Source code for nutils.numeric

# -*- coding: utf8 -*-
# Module NUMERIC
# Part of Nutils: open source numerical utilities for Python. Jointly developed
# by HvZ Computational Engineering, TU/e Multiscale Engineering Fluid Dynamics,
# and others. More info at <>. (c) 2014

The numeric module provides methods that are lacking from the numpy module. An
accompanying extension module _numeric.c should be compiled to benefit from
extra performance, although a Python-only implementation is provided as
fallback. A warning message is printed if the extension module is not found.

import numpy, warnings

  from _numeric import _contract, SaneArray
  warnings.warn( '''Failed to load _numeric module.
  Falling back on equivalent python implementation. THIS
  extensions by running 'make' in the nutils directory.''', stacklevel=2 )
  def _contract( A, B, axes ):
    assert A.shape == B.shape and axes > 0
    return ((A*B).reshape(A.shape[:-axes]+(-1,))).sum(-1)

[docs]def normdim( ndim, n ): 'check bounds and make positive' assert isinstance(ndim,int) and ndim >= 0, 'ndim must be positive integer, got %s' % ndim if n < 0: n += ndim assert 0 <= n < ndim, 'argument out of bounds: %s not in [0,%s)' % (n,ndim) return n
[docs]def align( arr, trans, ndim ): '''create new array of ndim from arr with axes moved accordin to trans''' # as_strided will check validity of trans arr = numpy.asarray( arr ) trans = numpy.asarray( trans, dtype=int ) assert len(trans) == arr.ndim strides = numpy.zeros( ndim, dtype=int ) strides[trans] = arr.strides shape = numpy.ones( ndim, dtype=int ) shape[trans] = arr.shape return numpy.lib.stride_tricks.as_strided( arr, shape, strides )
[docs]def get( arr, axis, item ): 'take single item from array axis' arr = numpy.asarray( arr ) axis = normdim( arr.ndim, axis ) return arr[ (slice(None),) * axis + (item,) ]
[docs]def expand( arr, *shape ): 'expand' newshape = list( arr.shape ) for i, sh in enumerate( shape ): if sh != None: if newshape[i-len(shape)] == 1: newshape[i-len(shape)] = sh else: assert newshape[i-len(shape)] == sh expanded = numpy.empty( newshape ) expanded[:] = arr return expanded
[docs]def linspace2d( start, stop, steps ): 'linspace & meshgrid combined' start = tuple(start) if isinstance(start,(list,tuple)) else (start,start) stop = tuple(stop ) if isinstance(stop, (list,tuple)) else (stop, stop ) steps = tuple(steps) if isinstance(steps,(list,tuple)) else (steps,steps) assert len(start) == len(stop) == len(steps) == 2 values = numpy.empty( (2,)+steps ) values[0] = numpy.linspace( start[0], stop[0], steps[0] )[:,numpy.newaxis] values[1] = numpy.linspace( start[1], stop[1], steps[1] )[numpy.newaxis,:] return values
[docs]def contract( A, B, axis=-1 ): 'contract' A = numpy.asarray( A, dtype=float ) B = numpy.asarray( B, dtype=float ) n = B.ndim - A.ndim if n > 0: Ashape = list(B.shape[:n]) + list(A.shape) Astrides = [0]*n + list(A.strides) Bshape = list(B.shape) Bstrides = list(B.strides) elif n < 0: n = -n Ashape = list(A.shape) Astrides = list(A.strides) Bshape = list(A.shape[:n]) + list(B.shape) Bstrides = [0]*n + list(B.strides) else: Ashape = list(A.shape) Astrides = list(A.strides) Bshape = list(B.shape) Bstrides = list(B.strides) shape = Ashape nd = len(Ashape) for i in range( n, nd ): if Ashape[i] == 1: shape[i] = Bshape[i] Astrides[i] = 0 elif Bshape[i] == 1: Bstrides[i] = 0 else: assert Ashape[i] == Bshape[i] if isinstance( axis, int ): axis = axis, axis = sorted( [ ax+nd if ax < 0 else ax for ax in axis ], reverse=True ) for ax in axis: assert 0 <= ax < nd, 'invalid contraction axis' shape.append( shape.pop(ax) ) Astrides.append( Astrides.pop(ax) ) Bstrides.append( Bstrides.pop(ax) ) A = numpy.lib.stride_tricks.as_strided( A, shape, Astrides ) B = numpy.lib.stride_tricks.as_strided( B, shape, Bstrides ) if not A.size: return numpy.zeros( A.shape[:-len(axis)] ) return _contract( A, B, len(axis) )
