Source code for nutils.plot

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The plot module aims to provide a consistent interface to various plotting
backends. At this point `matplotlib <>`_ and `vtk
<>`_ are supported.

from . import numpy, log, config, core, cache, numeric, warnings, _
import os, sys, subprocess

[docs]class BasePlot: 'base class for plotting objects' def __init__ (self, name=None, ndigits=0, index=None): 'constructor' = name self.index = index self.ndigits = ndigits def getpath(self, name, index, ext): if name is None: name = if index is None: index = self.index if self.ndigits and index is None: index = _getnextindex(name, ext) if index is not None: name += str(index).rjust(self.ndigits, '0') name += '.' + ext return name def __enter__(self): 'enter with block' assert, 'name must be set to use as with-context' return self def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_value, exc_tb): 'exit with block' if not exc_type:, self.index) try: self.close() except Exception as e: log.error('failed to close:', e) def __del__(self): try: self.close() except Exception as e: log.error('failed to close:', e) def save(self, name=None, index=None): pass def close(self): pass
[docs]class PyPlot(BasePlot): 'matplotlib figure' def __init__(self, name=None, imgtype=None, ndigits=3, index=None, **kwargs): 'constructor' import matplotlib matplotlib.use( 'Agg', warn=False ) from matplotlib import pyplot super().__init__(name, ndigits=ndigits, index=index) self.imgtype = imgtype or config.imagetype self._fig = pyplot.figure(**kwargs) self._pyplot = pyplot def __enter__(self): 'enter with block' # make this figure active self._pyplot.figure(self._fig.number) return super().__enter__() def __getattr__(self, attr): pyplot = self.__dict__['_pyplot'] # avoid recursion return getattr(pyplot, attr)
[docs] def close(self): 'close figure' if not self._fig: return # already closed try: self._pyplot.close(self._fig) except Exception as e: log.warning('failed to close figure: {}'.format(e)) self._fig = None
[docs] def save(self, name=None, index=None, **kwargs): 'save images' assert self._fig, 'figure is closed' paths = [] for ext in self.imgtype.split(','): path = self.getpath(name, index, ext) paths.append(path) with core.open_in_outdir(path, 'wb') as f: self.savefig(f, **kwargs) log.user(' '.join(paths))
[docs] def segments(self, points, color='black', **kwargs): 'plot line' segments = numpy.concatenate([numpy.array([xy[:-1], xy[1:]]).swapaxes(0,1) for xy in points], axis=0) from matplotlib.collections import LineCollection lc = LineCollection(segments, **kwargs) ax = self.gca() ax.add_collection(lc) if isinstance(color, str): lc.set_color(color) else: array = numpy.concatenate([.5 * (v[:-1] + v[1:]) for v in color], axis=0) lc.set_array(array) self.sci(lc) return lc
[docs] def mesh(self, points, values=None, edgecolors='k', edgewidth=.1, mergetol=0, setxylim=True, aspect='equal', tight=True, **kwargs): 'plot elemtwise mesh' kwargs.pop('triangulate', None) # ignore deprecated argument if not numeric.isarray(points) and points[0].shape[1] == 1: # line plot if values is not None: self.segments([numpy.concatenate([x, y[:,_]], axis=1) for x, y in zip(points, values)], values) return if numeric.isarray(points): # bulk data assert points.shape[-1] == 2 import matplotlib.tri tri = matplotlib.tri.Triangulation(*points.reshape(-1,2).T) edgecolors = 'none' if values is not None: values = values.ravel() else: # mesh data tri, edges = triangulate(points, mergetol) if values is not None: values = numpy.concatenate(values, axis=0) if values is not None: self.tripcolor(tri, values, shading='gouraud', **kwargs) if edgecolors != 'none': self.segments(edges, linewidth=edgewidth, color=edgecolors) if aspect: (self.aspect if tight else self.axis)(aspect) if setxylim: self.autoscale(enable=True, axis='both', tight=True) return tri
