Source code for nutils.element

# -*- coding: utf8 -*-
# Module ELEMENT
# Part of Nutils: open source numerical utilities for Python. Jointly developed
# by HvZ Computational Engineering, TU/e Multiscale Engineering Fluid Dynamics,
# and others. More info at <>. (c) 2014

The element module defines reference elements such as the :class:`QuadElement`
and :class:`TriangularElement`, but also more exotic objects like the
:class:`TrimmedElement`. A set of (interconnected) elements together form a
:mod:`nutils.topology`. Elements have edges and children (for refinement), which
are in turn elements and map onto self by an affine transformation. They also
have a well defined reference coordinate system, and provide pointsets for
purposes of integration and sampling.

from . import log, util, numpy, core, numeric, function, _
import warnings

[docs]class TrimmedIScheme( object ): 'integration scheme for truncated elements' __slots__ = 'levelset', 'ischeme', 'maxrefine', 'finestscheme', 'bezierscheme', 'retain' def __init__( self, levelset, ischeme, maxrefine, finestscheme='uniform1', degree=3, retain=None ): 'constructor' self.levelset = levelset self.ischeme = ischeme self.maxrefine = maxrefine self.finestscheme = finestscheme self.bezierscheme = 'bezier%d' % degree self.retain = retain @core.cache def __getitem__( self, elem ): 'get ischeme for elem' ischeme = self.generate_ischeme( elem, self.maxrefine ) if ischeme is True: ischeme = elem.eval( self.ischeme ) return ischeme
[docs] def generate_ischeme( self, elem, maxrefine ): 'generate integration scheme' if self.retain: parents = [elem] for i in range(maxrefine): allchildren = [] while parents: allchildren += parents.pop().children parents = allchildren if not any(self.retain[child] for child in parents): return None if maxrefine <= 0: ipoints, iweights = elem.eval( self.finestscheme ) inside = self.levelset( elem, ipoints ) > 0 if inside.all(): return True if not inside.any(): return None return ipoints[inside], iweights[inside] try: inside = self.levelset( elem, self.bezierscheme ) > 0 except function.EvaluationError: pass else: if inside.all(): return True if not inside.any(): return None ischemes = [ self.generate_ischeme( child, maxrefine-1 ) for child in elem.children ] if all( ischeme is True for ischeme in ischemes ): return True if all( ischeme is None for ischeme in ischemes ): return None points = [] weights = [] for child, ischeme in zip( elem.children, ischemes ): if ischeme is None: continue if ischeme is True: ischeme = child.eval( self.ischeme ) pelem, transform = child.parent assert pelem is elem ipoints, iweights = ischeme points.append( transform.eval(ipoints) ) weights.append( iweights * transform.det ) coords = numpy.concatenate( coords, axis=0 ) weights = numpy.concatenate( weights, axis=0 ) return coords, weights
[docs]class Transformation( object ): 'transform points' __slots__ = 'fromdim', 'todim' def __init__( self, fromdim, todim ): 'constructor' self.fromdim = fromdim self.todim = todim def __str__( self ): 'string representation' return '%s(%d->%d)' % ( self.__class__.__name__, self.fromdim, self.todim )
[docs] def eval( self, points ): 'evaluate' if points is None: return None return self._eval( points )
[docs]class SliceTransformation( Transformation ): 'take slice' __slots__ = 'slice', def __init__( self, fromdim, start=None, stop=None, step=None ): 'constructor' self.slice = slice( start, stop, step ) Transformation.__init__( self, fromdim, todim=len(range(fromdim)[self.slice]) ) @core.weakcache def _eval( self, points ): 'apply transformation' assert points.shape[1] == self.fromdim return util.ImmutableArray( points[:,self.slice] )