[docs]def contract_fast( A, B, naxes ): 'contract last n axes' A = numpy.asarray( A, dtype=float ) B = numpy.asarray( B, dtype=float ) n = B.ndim - A.ndim if n > 0: Ashape = list(B.shape[:n]) + list(A.shape) Astrides = [0]*n + list(A.strides) Bshape = list(B.shape) Bstrides = list(B.strides) elif n < 0: n = -n Ashape = list(A.shape) Astrides = list(A.strides) Bshape = list(A.shape[:n]) + list(B.shape) Bstrides = [0]*n + list(B.strides) else: Ashape = list(A.shape) Astrides = list(A.strides) Bshape = list(B.shape) Bstrides = list(B.strides) shape = list(Ashape) for i in range( len(Ashape) ): if Ashape[i] == 1: shape[i] = Bshape[i] Astrides[i] = 0 elif Bshape[i] == 1: Bstrides[i] = 0 else: assert Ashape[i] == Bshape[i] A = numpy.lib.stride_tricks.as_strided( A, shape, Astrides ) B = numpy.lib.stride_tricks.as_strided( B, shape, Bstrides ) if not A.size: return numpy.zeros( shape[:-naxes] ) return _contract( A, B, naxes )
[docs]def dot( A, B, axis=-1 ): '''Transform axis of A by contraction with first axis of B and inserting remaining axes. Note: with default axis=-1 this leads to multiplication of vectors and matrices following linear algebra conventions.''' A = numpy.asarray( A, dtype=float ) B = numpy.asarray( B, dtype=float ) if axis < 0: axis += A.ndim assert 0 <= axis < A.ndim if A.shape[axis] == 1 or B.shape[0] == 1: return A.sum(axis)[(slice(None),)*axis+(numpy.newaxis,)*(B.ndim-1)] \ * B.sum(0)[(Ellipsis,)+(numpy.newaxis,)*(A.ndim-1-axis)] assert A.shape[axis] == B.shape[0] if B.ndim != 1 or axis != A.ndim-1: shape = A.shape[:axis] + B.shape[1:] + A.shape[axis+1:] + A.shape[axis:axis+1] Astrides = A.strides[:axis] + (0,) * (B.ndim-1) + A.strides[axis+1:] + A.strides[axis:axis+1] A = numpy.lib.stride_tricks.as_strided( A, shape, Astrides ) if A.ndim > 1: Bstrides = (0,) * axis + B.strides[1:] + (0,) * (A.ndim-B.ndim-axis) + B.strides[:1] B = numpy.lib.stride_tricks.as_strided( B, A.shape, Bstrides ) if not A.size: return numpy.zeros( A.shape[:-1] ) return _contract( A, B, 1 )
[docs]def fastrepeat( A, nrepeat, axis=-1 ): 'repeat axis by 0stride' A = numpy.asarray( A ) assert A.shape[axis] == 1 shape = list( A.shape ) shape[axis] = nrepeat strides = list( A.strides ) strides[axis] = 0 return numpy.lib.stride_tricks.as_strided( A, shape, strides )
[docs]def fastmeshgrid( X, Y ): 'mesh grid based on fastrepeat' return fastrepeat(X[numpy.newaxis,:],len(Y),axis=0), fastrepeat(Y[:,numpy.newaxis],len(X),axis=1)
[docs]def meshgrid( *args ): 'multi-dimensional meshgrid generalisation' args = map( numpy.asarray, args ) shape = [ len(args) ] + [ arg.size for arg in args if arg.ndim ] grid = numpy.empty( shape ) n = len(shape)-1 for i, arg in enumerate( args ): if arg.ndim: n -= 1 grid[i] = arg[(slice(None),)+(numpy.newaxis,)*n] else: grid[i] = arg assert n == 0 return grid
[docs]def appendaxes( A, shape ): 'append axes by 0stride' shape = (shape,) if isinstance(shape,int) else tuple(shape) A = numpy.asarray( A ) return numpy.lib.stride_tricks.as_strided( A, A.shape + shape, A.strides + (0,)*len(shape) )
def takediag( A ): if A.shape[-1] == 1: shape = A.shape[:-1] strides = A.strides[:-1] elif A.shape[-2] == 1: shape = A.shape[:-2] + A.shape[-1:] strides = A.strides[:-2] + A.strides[-1:] else: assert A.shape[-1] == A.shape[-2] shape = A.shape[:-1] strides = A.strides[:-2] + (A.strides[-2]+A.strides[-1],) return numpy.lib.stride_tricks.as_strided( A, shape, strides )
[docs]def inverse( A ): 'linearized inverse' assert isinstance( A, numpy.ndarray ) assert A.shape[-2] == A.shape[-1] if A.shape[-1] == 1: Ainv = numpy.reciprocal( A ) elif A.shape[-1] == 2: det = A[...,0,0] * A[...,1,1] - A[...,0,1] * A[...,1,0] Ainv = numpy.empty( A.shape ) numpy.divide( A[...,1,1], det, Ainv[...,0,0] ) numpy.divide( A[...,0,0], det, Ainv[...,1,1] ) numpy.divide( A[...,1,0], -det, Ainv[...,1,0] ) numpy.divide( A[...,0,1], -det, Ainv[...,0,1] ) else: Ainv = numpy.empty( A.shape ) for I in numpy.lib.index_tricks.ndindex( A.shape[:-2] ): Ainv[I] = numpy.linalg.inv( A[I] ) return Ainv
