Source code for nutils.mesh

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The mesh module provides mesh generators: methods that return a topology and an
accompanying geometry function. Meshes can either be generated on the fly, e.g.
:func:`rectilinear`, or read from external an externally prepared file,
:func:`gmsh`, and converted to nutils format. Note that no mesh writers are
provided at this point; output is handled by the :mod:`nutils.plot` module.

from . import topology, function, util, element, numpy, numeric, transform, log, warnings, _
import os, itertools


[docs]@log.title def rectilinear(richshape, periodic=(), name='rect'): 'rectilinear mesh' ndims = len(richshape) shape = [] offset = [] scale = [] uniform = True for v in richshape: if numeric.isint(v): assert v > 0 shape.append(v) scale.append(1) offset.append(0) elif numpy.equal(v, numpy.linspace(v[0],v[-1],len(v))).all(): shape.append(len(v)-1) scale.append((v[-1]-v[0]) / float(len(v)-1)) offset.append(v[0]) else: shape.append(len(v)-1) uniform = False if isinstance(name, str): wrap = tuple(sh if i in periodic else 0 for i, sh in enumerate(shape)) root = transform.RootTrans(name, wrap) else: assert all((name.take(0,i) == name.take(2,i)).all() for i in periodic) root = transform.RootTransEdges(name, shape) axes = [topology.DimAxis(0,n,idim in periodic) for idim, n in enumerate(shape)] topo = topology.StructuredTopology(root, axes) if uniform: if all(o == offset[0] for o in offset[1:]): offset = offset[0] if all(s == scale[0] for s in scale[1:]): scale = scale[0] geom = function.rootcoords(ndims) * scale + offset else: funcsp = topo.splinefunc(degree=1, periodic=()) coords = numeric.meshgrid(*richshape).reshape(ndims, -1) geom = (funcsp * coords).sum(-1) return topo, geom
def line(nodes, periodic=False, bnames=None): if isinstance(nodes, int): uniform = True assert nodes > 0 nelems = nodes scale = 1 offset = 0 else: nelems = len(nodes)-1 scale = (nodes[-1]-nodes[0]) / nelems offset = nodes[0] uniform = numpy.equal(nodes, offset + numpy.arange(nelems+1) * scale).all() root = transform.RootTrans('rect', shape=[nelems if periodic else 0]) domain = topology.StructuredLine(root, 0, nelems, periodic=periodic, bnames=bnames) geom = function.rootcoords(1) * scale + offset if uniform else domain.basis('std', degree=1, periodic=False).dot(nodes) return domain, geom def newrectilinear(nodes, periodic=None, bnames=[['left','right'],['bottom','top'],['front','back']]): if periodic is None: periodic = numpy.zeros(len(nodes), dtype=bool) else: periodic = numpy.asarray(periodic) assert len(periodic) == len(nodes) and periodic.ndim == 1 and periodic.dtype == bool dims = [line(nodesi, periodici, bnamesi) for nodesi, periodici, bnamesi in zip(nodes, periodic, tuple(bnames)+(None,)*len(nodes))] domain, geom = dims.pop(0) for domaini, geomi in dims: domain = domain * domaini geom = function.concatenate(function.bifurcate(geom,geomi)) return domain, geom
[docs]@log.title def multipatch(patches, nelems, patchverts=None, name='multipatch'): '''multipatch rectilinear mesh generator Generator for a :class:`~nutils.topology.MultipatchTopology` and geometry. The :class:`~nutils.topology.MultipatchTopology` consists of a set patches, where each patch is a :class:`~nutils.topology.StructuredTopology` and all patches have the same number of dimensions. The ``patches`` argument, a :class:`numpy.ndarray`-like with shape ``(npatches, 2*ndims)`` or ``(npatches,)+(2,)*ndims``, defines the connectivity by labelling the patch vertices. For example, three one-dimensional patches can be connected at one edge by:: # connectivity: 3 # │ # 1──0──2 patches=[[0,1], [0,2], [0,3]] Or two two-dimensional patches along an edge by:: # connectivity: 3──4──5 # │ │ │ # 0──1──2 patches=[[[0,3],[1,4]], [[1,4],[2,5]]] The geometry is specified by the ``patchverts`` argument: a :class:`numpy.ndarray`-like with shape ``(nverts,ngeomdims)`` specifying