[docs]class AffineTransformation( Transformation ): 'affine transformation' __slots__ = 'offset', 'transform' def __init__( self, offset, transform ): 'constructor' self.offset = numpy.asarray( offset ) assert self.offset.ndim == 1 self.transform = numpy.asarray( transform ) assert self.transform.ndim == 2 assert self.transform.shape[0] == self.offset.shape[0] Transformation.__init__( self, fromdim=self.transform.shape[1], todim=self.transform.shape[0] ) @property
[docs] def invtrans( self ): 'inverse transformation' assert self.todim == self.fromdim return numpy.linalg.inv( self.transform )
[docs] def det( self ): 'determinant' assert self.todim == self.fromdim return numpy.linalg.det( self.transform )
[docs] def nest( self, other ): 'merge transformations' offset = other.offset + other.transform, self.offset ) transform = other.transform, self.transform ) return AffineTransformation( offset, transform )
[docs] def get_transform( self ): 'get transformation copy' return self.transform.copy()
[docs] def invapply( self, coords ): 'apply inverse transformation' return coords - self.offset, self.invtrans.T )
@core.weakcache def _eval( self, points ): 'apply transformation' assert isinstance( points, numpy.ndarray ) return util.ImmutableArray( self.offset + points, self.transform.T ) )
def IdentityTransformation( ndims ): return AffineTransformation( numpy.zeros(ndims), numpy.eye(ndims) ) PrimaryVertex = str HalfVertex = lambda vertex1, vertex2, xi=.5: '%s<%.3f>%s' % ( (vertex1,xi,vertex2) if vertex1 < vertex2 else (vertex2,1-xi,vertex1) ) ProductVertex = lambda *vertices: ','.join( vertices )
[docs]class Element( object ): '''Element base class. Represents the topological shape.''' __slots__ = 'vertices', 'ndims', 'index', 'parent', 'context', 'interface', 'root_transform', 'inv_root_transform', 'root_det' def __init__( self, ndims, vertices, index=None, parent=None, context=None, interface=None ): 'constructor' #assert all( isinstance(vertex,Vertex) for vertex in vertices ) self.vertices = tuple(vertices) self.ndims = ndims assert index is None or parent is None self.index = index self.parent = parent self.context = context self.interface = interface if parent: pelem, trans = parent self.root_transform = pelem.root_transform, trans.transform ) self.inv_root_transform = trans.invtrans, pelem.inv_root_transform ) self.root_det = pelem.root_det * trans.det else: self.inv_root_transform = self.root_transform = numpy.eye( self.ndims ) self.root_det = 1. def __mul__( self, other ): 'multiply elements' return ProductElement( self, other )
[docs] def neighbor( self, other ): 'level of neighborhood; 0=self' if self == other: return 0 ncommon = len( set(self.vertices) & set(other.vertices) ) return self.neighbormap[ ncommon ]
[docs] def eval( self, where ): 'get points' if isinstance( where, str ): points, weights = self.getischeme( self.ndims, where ) else: points = util.ImmutableArray( where ) weights = None return points, weights
[docs] def zoom( self, elemset, points ): 'zoom points' elem = self totaltransform = 1 while elem not in elemset: elem, transform = self.parent points = transform( points ) totaltransform = transform.transform, totaltransform ) return elem, points, totaltransform