def aspect(self, *args, **kwargs): self.gca().set_aspect(*args, **kwargs) def tripcolor(self, *args, **kwargs): import matplotlib.tri assert len(args) >= 2 if numeric.isarray(args[0]) and numeric.isarray(args[1]): # args = x, y[, triangles[, mask]], values tri = matplotlib.tri.Triangulation(*args[:-1]) values = args[-1] else: assert len(args) == 2 tri, values = args if not isinstance(tri, matplotlib.tri.Triangulation): tri, edges = triangulate(tri, mergetol) if not numeric.isarray(values): values = numpy.concatenate(values, axis=0) assert len(tri.x) == len(values) mask = ~numpy.isfinite(values) if mask.any(): tri.set_mask(mask[tri.triangles].any(axis=1)) values = values.copy() values[mask] = numpy.mean(values[~mask]) #Set masked values to average to not affect color range return self._pyplot.tripcolor(tri, values, **kwargs) def _tricontour(self, backend, tri, values, every=None, levels=None, mergetol=0, **kwargs): assert not every or levels is None, '"every" and "levels" arguments are mutually exclusive' import matplotlib.tri if not isinstance(tri, matplotlib.tri.Triangulation): tri, edges = triangulate(tri, mergetol) if not numeric.isarray(values): values = numpy.concatenate(values, axis=0) assert len(tri.x) == len(values) if every: levels = numpy.arange(int(min(values)/every), int(max(values)/every)+1) * every return backend(tri, values, levels=levels, **kwargs) def tricontour(self, *args, **kwargs): return self._tricontour(self._pyplot.tricontour, *args, **kwargs) def tricontourf(self, *args, **kwargs): return self._tricontour(self._pyplot.tricontourf, *args, **kwargs) def streamplot(self, tri, velo, spacing, bbox=None, mergetol=1e-5, linewidth=None, color=None, **kwargs): if numeric.isarray(spacing): # compatibility with original streamplot function definition x = tri y = velo u = spacing v = bbox else: import matplotlib.tri if not isinstance(tri, matplotlib.tri.Triangulation): tri, edges = triangulate(tri, mergetol=mergetol) if not numeric.isarray(velo): velo = numpy.concatenate(velo, axis=0) assert len(tri.x) == len(velo) if bbox is None: xlim = min(tri.x), max(tri.x) ylim = min(tri.y), max(tri.y) else: xlim, ylim = bbox nx = int((xlim[-1] - xlim[0]) / spacing) ny = int((ylim[-1] - ylim[0]) / spacing) assert nx > 0 and ny > 0 x = .5 * (xlim[0] + xlim[-1]) + (numpy.arange(nx) - (nx-1)/2) * spacing y = .5 * (ylim[0] + ylim[-1]) + (numpy.arange(ny) - (ny-1)/2) * spacing uv = interpolate(tri, numeric.meshgrid(x,y).T, velo, mergetol=mergetol) u = uv[...,0] v = uv[...,1] assert numeric.isarray(x) and x.ndim == 1 assert numeric.isarray(y) and y.ndim == 1 assert numeric.isarray(u) and u.shape == (len(y),len(x)) assert numeric.isarray(v) and v.shape == (len(y),len(x)) if linewidth is not None and linewidth < 0: # convention: negative linewidth is scaled with velocity magnitude linewidth = -linewidth * numpy.sqrt(u**2 + v**2) if color is None: # default: color mapped to velocity magnitude color = numpy.sqrt(u**2 + v**2) return self._pyplot.streamplot(x, y, u, v, linewidth=linewidth, color=color, **kwargs)
[docs] def polycol(self, verts, facecolors='none', **kwargs): 'add polycollection' from matplotlib import collections if facecolors != 'none': assert numeric.isarray(facecolors) and facecolors.shape == (len(verts),) array = facecolors facecolors = None polycol = collections.PolyCollection(verts, facecolors=facecolors, **kwargs) if facecolors is None: polycol.set_array(array) self.gca().add_collection(polycol) self.sci(polycol) return polycol