for each vertex a coordinate. Note that the dimension of the geometry may be higher than the dimension of the patches. The created geometry is a patch-wise linear interpolation of the vertex coordinates. If the ``patchverts`` argument is omitted the geometry describes a unit hypercube per patch. The ``nelems`` argument is either an :class:`int` defining the number of elements per patch per dimension, or a :class:`dict` with edges (a pair of vertex numbers) as keys and the number of elements (:class:`int`) as values, with key ``None`` specifying the default number of elements. Example:: # connectivity: 3─────4─────5 # │ 4x3 │ 8x3 │ # 0─────1─────2 patches=[[[0,3],[1,4]], [[1,4],[2,5]]] nelems={None: 4, (1,2): 8, (4,5): 8, (0,3): 3, (1,4): 3, (2,5): 3} Since the patches are structured topologies, the number of elements per patch per dimension should be unambiguous. In above example specifying ``nelems={None: 4, (1,2): 8}`` will raise an exception because the patch on the right has 8 elements along edge ``(1,2)`` and 4 along ``(4,5)``. Example ------- An L-shaped domain can be generated by:: # connectivity: 2──5 # │ | # 1──4─────7 y # │ │ │ │ # 0──3─────6 └──x domain, geom = mesh.multipatch( patches=[[0,1,3,4], [1,2,4,5], [3,4,6,7]], patchverts=[[0,0], [0,1], [0,2], [1,0], [1,1], [1,2], [3,0], [3,1]], nelems={None: 4, (3,6): 8, (4,7): 8}) The number of elements is chosen such that all elements in the domain have the same size. A topology and geometry describing the surface of a sphere can be generated by creating a multipatch cube surface and inflating the cube to a sphere:: # connectivity: 3────7 # ╱│ ╱│ # 2────6 │ y # │ │ │ │ │ # │ 1──│─5 │ z # │╱ │╱ │╱ # 0────4 *────x topo, cube = multipatch( patches=[ # The order of the vertices is chosen such that normals point outward. [2,3,0,1], [4,5,6,7], [4,6,0,2], [1,3,5,7], [1,5,0,4], [2,6,3,7], ], patchverts=tuple(itertools.product(*([[-1,1]]*3))), nelems=10, ) sphere = cube / function.sqrt((cube**2).sum(0)) Args ---- patches: A :class:`numpy.ndarray` with shape sequence of patches with each patch being a list of vertex indices. patchverts: A sequence of coordinates of the vertices. nelems: Either an :class:`int` specifying the number of elements per patch per dimension, or a :class:`dict` with edges (a pair of vertex numbers) as keys and the number of elements (:class:`int`) as values, with key ``None`` specifying the default number of elements. Returns ------- :class:`nutils.topology.MultipatchTopology`: The multipatch topology. :class:`nutils.function.Array`: The geometry defined by the ``patchverts`` or a unit hypercube per patch if ``patchverts`` is not specified. ''' patches = numpy.array(patches) if patches.dtype != int: raise ValueError('`patches` should be an array of ints.') if patches.ndim < 2 or patches.ndim == 2 and patches.shape[-1] % 2 != 0: raise ValueError('`patches` should be an array with shape (npatches,2,...,2) or (npatches,2*ndims).') elif patches.ndim > 2 and patches.shape[1:] != (2,) * (patches.ndim - 1): raise ValueError('`patches` should be an array with shape (npatches,2,...,2) or (npatches,2*ndims).') patches = patches.reshape(patches.shape[0], -1) # determine topological dimension of patches ndims = 0 while 2**ndims < patches.shape[1]: ndims += 1 if 2**ndims > patches.shape[1]: raise ValueError('Only hyperrectangular patches are supported: ' \ 'number of patch vertices should be a power of two.') patches = patches.reshape([patches.shape[0]] + [2]*ndims) # group all common patch edges (and/or boundaries?) if isinstance(nelems, int): nelems = {None: nelems} elif isinstance(nelems, dict): nelems = {(k and frozenset(k)): v for k, v in nelems.items()} else: raise ValueError('`nelems` should be an `int` or `dict`') # create patch topologies, geometries if patchverts is not None: patchverts = numpy.array(patchverts) indices = set(patches.flat) if tuple(sorted(indices)) != tuple(range(len(indices))): raise