def __str__( self ): 'string representation' return '%s(%s)' % ( self.__class__.__name__, self.vertices ) def __hash__( self ): 'hash' return hash(str(self)) def __eq__( self, other ): 'hash' return self is other or ( self.__class__ == other.__class__ and self.vertices == other.vertices and self.parent == other.parent and self.context == other.context and self.interface == other.interface )
[docs] def intersected( self, levelset, lscheme, evalrefine=0 ): '''check levelset intersection: +1 for levelset > 0 everywhere -1 for levelset < 0 everywhere =0 for intersected element''' elems = iter( [self] ) for irefine in range(evalrefine): elems = ( child for elem in elems for child in elem.children ) inside = levelset(, lscheme ) > 0 if inside.all(): for elem in elems: inside = levelset( elem, lscheme ) > 0 if not inside.all(): return 0 return 1 elif not inside.any(): for elem in elems: inside = levelset( elem, lscheme ) > 0 if inside.any(): return 0 return -1 return 0
[docs] def trim( self, levelset, maxrefine, lscheme, finestscheme, evalrefine ): 'trim element along levelset' intersected = self.intersected( levelset, lscheme, evalrefine ) if intersected > 0: return self if intersected < 0: return None parent = self, AffineTransformation( numpy.zeros(self.ndims), numpy.eye(self.ndims) ) return TrimmedElement( elem=self, vertices=self.vertices, levelset=levelset, maxrefine=maxrefine, lscheme=lscheme, finestscheme=finestscheme, evalrefine=evalrefine, parent=parent )
[docs] def get_simplices ( self, maxrefine ): 'divide in simple elements' return self,
def get_trimmededges ( self, maxrefine ): return []
[docs]class ProductElement( Element ): 'element product' __slots__ = 'elem1', 'elem2', 'root_det' @staticmethod @core.cache def getslicetransforms( ndims1, ndims2 ): ndims = ndims1 + ndims2 slice1 = SliceTransformation( fromdim=ndims, stop=ndims1 ) slice2 = SliceTransformation( fromdim=ndims, start=ndims1 ) return slice1, slice2 def __init__( self, elem1, elem2 ): 'constructor' self.elem1 = elem1 self.elem2 = elem2 slice1, slice2 = self.getslicetransforms( elem1.ndims, elem2.ndims ) iface1 = elem1, slice1 iface2 = elem2, slice2 vertices = [] # TODO [ ProductVertex(vertex1,vertex2) for vertex1 in elem1.vertices for vertex2 in elem2.vertices ] Element.__init__( self, ndims=elem1.ndims+elem2.ndims, vertices=vertices, interface=(iface1,iface2) ) self.root_det = elem1.root_det * elem2.root_det # HACK. TODO via constructor @staticmethod @core.cache def get_tri_bem_ischeme( ischeme, neighborhood ): 'Some cached quantities for the singularity quadrature scheme.' points, weights = QuadElement.getischeme( ndims=4, where=ischeme ) eta1, eta2, eta3, xi = points.T if neighborhood == 0: temp = xi*eta1*eta2*eta3 pts0 = xi*eta1*(1 - eta2) pts1 = xi - pts0 pts2 = xi - temp pts3 = xi*(1 - eta1) pts4 = pts0 + temp pts5 = xi*(1 - eta1*eta2) pts6 = xi*eta1 - temp points = util.ImmutableArray( [[1-xi, 1-pts2, 1-xi, 1-pts5, 1-pts2, 1-xi ], [pts1, pts3, pts4, pts0, pts6, pts0], [1-pts2, 1-xi, 1-pts5, 1-xi, 1-xi, 1-pts2], [pts3, pts1, pts0, pts4, pts0, pts6]]).reshape( 4, -1 ).T points = util.ImmutableArray( points * [-1,1,-1,1] + [1,0,1,0] ) # flipping in x -GJ weights = numpy.concatenate( 6*[xi**3*eta1**2*eta2*weights] ) elif neighborhood == 1: A = xi*eta1 B = A*eta2 C = A*eta3 D = B*eta3 E = xi - B F = A - B G = xi - D H = B - D I = A - D points = util.ImmutableArray( [[1-xi, 1-xi, 1-E, 1-G, 1-G ], [C, G, F, H, I ], [1-E, 1-G, 1-xi, 1-xi, 1-xi], [F, H, D, A, B ]] ).reshape( 4, -1 ).T temp = xi*A weights = numpy.concatenate( [A*temp*weights] + 4*[B*temp*weights] ) elif neighborhood == 2: A = xi*eta2 B = A*eta3 C = xi*eta1 points = util.ImmutableArray( [[1-xi, 1-A ], [C, B ], [1-A, 1-xi], [B, C ]] ).reshape( 4, -1 ).T weights = numpy.concatenate( 2*[xi**2*A*weights] ) else: assert neighborhood == -1, 'invalid neighborhood %r' % neighborhood points = util.ImmutableArray([ eta1*eta2, 1-eta2, eta3*xi, 1-xi ]).T weights = eta2*xi*weights return points, weights @staticmethod @core.cache def get_quad_bem_ischeme( ischeme, neighborhood ): 'Some cached quantities for the singularity quadrature scheme.' points, weights = QuadElement.getischeme( ndims=4, where=ischeme ) eta1, eta2, eta3, xi = points.T if neighborhood == 0: xe = xi*eta1 A = (1 - xi)*eta3 B = (1 - xe)*eta2 C = xi + A D = xe + B points = util.ImmutableArray( [[A, B, A, D, B, C, C, D], [B, A, D, A, C, B, D, C], [C, D, C, B, D, A, A, B], [D, C, B, C, A, D, B, A]]).reshape( 4, -1 ).T weights = numpy.concatenate( 8*[xi*(1-xi)*(1-xe)*weights] ) elif neighborhood == 1: ox = 1 - xi A = xi*eta1 B = xi*eta2 C = ox*eta3 D = C + xi E = 1 - A F = E*eta3 G = A + F points = util.ImmutableArray( [[D, C, G, G, F, F ], [B, B, B, xi, B, xi], [C, D, F, F, G, G ], [A, A, xi, B, xi, B ]]).reshape( 4, -1 ).T weights = numpy.concatenate( 2*[xi**2*ox*weights] + 4*[xi**2*E*weights] ) elif neighborhood == 2: A = xi*eta1 B = xi*eta2 C = xi*eta3 points = util.ImmutableArray( [[xi, A, A, A ], [A, xi, B, B ], [B, B, xi, C ], [C, C, C, xi]]).reshape( 4, -1 ).T weights = numpy.concatenate( 4*[xi**3*weights] ) else: assert neighborhood == -1, 'invalid neighborhood %r' % neighborhood return points, weights @staticmethod @core.cache def concat( ischeme1, ischeme2 ): coords1, weights1 = ischeme1 coords2, weights2 = ischeme2 if weights1 is not None: assert weights2 is not None weights = util.ImmutableArray( ( weights1[:,_] * weights2[_,:] ).ravel() ) else: assert weights2 is None weights = None npoints1,ndims1 = coords1.shape npoints2,ndims2 = coords2.shape coords = numpy.empty( [ coords1.shape[0], coords2.shape[0], ndims1+ndims2 ] ) coords[:,:,:ndims1] = coords1[:,_,:] coords[:,:,ndims1:] = coords2[_,:,:] coords = util.ImmutableArray( coords.reshape(-1,ndims1+ndims2) ) return coords, weights @property
[docs] def orientation( self ): '''Neighborhood of elem1 and elem2 and transformations to get mutual overlap in right location. Returns 3-element tuple: * neighborhood, as given by Element.neighbor(), * transf1, required rotation of elem1 map: {0:0, 1:pi/2, 2:pi, 3:3*pi/2}, * transf2, required rotation of elem2 map (is indep of transf1 in UnstructuredTopology.''' neighborhood = self.elem1.neighbor( self.elem2 ) common_vertices = list( set(self.elem1.vertices) & set(self.elem2.vertices) ) vertices1 = [self.elem1.vertices.index( ni ) for ni in common_vertices] vertices2 = [self.elem2.vertices.index( ni ) for ni in common_vertices] if neighborhood == 0: # test for strange topological features assert self.elem1 == self.elem2, 'Topological feature not supported: try refining here, possibly periodicity causes elems to touch on both sides.' transf1 = transf2 = 0 elif neighborhood == -1: transf1 = transf2 = 0 elif isinstance( self.elem1, QuadElement ): # define local map rotations if neighborhood==1: transform = [0,2], [2,3], [3,1], [1,0], [2,0], [3,2], [1,3], [0,1] elif neighborhood==2: transform = [0], [2], [3], [1] else: raise ValueError( 'Unknown neighbor type %i' % neighborhood ) transf1 = transform.index( vertices1 ) transf2 = transform.index( vertices2 ) elif isinstance( self.elem1, TriangularElement ): raise NotImplementedError( 'Pending completed implementation and verification.' ) # define local map rotations if neighborhood==1: transform = [0,1], [1,2], [0,2] elif neighborhood==2: transform = [0], [1], [2] else: raise ValueError( 'Unknown neighbor type %i' % neighborhood ) transf1 = transform.index( vertices1 ) transf2 = transform.index( vertices2 ) else: raise NotImplementedError( 'Reorientation not implemented for element of class %s' % type(self.elem1) ) return neighborhood, transf1, transf2