[docs] def slope_marker(self, x, y, slope=None, width=.2, xoffset=0, yoffset=.2, color='0.5'): 'slope marker' ax = self.gca() islog = {'log': True, 'linear': False} xislog = islog[ax.get_xscale()] yislog = islog[ax.get_yscale()] xisnum = numeric.isnumber(x) yisnum = numeric.isnumber(y) if slope is None: assert not xisnum and not xisnum, 'need two points to compute a slope' x__, x_ = numpy.log10(x[-2:]) if xislog else x[-2:] y__, y_ = numpy.log10(y[-2:]) if yislog else y[-2:] slope = (y_ - y__) / (x_ - x__) if slope > 0: width = -width if not xisnum: x = x[-1] if not yisnum: y = y[-1] xmin, xmax = ax.get_xlim() if xislog: W = numpy.log10(xmax / xmin) * width x0 = x * 10**-W xc = x * 10**(-.5*W) else: W = (xmax - xmin) * width x0 = x - W xc = x - .5 * W H = W * float(slope) if yislog: y0 = y * 10**-H yc = y * 10**(-.5*H) else: y0 = y - H yc = y - .5 * H from matplotlib import transforms dpi = self.gcf().dpi_scale_trans shifttrans = ax.transData + transforms.ScaledTranslation(xoffset, numpy.sign(H) * yoffset, dpi) triangle = self.Polygon([(x0,y0), (x,y), (xc,y)], closed=False, ec=color, fc='none', transform=shifttrans) ax.add_patch(triangle) self.text(xc, yc, str(round(float(slope),3)), color=color, horizontalalignment = 'right' if W > 0 else 'left', verticalalignment = 'top' if H < 0 else 'bottom', transform = shifttrans + transforms.ScaledTranslation( numpy.sign(W) * -.05, numpy.sign(H) * .05, dpi))
[docs] def slope_triangle(self, x, y, fillcolor='0.9', edgecolor='k', xoffset=0, yoffset=0.1, slopefmt='{0:.1f}'): '''Draw slope triangle for supplied y(x) - x, y: coordinates - xoffset, yoffset: distance graph & triangle (points) - fillcolor, edgecolor: triangle style - slopefmt: format string for slope number''' i, j = (-2, -1) if x[-1] < x[-2] else (-1, -2) # x[i] > x[j] if not all(numpy.isfinite(x[-2:])) or not all(numpy.isfinite(y[-2:])): log.warning('Not plotting slope triangle for +/-inf or nan values') return from matplotlib import transforms shifttrans = self.gca().transData \ + transforms.ScaledTranslation(xoffset, -yoffset, self.gcf().dpi_scale_trans) xscale, yscale = self.gca().get_xscale(), self.gca().get_yscale() # delta() checks if either axis is log or lin scaled delta = lambda a, b, scale: numpy.log10(float(a) / b) if scale=='log' else float(a - b) if scale=='linear' else None slope = delta(y[-2], y[-1], yscale) / delta(x[-2], x[-1], xscale) if slope in (numpy.nan, numpy.inf, -numpy.inf): warnings.warn('Cannot draw slope triangle with slope: {}, drawing nothing'.format(str(slope))) return slope # handle positive and negative slopes correctly xtup, ytup = ((x[i], x[j], x[i]), (y[j], y[j], y[i])) if slope > 0 else ((x[j], x[j], x[i]), (y[i], y[j], y[i])) a, b = (2/3., 1/3.) if slope > 0 else (1/3., 2/3.) xval = a*x[i] + b*x[j] if xscale=='linear' else x[i]**a * x[j]**b yval = b*y[i] + a*y[j] if yscale=='linear' else y[i]**b * y[j]**a self.fill(xtup, ytup, color=fillcolor, edgecolor=edgecolor, transform=shifttrans) self.text(xval, yval, slopefmt.format(slope), horizontalalignment='center', verticalalignment='center', transform=shifttrans) return slope
[docs] def slope_trend(self, x, y, lt='k-', xoffset=.1, slopefmt='{0:.1f}'): '''Draw slope triangle for supplied y(x) - x, y: coordinates - slopefmt: format string for slope number''' # TODO check for gca() loglog scale slope = numpy.log(y[-2] / y[-1]) / numpy.log(x[-2] / x[-1]) C = y[-1] / x[-1]**slope self.loglog(x, C * x**slope, 'k-') from matplotlib import transforms shifttrans = self.gca().transData \ + transforms.ScaledTranslation(-xoffset if x[-1] < x[0] else xoffset, 0, self.gcf().dpi_scale_trans) self.text(x[-1], y[-1], slopefmt.format(slope), horizontalalignment='right' if x[-1] < x[0] else 'left', verticalalignment='center', transform=shifttrans) return slope
