Source code for nutils.log

# -*- coding: utf8 -*-
# Module LOG
# Part of Nutils: open source numerical utilities for Python. Jointly developed
# by HvZ Computational Engineering, TU/e Multiscale Engineering Fluid Dynamics,
# and others. More info at <>. (c) 2014

The log module provides print methods ``debug``, ``info``, ``user``,
``warning``, and ``error``, in increasing order of priority. Output is sent to
stdout as well as to an html formatted log file if so configured.

from __future__ import print_function
from . import prop, debug
import sys, time, os, warnings, numpy, re

_KEY = '__logger__'

def _findlogger( frame=None ):
  'find logger in call stack'

  if frame is None:
    frame = sys._getframe(1)
  while frame:
    logger = frame.f_locals.get(_KEY)
    if logger:
      return logger
    frame = frame.f_back
  return SimpleLog

warnings.showwarning = lambda message, category, filename, lineno, *args: warning( '%s: %s\n  In %s:%d' % ( category.__name__, message, filename, lineno ) )

[docs]def stack( msg, frames=None ): 'print stack trace' if frames is None: frames = debug.callstack( depth=2 ) stream = getstream( attr='error', frame=frames[-1].frame ) print( msg, *reversed(frames), sep='\n', file=stream )
[docs]def SimpleLog( chunks=('',), attr=None ): 'just write to stdout' sys.stdout.write( ' > '.join( chunks ) ) return sys.stdout
def _path2href( match ): whitelist = ['.jpg','.png','.svg','.txt'] + getattr( prop, 'plot_extensions', [] ) filename = ext = return '<a href="%s">%s</a>' % (filename,filename) if ext not in whitelist \ else '<a href="%s" name="%s" class="plot">%s</a>' % (filename,filename,filename)
[docs]class HtmlStream( object ): 'html line stream' def __init__( self, chunks, attr, html ): 'constructor' self.out = SimpleLog( chunks, attr=attr ) self.attr = attr self.head = ' &middot; '.join( chunks ) self.body = '' self.html = html
[docs] def write( self, text ): 'write to out and buffer for html' self.out.write( text ) self.body += text.replace( '<', '&lt;' ).replace( '>', '&gt;' )
def __del__( self ): 'postprocess buffer and write to html' body = self.body if self.attr == 'path': body = re.sub( r'\b\w+([.]\w+)\b', _path2href, body ) if self.attr: body = '<span class="%s">%s</span>' % ( self.attr, body ) line = '<span class="line">%s</span>' % ( self.head + body ) self.html.write( line ) self.html.flush()
[docs]class HtmlLog( object ): 'html log' def __init__( self, fileobj, title, depth=1 ): 'constructor' self.html = fileobj self.html.write( '<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" "DTD/xhtml1-strict.dtd">\n' ) self.html.write( '<html><head>\n' ) self.html.write( '<title>%s</title>\n' % title ) self.html.write( '<script type="text/javascript" src="../../../../../viewer.js" ></script>\n' ) self.html.write( '<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="../../../../../style.css">\n' ) self.html.write( '<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="../../../../../custom.css">\n' ) self.html.write( '</head><body><pre>\n' ) self.html.write( '<span id="navbar">goto: <a class="nav_latest" href="../../../../log.html">latest %s</a> | <a class="nav_latestall" href="../../../../../log.html">latest overall</a> | <a class="nav_index" href="../../../../../">index</a></span>\n\n' % title.split()[0] ) self.html.flush() sys._getframe(depth).f_locals[_KEY] = self def __call__( self, chunks=('',), attr=None ): return HtmlStream( chunks, attr, self.html ) def __del__( self ): 'destructor' self.html.write( '</pre></body></html>\n' ) self.html.close()
[docs]class ContextLog( object ): 'base class' def __init__( self, depth=1 ): 'constructor' frame = sys._getframe(depth) parent = _findlogger( frame ) while isinstance( parent, ContextLog ) and not parent.__enabled: parent = parent.parent self.parent = parent self.__enabled = True frame.f_locals[_KEY] = self def __call__( self, chunks=('',), attr=None ): if self.__enabled: chunks = (self.text,) + chunks return self.parent( chunks, attr=attr )
[docs] def disable( self ): 'disable this logger' self.__enabled = False
def __repr__( self ): return '%s(%s)' % ( self.__class__.__name__, self ) def __str__( self ): return '%s > %s' % ( self.parent, self.text ) if self.__enabled else str(self.parent)
[docs]class StaticContextLog( ContextLog ): 'simple text logger' def __init__( self, text, depth=1 ): 'constructor' self.text = text ContextLog.__init__( self, depth=depth+1 )
[docs]class ProgressContextLog( ContextLog ): 'progress bar' def __init__( self, text, iterable=None, target=None, showpct=True, depth=1 ): 'constructor' self.msg = text self.showpct = showpct self.tint = getattr(prop,'progress_interval',1.) self.tmax = getattr(prop,'progress_interval_max',numpy.inf) self.texp = getattr(prop,'progress_interval_scale',2.) self.t0 = time.time() self.tnext = self.t0 + min( self.tint, self.tmax ) self.iterable = iterable = len(iterable) if target is None else target self.current = 0 ContextLog.__init__( self, depth=depth+1 ) def __iter__( self ): try: for i, item in enumerate( self.iterable ): self.update( i ) yield item finally: self.disable()
[docs] def update( self, current ): 'update progress' self.current = current if time.time() > self.tnext: print( file=self(()) )
[docs] def text( self ): 'get text' self.tint = min( self.tint*self.texp, self.tmax ) self.tnext = time.time() + self.tint pbar = self.msg + ' %.0f/%.0f' % ( self.current, ) if self.showpct: pct = 100 * self.current / float( pbar += ' (%.0f%%)' % pct return pbar # historically grown
context = StaticContextLog progress = iterate = ProgressContextLog setup_html = HtmlLog def getstream( attr=None, frame=None ): logger = _findlogger(frame) return logger( attr=attr ) def _mklog( attr, frame=None ): return lambda *args: print( *args, file=getstream(attr,frame) ) path = _mklog( 'path' ) error = _mklog( 'error' ) warning = _mklog( 'warning' ) user = _mklog( 'user' ) info = _mklog( 'info' ) debug = _mklog( 'debug' ) # vim:shiftwidth=2:foldmethod=indent:foldnestmax=2