ValueError('Patch vertices in `patches` should be numbered consecutively, starting at 0.') if len(patchverts) != len(indices): raise ValueError('Number of `patchverts` does not equal number of vertices specified in `patches`.') if len(patchverts.shape) != 2: raise ValueError('Every patch vertex should be an array of dimension 1.') topos = [] coords = [] for i, patch in enumerate(patches): # find shape of patch and local patch coordinates shape = [] for dim in range(ndims): nelems_sides = [] sides = [(0,1)]*ndims sides[dim] = slice(None), for side in itertools.product(*sides): sideverts = frozenset(patch[side]) if sideverts in nelems: nelems_sides.append(nelems[sideverts]) else: nelems_sides.append(nelems[None]) if len(set(nelems_sides)) != 1: raise ValueError('duplicate number of elements specified for patch {} in dimension {}'.format(i, dim)) shape.append(nelems_sides[0]) # create patch topology topos.append(rectilinear(shape, name='{}{}'.format(name, i))[0]) # compute patch geometry patchcoords = [numpy.linspace(0, 1, n+1) for n in shape] patchcoords = numeric.meshgrid(*patchcoords).reshape(ndims, -1) if patchverts is not None: patchcoords = numpy.array([ sum( patchverts[j]*util.product(c if s else 1-c for c, s in zip(coord, side)) for j, side in zip(patch.flat, itertools.product(*[[0,1]]*ndims)) ) for coord in patchcoords.T ]).T coords.append(patchcoords) # build patch boundary data boundarydata = topology.MultipatchTopology.build_boundarydata(patches) # join patch topologies, geometries topo = topology.MultipatchTopology(zip(topos, patches, boundarydata)) funcsp = topo.splinefunc(degree=1, patchcontinuous=False) geom = (funcsp * numpy.concatenate(coords, axis=1)).sum(-1) return topo, geom
[docs]@log.title def gmsh(fname, name=None): """Gmsh parser Parser for Gmsh files in `.msh` format. Only files with physical groups are supported. See the `Gmsh manual <>`_ for details. Args: fname (str): Path to mesh file name (str, optional): Name of parsed topology, defaults to None Returns: topo (:class:`nutils.topology.Topology`): Topology of parsed Gmsh file geom (:class:`nutils.function.Array`): Isoparametric map """ # split sections sections = {} lines = iter(open(fname,'r') if isinstance(fname,str) else fname) for line in lines: line = line.strip() assert line[0]=='$' sname = line[1:] slines = [] for sline in lines: sline = sline.strip() if sline=='$End'+sname: break slines.append(sline) sections[sname] = slines # discard section MeshFormat sections.pop('MeshFormat', None) # parse section PhysicalNames PhysicalNames = sections.pop('PhysicalNames', [0]) assert int(PhysicalNames[0]) == len(PhysicalNames)-1 tagmapbydim = {}, {}, {}, {} # tagid->tagname dictionary for line in PhysicalNames[1:]: nd, tagid, tagname = line.split(' ', 2) nd = int(nd) tagmapbydim[nd][int(tagid)] = tagname.strip('"') # determine the dimension of the mesh ndims = 2 if len(tagmapbydim[3])==0 else 3 if ndims==3 and len(tagmapbydim[1])>0: raise NotImplementedError('Physical line groups are not supported in volumetric meshes') # parse section Nodes Nodes = sections.pop('Nodes') assert int(Nodes[0]) == len(Nodes)-1 nodes = numpy.empty((len(Nodes)-1,3)) nodemap = {} for i, line in enumerate(Nodes[1:]): words = line.split() nodemap[int(words[0])] = i nodes[i] = [float(n) for n in words[1:]] assert not numpy.isnan(nodes).any() if ndims==2: assert numpy.all(nodes[:,2]) == 0, 'Non-zero z-coordinates found in 2D mesh.' nodes = nodes[:,:2] # parse section Elements Elements = sections.pop('Elements') assert int(Elements[0]) == len(Elements)-1 inodesbydim = [],[],[],[] # nelems-list of 4-tuples of node numbers etypesbydim = [],[],[],[] tagnamesbydim = {},{},{},{} # tag->ielems dictionary etype2nd = {15:0, 1:1, 2:2, 4:3, 8:1, 9:2} etype2indices = {15:[0], 1:[0,1], 2:[0,1,2], 4:[0,1,2,3], 8:[0,2,1], 9:[0,3,1,5,4,2]} for line in Elements[1:]: words = line.split() etype = int(words[1]) nd = etype2nd[etype] ntags = int(words[2]) assert ntags >= 1 tagname = tagmapbydim[nd][int(words[3])] inodes = tuple(nodemap[int(nodeid)] for nodeid in words[3+ntags:]) if not inodesbydim[nd] or inodesbydim[nd][-1] != inodes: # multiple tags are repeated in consecutive lines inodesbydim[nd].append(inodes) etypesbydim[nd].append(etype ) tagnamesbydim[nd].setdefault(tagname, []).append(len(inodesbydim[nd])-1) inodesbydim = [numpy.array(e) if e else numpy.empty((0,nd), dtype=int) for nd, e in enumerate(inodesbydim)] if tagnamesbydim[ndims]:'topology groups:', ', '.join('{} (#{})'.format(n,len(e)) for n, e in tagnamesbydim[ndims].items())) # check orientation vinodes = inodesbydim[ndims] # save for geom elemnodes = nodes[vinodes] # nelems x ndims+1 x ndims elemareas = numpy.linalg.det(elemnodes[:,1:ndims+1] - elemnodes[:,:1]) assert numpy.all(elemareas > 0) vetype = etypesbydim[ndims][0] assert all(etype==vetype for etype in etypesbydim[ndims]), 'all interior elements should be of the same element type' # parse section Periodic Periodic = sections.pop('Periodic', [0]) nperiodic = int(Periodic[0]) renumber = numpy.arange(len(nodes)) master = numpy.ones(len(nodes), dtype=bool) n = 0 for line in Periodic[1:]: words = line.split() if len(words) == 1: n = int(words[0]) # initialize for counting backwards elif len(words) == 2: islave = nodemap[int(words[0])] imaster = nodemap[int(words[1])] renumber[islave] = renumber[imaster] master[islave] = False n -= 1 else: assert len(words) == 3 # discard content assert n == 0 # check if batch of slave/master nodes matches announcement nperiodic -= 1 assert nperiodic == 0 # check if number of periodic blocks matches announcement assert n == 0 # check if last batch of slave/master nodes matches announcement renumber = master.cumsum()[renumber]-1 inodesbydim = [renumber[e] for e in inodesbydim] # warn about unused sections for section in sections: warnings.warn('section {!r} defined but not used'.format(section)) # create base topology simplexref = element.getsimplex(ndims) elements = [element.Element(simplexref, [transform.MapTrans(linear=[[-1,-1],[1,0],[0,1]] if ndims==2 else [[-1,-1,-1],[1,0,0],[0,1,0],[0,0,1]], offset=[1,0,0] if ndims==2 else [1,0,0,0], vertices=inodes[:ndims+1] if not name else [name+str(inode) for inode in inodes[:ndims+1]])]) for ielem, inodes in log.enumerate('elem', inodesbydim[ndims])] basetopo = topology.UnstructuredTopology(ndims, elements)'created topology consisting of {} elements'.format(len(elements))) # create connectivity matrix connectivity = -numpy.ones((len(inodesbydim[ndims]),ndims+1), dtype=int) edges = {} # binodes->(ielem,iedge) dictionary econn = [[1,2],[2,0],[0,1]] if ndims==2 else [[1,2,3],[0,3,2],[0,1,3],[0,2,1]] # consistent with simplex.edge_transforms for ielem, inodes in log.enumerate('elem', inodesbydim[ndims]): for iedge, binodes in enumerate([inodes[ec] for ec in econn]): key = tuple(sorted(binodes)) try: jelem, jedge = edges[key] except KeyError: edges[key] = ielem, iedge else: connectivity[ielem][iedge] = jelem connectivity[jelem][jedge] = ielem # insert connectivity in place of cached property basetopo.connectivity = connectivity # separate boundary and interface elements by tag tagsbelems = {} tagsielems = {} for name, ibelems in tagnamesbydim[ndims-1].items(): for ibelem in ibelems: binodes = inodesbydim[ndims-1][ibelem][:ndims] ielem, iedge = edges[tuple(sorted(binodes))] elem = elements[ielem].edge(iedge) ioppelem = connectivity[ielem][iedge] if ioppelem == -1: tagsbelems.setdefault(name, []).append(elem) else: ioppedge = tuple(connectivity[ioppelem]).index(ielem) tagsielems.setdefault(name, []).append(elem.withopposite(elements[ioppelem].edge(ioppedge))) if tagsbelems:'boundary groups:', ', '.join('{} (#{})'.format(n,len(e)) for n, e in tagsbelems.items())) if tagsielems:'interface groups:', ', '.join('{} (#{})'.format(n,len(e)) for n, e in tagsielems.items())) # create points topology and