[docs] def rectangle(self, x0, w, h, fc='none', ec='none', **kwargs): 'rectangle' from matplotlib import patches patch = patches.Rectangle(x0, w, h, fc=fc, ec=ec, **kwargs) self.gca().add_patch(patch) return patch
[docs] def griddata(self, xlim, ylim, data): 'plot griddata' assert data.ndim == 2 self.imshow(data.T, extent=(xlim[0], xlim[-1], ylim[0], ylim[-1]), origin='lower')
[docs] def cspy(self, A, **kwargs): 'Like pyplot.spy, but coloring acc to 10^log of absolute values, where [0, inf, nan] show up in blue.' if not numeric.isarray(A): A = A.toarray() if A.size < 2: # trivial case of 1x1 matrix A = A.reshape(1, 1) else: A = numpy.log10(numpy.abs(A)) B = numpy.isinf(A) | numpy.isnan(A) # what needs replacement A[B] = ~B if numpy.all(B) else numpy.amin(A[~B]) - 1. self.pcolormesh(A, **kwargs) self.colorbar() self.ylim(self.ylim()[-1::-1]) # invert y axis: equiv to MATLAB axis ij self.xlabel(r'$j$') self.ylabel(r'$i$') self.title(r'$^{10}\log a_{ij}$') self.axis('tight')
def image(self, image, location=[0,0], scale=1, alpha=1.0): image = image.resize([int(scale*size) for size in image.size]) dpi = self._fig.get_dpi() self._fig.figimage(numpy.array(image).astype(float)/255, location[0]*dpi, location[1]*dpi, zorder=10).set_alpha(alpha) @staticmethod def _tickspacing(axis, base): from matplotlib import ticker loc = ticker.MultipleLocator(base=base) axis.set_major_locator(loc) def xtickspacing(self, base): self._tickspacing(self.gca().xaxis, base) def ytickspacing( self, base ): self._tickspacing(self.gca().yaxis, base) def vectors(self, xy, uv, stems=True, **kwargs): if not stems: uv = uv / numpy.linalg.norm(uv, axis=1)[:,_] kwargs['width'] = 1e-3 kwargs['headwidth'] = 3e3 kwargs['headlength'] = 5e3 kwargs['headaxislength'] = 2e3 self.quiver(xy[:,0], xy[:,1], uv[:,0], uv[:,1], angles='xy', **kwargs)
[docs]class PyPlotVideo(PyPlot): '''matplotlib based video generator Video generator based on matplotlib figures. Follows the same syntax as PyPlot. Parameters ---------- clearfigure: bool, default: True If True clears the matplotlib figure after writing each frame. framerate: int, float, default: 24 Framerate in frames per second of the generated video. videotype: str, default: 'webm' unless overriden by property ``videotype`` Video type of the generated video. Note that not every video type supports playback before the video has been finalized, i.e. before ``close`` has been called. Nutils properties ----------------- videotype see parameter with the same name videoencoder: str, default: 'ffmpeg' Name or path of the video encoder. The video encoder should take the same arguments as 'ffmpeg'. Examples -------- Using a ``with``-statement:: video = PyPlotVideo('video') for timestep in timesteps: ... with video: video.plot(...) video.title('frame {:04d}'.format(video.frame)) video.close() Using ``saveframe``:: video = PyPlotVideo('video') for timestep in timesteps: ... video.plot(...) video.title('frame {:04d}'.format(video.frame)) video.saveframe() video.close() ''' def __init__(self, name, videotype=None, clearfigure=True, framerate=24): 'constructor' super().__init__(ndigits=0) self.frame = 0 self._clearfigure = clearfigure if videotype is None: videotype = getattr(config, 'videotype', 'webm') path = self.getpath(name, None, videotype) with core.open_in_outdir(path, 'wb') as f: log.user(path) self._encoder = subprocess.Popen([ getattr(config, 'videoencoder', 'ffmpeg'), '-loglevel', 'quiet', '-probesize', '1k', '-analyzeduration', '1', '-y', '-f', 'image2pipe', '-vcodec', 'png', '-r', str(framerate), '-i', '-', '-crf', '10', # constant quality (4-63, lower means better) '-b:v', '10M', # maximum allowed bitrate '-f', videotype, '-', ], stdin=subprocess.PIPE, stdout=f) def __enter__(self): 'enter with block' # make this figure active self._pyplot.figure(self._fig.number) return self def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_value, exc_tb): 'exit with block' if not exc_type: self.saveframe()