@staticmethod @core.cache def singular_ischeme_tri( orientation, ischeme ): neighborhood, transf1, transf2 = orientation points, weights = ProductElement.get_tri_bem_ischeme( ischeme, neighborhood ) transfpoints = points#numpy.empty( points.shape ) # transfpoints[:,0] = points[:,0] if transf1 == 0 else \ # points[:,1] if transf1 == 1 else \ # 1-points[:,0] if transf1 == 2 else \ # 1-points[:,1] # transfpoints[:,1] = points[:,1] if transf1 == 0 else \ # 1-points[:,0] if transf1 == 1 else \ # 1-points[:,1] if transf1 == 2 else \ # points[:,0] # transfpoints[:,2] = points[:,2] if transf2 == 0 else \ # points[:,3] if transf2 == 1 else \ # 1-points[:,2] if transf2 == 2 else \ # 1-points[:,3] # transfpoints[:,3] = points[:,3] if transf2 == 0 else \ # 1-points[:,2] if transf2 == 1 else \ # 1-points[:,3] if transf2 == 2 else \ # points[:,2] return util.ImmutableArray( transfpoints ), util.ImmutableArray( weights ) @staticmethod @core.cache def singular_ischeme_quad( orientation, ischeme ): neighborhood, transf1, transf2 = orientation points, weights = ProductElement.get_quad_bem_ischeme( ischeme, neighborhood ) transfpoints = numpy.empty( points.shape ) def transform( points, orientation ): x, y = points[:,0], points[:,1] tx = x if orientation in (0,1,6,7) else 1-x ty = y if orientation in (0,3,4,7) else 1-y return function.stack( (ty, tx) if orientation%2 else (tx, ty), axis=1 ) transfpoints[:,:2] = transform( points[:,:2], transf1 ) transfpoints[:,2:] = transform( points[:,2:], transf2 ) return util.ImmutableArray( transfpoints ), util.ImmutableArray( weights )
[docs] def eval( self, where ): 'get integration scheme' if where.startswith( 'singular' ): assert type(self.elem1) == type(self.elem2), 'mixed element-types case not implemented' assert self.elem1.ndims == 2 and self.elem2.ndims == 2, 'singular quadrature only for bivariate surfaces' gauss = 'gauss%d'% (int(where[8:])*2-2) if isinstance( self.elem1, QuadElement ): xw = ProductElement.singular_ischeme_quad( self.orientation, gauss ) elif isinstance( self.elem1, TriangularElement ): if self.elem1 == self.elem2: xw = self.get_tri_bem_ischeme( gauss, neighborhood=0 ) else: xw = self.concat( self.elem1.eval(gauss), self.elem2.eval(gauss) ) else: raise Exception, 'invalid element type %r' % type(self.elem1) else: where1, where2 = where.split( '*' ) if '*' in where else ( where, where ) xw = self.concat( self.elem1.eval(where1), self.elem2.eval(where2) ) return xw
[docs]class TrimmedElement( Element ): 'trimmed element' __slots__ = 'elem', 'levelset', 'maxrefine', 'lscheme', 'finestscheme', 'evalrefine' def __init__( self, elem, levelset, maxrefine, lscheme, finestscheme, evalrefine, parent, vertices ): 'constructor' assert not isinstance( elem, TrimmedElement ) self.elem = elem self.levelset = levelset self.maxrefine = maxrefine self.lscheme = lscheme self.finestscheme = finestscheme if finestscheme != None else 'simplex1' self.evalrefine = evalrefine Element.