separate point elements by tag tagspelems = {} if tagnamesbydim[0]: # point gorups defined pelems = {inodes[0]: [] for inodes in inodesbydim[0]} pref = element.getsimplex(0) for inodes, elem in zip(inodesbydim[ndims], elements): for ivertex, inode in enumerate(inodes): if inode in pelems: offset = elem.reference.vertices[ivertex] trans = elem.transform + (transform.Matrix(linear=numpy.zeros(shape=(ndims,0)), offset=offset),) pelems[inode].append(element.Element(pref, trans)) for name, ipelems in tagnamesbydim[0].items(): tagspelems[name] = [pelem for ipelem in ipelems for inode in inodesbydim[0][ipelem] for pelem in pelems[inode]] basetopo.points = topology.UnstructuredTopology(0, sum(pelems.values(), []))'points groups:', ', '.join('{} (#{})'.format(n,len(e)) for n, e in tagspelems.items())) # add volume, boundary, interface, point subtopologies topo = basetopo.withgroups( bgroups={tagname: topology.UnstructuredTopology(ndims-1, tagbelems) for tagname, tagbelems in tagsbelems.items()}, igroups={tagname: topology.UnstructuredTopology(ndims-1, tagielems) for tagname, tagielems in tagsielems.items()}, pgroups={tagname: topology.UnstructuredTopology(0, tagpelems) for tagname, tagpelems in tagspelems.items()}) # create vgroups vgroups = {} for name, ielems in tagnamesbydim[ndims].items(): if len(ielems) == len(elements): vgroups[name] = ... elif ielems: refs = numpy.array([None] * len(elements), dtype=object) refs[ielems] = simplexref vgroups[name] = topology.SubsetTopology(topo, refs) # create geometry dofs = tuple(map(numeric.const, vinodes[:,etype2indices[vetype]])) coeffs = [simplexref.get_poly_coeffs('lagrange', degree=2 if vetype in (8,9) else 1)] * len(dofs) basis = function.polyfunc(coeffs, dofs, len(nodes), (elem.transform for elem in elements), issorted=False) geom = (basis[:,_] * nodes).sum(0) return topo.withgroups(vgroups=vgroups), geom
def gmesh(fname, tags={}, name=None, use_elementary=False): warnings.deprecation('mesh.gmesh has been renamed to mesh.gmsh; please update your code') assert not use_elementary, 'support of non-physical gmsh files has been deprecated' assert not tags, 'support of external group names has been deprecated; please provide physical names via gmsh' return gmsh(fname, name)
[docs]def fromfunc(func, nelems, ndims, degree=1): 'piecewise' if isinstance(nelems, int): nelems = [nelems] assert len(nelems) == func.__code__.co_argcount topo, ref = rectilinear([numpy.linspace(0,1,n+1) for n in nelems]) funcsp = topo.splinefunc(degree=degree).vector(ndims) coords = topo.projection(func, onto=funcsp, coords=ref, exact_boundaries=True) return topo, coords
[docs]def demo(xmin=0, xmax=1, ymin=0, ymax=1): 'demo triangulation of a rectangle' phi = numpy.arange(1.5, 13) * (2*numpy.pi) / 12 P = numpy.array([numpy.cos(phi), numpy.sin(phi)]) P /= abs(P).max(axis=0) phi = numpy.arange(1, 9) * (2*numpy.pi) / 8 Q = numpy.array([numpy.cos(phi), numpy.sin(phi)]) Q /= 2 * numpy.sqrt(abs(Q).max(axis=0) / numpy.sqrt(2)) R = numpy.zeros([2,1]) coords = numpy.round(numpy.hstack([P,Q,R]).T * 2**5) / 2**5 vertices = numpy.array( [[12+(i-i//3)%8, i, (i+1)%12] for i in range(12)] + [[i+1+(i//2), 12+(i+1)%8, 12+i] for i in range(8)] + [[20, 12+i, 12+(i+1)%8] for i in range(8)]) root = transform.RootTrans('demo', shape=(0,0)) reference = element.getsimplex(2) elems = [element.Element(reference, (root, transform.Square((coords[iverts[1:]]-coords[iverts[0]]).T, coords[iverts[0]]))) for iverts in vertices] topo = topology.UnstructuredTopology(2, elems) belems = [elem.edge(0) for elem in elems[:12]] btopos = [topology.UnstructuredTopology(1, subbelems) for subbelems in (belems[0:3], belems[3:6], belems[6:9], belems[9:12])] topo.boundary = topology.UnionTopology(btopos, ['top','left','bottom','right']) geom = [.5*(xmin+xmax),.5*(ymin+ymax)] \ + [.5*(xmax-xmin),.5*(ymax-ymin)] * function.rootcoords(2) return topo, geom
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