[docs] def saveframe(self): 'add a video frame' assert self._fig, 'video is closed' self.savefig(self._encoder.stdin, format='png') if self._clearfigure: self._fig.clear()
[docs] def close(self): 'finalize video' if not self._encoder: return # already closed self._encoder.stdin.close() self._encoder = None PyPlot.close(self)
[docs]class DataFile(BasePlot): """data file""" def __init__(self, name=None, index=None, ext='txt', ndigits=0): 'constructor' super().__init__(name, ndigits=ndigits, index=index) self.ext = ext self.lines = [] def save(self, name=None, index=None): path = self.getpath(name, index, self.ext) with core.open_in_outdir(path, 'w') as fout: fout.writelines(self.lines) log.user(path) def printline(self, line): self.lines.append(line + '\n') def printlist(self, lst, delim=' ', start='', stop=''): self.lines.append(start + delim.join(str(s) for s in lst) + stop + '\n')
[docs]class VTKFile(BasePlot): 'vtk file' _vtkdtypes = ( (numpy.dtype('u1'), 'unsigned_char'), (numpy.dtype('i1'), 'char'), (numpy.dtype('u2'), 'unsigned_short'), (numpy.dtype('i2'), 'short'), (numpy.dtype('u4'), 'unsigned_int'), # also 'unsigned_long_int' (numpy.dtype('i4'), 'int'), # also 'unsigned_int' (numpy.float32, 'float'), (numpy.float64, 'double'), ) def __init__(self, name=None, index=None, ndigits=0, ascii=False): 'constructor' super().__init__(name, ndigits=ndigits, index=index) if ascii is True or ascii == 'ascii': self.ascii = True elif ascii is False or ascii == 'binary': self.ascii = False else: raise ValueError('unexpected value for argument `ascii`: {!r}') self._mesh = None self._dataarrays = {'points': [], 'cells': []} def _getvtkdtype(self, data): for dtype, vtkdtype in self._vtkdtypes: if dtype == data.dtype: return vtkdtype raise ValueError('No matching VTK dtype for {}.'.format(data.dtype)) def _writearray(self, output, array): if self.ascii: array.tofile(output, sep=' ') output.write(b'\n') else: if sys.byteorder != 'big': array = array.byteswap() array.tofile(output) def save(self, name=None, index=None): assert self._mesh is not None, 'Grid not specified' path = self.getpath(name, index, 'vtk') with core.open_in_outdir(path, 'wb') as vtk: if sys.version_info.major == 2: write = vtk.write else: write = lambda s: vtk.write(s.encode('ascii')) # header write('# vtk DataFile Version 3.0\n') write('vtk output\n') if self.ascii: write('ASCII\n') else: write('BINARY\n') # mesh if self._mesh[0] == 'unstructured': meshtype, ndims, npoints, ncells, points, cells, celltypes = self._mesh write('DATASET UNSTRUCTURED_GRID\n') write('POINTS {} {}\n'.format(npoints, self._getvtkdtype(points))) self._writearray(vtk, points) write('CELLS {} {}\n'.format(ncells, len(cells))) self._writearray(vtk, cells) write('CELL_TYPES {}\n'.format(ncells)) self._writearray(vtk, celltypes) elif self._mesh[0] == 'rectilinear': meshtype, ndims, npoints, ncells, coords = self._mesh write('DATASET RECTILINEAR_GRID\n') write('DIMENSIONS {} {} {}\n'.format(*map(len, coords))) for label, array in zip('XYZ', coords): write('{}_COORDINATES {} {}\n'.format(label, len(array), self._getvtkdtype(array))) self._writearray(array) else: raise NotImplementedError # data for location in 'points', 'cells': if not self._dataarrays[location]: continue if location == 'points': write('POINT_DATA {}\n'.format(npoints)) elif location == 'cells': write('CELL_DATA {}\n'.format(ncells)) for name, data in self._dataarrays[location]: vtkdtype = self._getvtkdtype(data) if data.ndim==1: write('SCALARS {} {} {}\n'.format(name, vtkdtype, 1)) write('LOOKUP_TABLE default\n') elif data.ndim==2: write('VECTORS {} {}\n'.format(name, vtkdtype)) elif data.ndim==3: write('TENSORS {} {}\n'.format(name, vtkdtype)) else: raise Exception('Unsupported data dimension') self._writearray(vtk, data) log.user(path)