[docs]def determinant( A ): 'determinant' assert isinstance( A, numpy.ndarray ) assert A.shape[-2] == A.shape[-1] if A.shape[-1] == 1: det = A[...,0,0] elif A.shape[-1] == 2: det = A[...,0,0] * A[...,1,1] - A[...,0,1] * A[...,1,0] else: det = numpy.empty( A.shape[:-2] ) for I in numpy.lib.index_tricks.ndindex( A.shape[:-2] ): det[I] = numpy.linalg.det( A[I] ) return det
[docs]def eig( A, sort=False ): ''' eig Compute the eigenvalues and vectors of a hermitian matrix sort -1/0/1 -> descending / unsorted / ascending ''' assert isinstance( A, numpy.ndarray ) assert A.shape[-2] == A.shape[-1] sort = int(sort) eigval = numpy.empty( A.shape[:-1] ) eigvec = numpy.empty( A.shape ) for I in numpy.lib.index_tricks.ndindex( A.shape[:-2] ): val, vec = numpy.linalg.eig( A[I] ) if sort != 0: idx = val.argsort() val = val[idx[::sort]] vec = vec[:,idx[::sort]] eigval[I] = val eigvec[I] = vec return (eigval, eigvec)
[docs]def eigh( A, sort=False ): ''' eigh Compute the eigenvalues and vectors of a hermitian matrix sort -1/0/1 -> descending / unsorted / ascending ''' assert isinstance( A, numpy.ndarray ) assert A.shape[-2] == A.shape[-1] sort = int(sort) eigval = numpy.empty( A.shape[:-1] ) eigvec = numpy.empty( A.shape ) for I in numpy.lib.index_tricks.ndindex( A.shape[:-2] ): val, vec = numpy.linalg.eigh( A[I] ) if sort != 0: idx = val.argsort() val = val[idx[::sort]] vec = vec[:,idx[::sort]] eigval[I] = val eigvec[I] = vec return (eigval, eigvec)
[docs]def reshape( A, *shape ): 'more useful reshape' newshape = [] i = 0 for s in shape: if isinstance( s, (tuple,list) ): assert numpy.product( s ) == A.shape[i] newshape.extend( s ) i += 1 elif s == 1: newshape.append( A.shape[i] ) i += 1 else: assert s > 1 newshape.append( numpy.product( A.shape[i:i+s] ) ) i += s assert i <= A.ndim newshape.extend( A.shape[i:] ) return A.reshape( newshape )
[docs]def mean( A, weights=None, axis=-1 ): 'generalized mean' return A.mean( axis ) if weights is None else dot( A, weights / weights.sum(), axis )
[docs]def norm2( A, axis=-1 ): 'L2 norm over specified axis' return numpy.asarray( numpy.sqrt( contract( A, A, axis ) ) )
[docs]def normalize( A, axis=-1 ): 'devide by normal' s = [ slice(None) ] * A.ndim s[axis] = numpy.newaxis return A / norm2( A, axis )[ tuple(s) ]
[docs]def cross( v1, v2, axis ): 'cross product' if v1.ndim < v2.ndim: v1 = v1[ (numpy.newaxis,)*(v2.ndim-v1.ndim) ] elif v2.ndim < v1.ndim: v2 = v2[ (numpy.newaxis,)*(v1.ndim-v2.ndim) ] return numpy.cross( v1, v2, axis=axis )
[docs]def stack( arrays, axis=0 ): 'powerful array stacker with singleton expansion' arrays = [ numpy.asarray(array,dtype=float) for array in arrays ] shape = [1] * max( array.ndim for array in arrays ) axis = normdim( len(shape)+1, axis ) for array in arrays: for i in range(-array.ndim,0): if shape[i] == 1: shape[i] = array.shape[i] else: assert array.shape[i] in ( shape[i], 1 ) stacked = numpy.empty( shape[:axis]+[len(arrays)]+shape[axis:], dtype=float ) for i, arr in enumerate( arrays ): stacked[(slice(None),)*axis+(i,)] = arr return stacked
[docs]def bringforward( arg, axis ): 'bring axis forward' arg = numpy.asarray(arg) axis = normdim(arg.ndim,axis) if axis == 0: return arg return arg.transpose( [axis] + range(axis) + range(axis+1,arg.ndim) )
[docs]def diagonalize( arg ): 'append axis, place last axis on diagonal of self and new' diagonalized = numpy.zeros( arg.shape + (arg.shape[-1],) ) takediag( diagonalized )[:] = arg return diagonalized
def check_equal_wrapper( f1, f2 ): def f12( *args ): v1 = f1( *args ) v2 = f2( *args ) numpy.testing.assert_array_almost_equal( v1, v2 ) return v1 return f12 # vim:shiftwidth=2:foldmethod=indent:foldnestmax=2