degree=1, poisson=.25, angle=10, restol=1e-8, trim=False)
106        with self.subTest('linear'):
107            self.assertAlmostEqual64(lhs0, '''
108                eNpjYICAqxfbL+Xov7kIYi80OA+mtxleOA+iVxjNPBdncOdc6sXT51yNgs8ZGX89e8/Y66zqBaOz/Ya8
109                Z4WMX575ZTz5zAqTgDPKRh9O374geWaj8cnT3SbLTiubtpwGAJ6hLHk=''')
110        with self.subTest('non-linear'):
111            self.assertAlmostEqual64(lhs1, '''
112                eNpjYIAA7fv2l6UMEi6C2H8N7l0A0VcMzc+D6H4jznPyhpfOdelwnm80EjznYTz57CnjG2eWX0o/+9VQ
113                +KyT8cUzzCbZZ2abiJ9RNvpw+vYFyTMbjU+e7jZZdlrZtOU0AJN4KHY=''')
115    def test_spline(self):
116        lhs0, lhs1 = main(nelems=4, etype='square', btype='spline', degree=2, poisson=.25, angle=10, restol=1e-8, trim=False)
117        with self.subTest('linear'):
118            self.assertAlmostEqual64(lhs0, '''
119                eNpjYMAOrl3J0vmixaY7QS9N545+w9VaA5eLXYZp51MvVl/I1F164YeBxAVlI//zzMZB52KN35+dd+H9
120                2Vd6b85yGx0/a22cd/aXMetZH5PTZ7ZfaDmzTL/nzFGj3DPPje3OLDBhPvPC5N7p2xckz/gZsJwRML5z
121                Wstk++m7JlNPK5u2nAYATqg9sA==''')
122        with self.subTest('non-linear'):
123            self.assertAlmostEqual64(lhs1, '''
124                eNpjYMAOnLUP6ejq9ukI67vflTVQvdRt0H8h3fDBOT7trReK9adeyDFcez7YaN+5X0Z7z7oYB5/9rKx9
125                ztdA6Fyq0dqzScbGZ78bLzmja5J8RvzSrjN9BgvOfDFKP/PTWOfMSpO3p8+YbDx9+4LkGT8DljMCxndO
126                a5lsP33XZOppZdOW0wApLzra''')