[docs] def rectilineargrid(self, coords): """set rectilinear grid""" assert 1 <= len(coords) <= 3, 'Exptected a list of 1, 2 or 3 coordinate arrays, got {} instead'.format(len(coords)) ndims = len(coords) npoints = 1 ncells = 1 coords = list(coords) for i in range(ndims): npoints *= len(coords[i]) ncells *= 1 - len(coords[i]) assert len(coords[i].shape) == 1, 'Expected a one-dimensional array for coordinate {}, got an array with shape {!r}'.format(i, coords[i].shape) for i in range( ndims, 3 ): coords.append(numpy.array([0], dtype=numpy.int32)) self._mesh = 'rectilinear', ndims, npoints, ncells, coords
[docs] def unstructuredgrid(self, cellpoints, npars=None): """set unstructured grid""" points = numpy.concatenate(cellpoints, axis=0) npoints, ndims = points.shape if ndims == 2: points = numpy.concatenate([points, numpy.zeros_like(points[:,:1])], axis=1) assert points.shape[1] == 3 if npars is None: npars = ndims assert npars in (2, 3) celltypemap = {2: 3, 3: 5, 4: 9 if npars == 2 else 10, 5: 14, 6: 13, 8: 11} ncells = len(cellpoints) cells = numpy.empty(npoints + ncells, dtype=numpy.int32) celltypes = numpy.empty(ncells, dtype=numpy.int32) j = 0 for i, pts in enumerate(cellpoints): np = len(pts) celltypes[i] = celltypemap[np] cells[i+j] = np cells[i+j+1:i+j+1+np] = j + numpy.arange(np) j += np self._mesh = 'unstructured', ndims, npoints, ncells, points.ravel(), cells, celltypes
[docs] def celldataarray(self, name, data): 'add cell array' self._adddataarray(name, data, 'cells')
[docs] def pointdataarray(self, name, data): 'add cell array' self._adddataarray(name, data, 'points')
def _adddataarray(self, name, data, location): assert self._mesh is not None, 'Grid not specified' ndims, npoints, ncells = self._mesh[1:4] assert len(data) == ncells, 'data mismatch: expected length {}, got {}'.format(len(data), ncells) if location == 'points': data = numpy.concatenate(data, axis=0) assert npoints == data.shape[0], 'Point data array should have {} entries'.format(npoints) elif location != 'cells': raise Exception('invalid location: {}'.format(location)) assert data.ndim <= 3, 'data array should have at most 3 axes: {} and components (optional)'.format(location) extshp = (data.shape[0],) + (3,)*(data.ndim-1) if data.shape == extshp: extdata = data else: extdata = numpy.zeros(extshp, dtype=data.dtype) extdata[tuple(slice(sh) for sh in data.shape)] = data self._dataarrays[location].append((name, extdata))
## INTERNAL HELPER FUNCTIONS def _getnextindex(name, ext): index = 0 for filename in core.listoutdir(): if filename.startswith(name) and filename.endswith('.'+ext): num = filename[len(name):-len(ext)-1] if num.isdigit(): index = max(index, int(num)+1) return index def _triangulate_quad(n, m): ind = numpy.arange(n*m).reshape(n, m) vert1 = numpy.array([ind[:-1,:-1].ravel(), ind[1:,:-1].ravel(), ind[:-1,1:].ravel()]).T vert2 = numpy.array([ind[1:,1:].ravel(), ind[1:,:-1].ravel(), ind[:-1,1:].ravel()]).T vertices = numpy.concatenate([vert1, vert2], axis=0) hull = numpy.concatenate([ind[:,0], ind[-1,1:], ind[-2::-1,-1], ind[0,-2::-1]]) return vertices, numpy.array(numeric.overlapping(hull)) def _triangulate_tri(n): vert1 = [((2*n-i+1)*i)//2 + numpy.array([j,j+1,j+n-i]) for i in range(n-1) for j in range(n-i-1)] vert2 = [((2*n-i+1)*i)//2 + numpy.array([j+1,j+n-i+1,j+n-i]) for i in range(n-1) for j in range(n-i-2)] vertices = numpy.array(vert1 + vert2) hull = numpy.concatenate([numpy.arange(n), numpy.arange(n-1,0,-1).cumsum()+n-1, numpy.arange(n+1,2,-1).cumsum()[::-1]-n-1]) return vertices, numpy.array(numeric.overlapping(hull)) def _triangulate_bezier(np): nquad = int(numpy.sqrt(np) + .5) if nquad**2 == np: return _triangulate_quad(nquad, nquad) ntri = int(numpy.sqrt((2*np) + .25)) if ntri * (ntri+1) == 2 * np: return _triangulate_tri(ntri) raise Exception('cannot match points to a bezier scheme') ## AUXILIARY FUNCTIONS
[docs]def writevtu(name, topo, coords, pointdata={}, celldata={}, ascii=False, superelements=False, maxrefine=3, ndigits=0, ischeme='gauss1', **kwargs): 'write vtu from coords function' from . import element, topology with VTKFile(name, ascii=ascii, ndigits=ndigits) as vtkfile: if not superelements: topo = topo.simplex else: topo = topology.Topology(filter(None, [elem if not isinstance(elem, element.TrimmedElement) else elem.elem for elem in topo])) points = topo.elem_eval(coords, ischeme='vtk', separate=True) vtkfile.unstructuredgrid(points, npars=topo.ndims) if pointdata: keys, values = zip(*pointdata.items()) arrays = topo.elem_eval(values, ischeme='vtk', separate=True) for key, array in zip(keys, arrays): vtkfile.pointdataarray(key, array) if celldata: keys, values = zip(*celldata.items()) arrays = topo.elem_mean(values, coords=coords, ischeme=ischeme) for key, array in zip(keys, arrays): vtkfile.celldataarray(key, array)
def triangulate(points, mergetol=0): triangulate_bezier = cache.Wrapper(_triangulate_bezier) npoints = 0 triangulation = [] edges = [] for epoints in points: np = len(epoints) assert epoints.shape == (np, 2) if np == 0: continue etri, ehull = triangulate_bezier(np) triangulation.append(npoints + etri) edges.append(npoints + ehull) npoints += np triangulation = numpy.concatenate(triangulation, axis=0) edges = numpy.concatenate(edges, axis=0) points = numpy.concatenate(points, axis=0) if mergetol: import scipy.spatial onedge = numpy.zeros(npoints, dtype=bool) onedge[edges] = True index, = onedge.nonzero() for i, j in sorted(scipy.spatial.cKDTree(points[onedge]).query_pairs(mergetol)): assert i < j index[j] = index[i] renumber = numpy.arange(npoints) renumber[onedge] = index triangulation = renumber[triangulation] edges = numpy.sort(renumber[edges], axis=1) # order edge endpoints to recognize duplicates edges = edges[numpy.lexsort(edges.T)] # sort edges lexicographically edges = edges[numpy.concatenate([[True], numpy.diff(edges, axis=0).any(axis=1)])] # remove duplicates import matplotlib.tri return matplotlib.tri.Triangulation(points[:,0], points[:,1], triangulation), points[edges] def interpolate(tri, xy, values, mergetol=1e-5): assert xy.shape[-1] == 2 import matplotlib.tri if not isinstance(tri, matplotlib.tri.Triangulation): tri, edges = triangulate(tri, mergetol=mergetol) if not numeric.isarray(values): values = numpy.concatenate(values, axis=0) assert len(tri.x) == len(values) itri = tri.get_trifinder()(xy[...,0].ravel(), xy[...,1].ravel()) inside = itri != -1 itri = itri[inside] interpvalues = numpy.empty(xy.shape[:-1] + values.shape[1:]) interpvalues[:] = numpy.nan xy1 = numpy.concatenate([xy.reshape(-1, 2)[inside], numpy.ones([len(itri),1])], axis=1) for iv, v in zip(interpvalues.reshape(len(inside),-1).T, values.reshape(len(values),-1).T): plane_coefficients = tri.calculate_plane_coefficients(v) iv[inside] = numeric.contract(xy1, plane_coefficients[itri], axis=1) return interpvalues # vim:shiftwidth=2:softtabstop=2:expandtab:foldmethod=indent:foldnestmax=2