__init__( self, ndims=elem.ndims, vertices=vertices, parent=parent ) @core.cache def eval( self, ischeme ): 'get integration scheme' assert isinstance( ischeme, str ) if ischeme[:7] == 'contour': n = int(ischeme[7:] or 0) points, weights = self.elem.eval( 'contour{}'.format(n) ) inside = self.levelset( self.elem, points ) >= 0 return points[inside], None if self.maxrefine <= 0: if self.finestscheme.startswith('simplex'): points = [] weights = [] for simplex in self.get_simplices( 0 ): spoints, sweights = simplex.eval( ischeme ) pelem, transform = simplex.parent assert pelem is self points.append( transform.eval( spoints ) ) weights.append( sweights * transform.det ) if len(points) == 0: return numpy.zeros((0,self.ndims)), numpy.zeros((0,)) points = util.ImmutableArray(numpy.concatenate(points,axis=0)) weights = util.ImmutableArray(numpy.concatenate(weights)) return points, weights else: if self.finestscheme.endswith( '.all' ): points, weights = self.elem.eval( self.finestscheme[:-4] ) elif self.finestscheme.endswith( '.none' ): points, weights = self.elem.eval( self.finestscheme[:-5] ) return points[numpy.zeros_like(weights,dtype=bool)], weights[numpy.zeros_like(weights,dtype=bool)] if weights is not None else None else: points, weights = self.elem.eval( self.finestscheme ) inside = self.levelset( self.elem, points ) > 0 return points[inside], weights[inside] if weights is not None else None allcoords = [] allweights = [] for child in self.children: if child is None: continue points, weights = child.eval( ischeme ) pelem, transform = child.parent assert pelem == self allcoords.append( transform.eval(points) ) allweights.append( weights * transform.det ) coords = util.ImmutableArray( numpy.concatenate( allcoords, axis=0 ) ) weights = util.ImmutableArray( numpy.concatenate( allweights, axis=0 ) ) return coords, weights @property
[docs] def children( self ): 'all 1x refined elements' children = [] for ielem, child in enumerate( self.elem.children ): isect = child.intersected( self.levelset, self.lscheme, self.evalrefine-1 ) pelem, transform = child.parent parent = self, transform if isect < 0: child = None elif isect > 0: child = QuadElement( vertices=child.vertices, ndims=self.ndims, parent=parent ) else: child = TrimmedElement( vertices=child.vertices, elem=child, levelset=self.levelset, maxrefine=self.maxrefine-1, lscheme=self.lscheme, finestscheme=self.finestscheme, evalrefine=self.evalrefine-1, parent=parent ) children.append( child ) return tuple( children )
[docs] def edge( self, iedge ): 'edge' # TODO fix trimming of edges once refine/edge operations commute edge = self.elem.edge( iedge ) pelem, transform = edge.context # transform = self.elem.edgetransform( self.ndims )[ iedge ] return QuadElement( vertices=edge.vertices, ndims=self.ndims-1, context=(self,transform) )
[docs] def get_simplices ( self, maxrefine ): 'divide in simple elements' if maxrefine > 0 or self.evalrefine > 0: return [ simplex for child in filter(None,self.children) for simplex in child.get_simplices( maxrefine=maxrefine-1 ) ] simplices, trimmededges = self.triangulate() return simplices
def get_trimmededges ( self, maxrefine ): if maxrefine > 0 or self.evalrefine > 0: return [ trimmededge for child in filter(None,self.children) for trimmededge in child.get_trimmededges( maxrefine=maxrefine-1 ) ] simplices, trimmededges = self.triangulate() return trimmededges #@core.cache def triangulate ( self ): assert self.finestscheme.startswith('simplex'), 'Expected simplex scheme' order = int(self.finestscheme[7:]) lvltol = numpy.spacing(100) xistol = numpy.spacing(100) ischeme = self.elem.getischeme( self.elem.ndims, 'bezier2' ) where = self.levelset( self.elem, ischeme ) > -lvltol points = ischeme[0][where] vertices = numpy.array(self.vertices)[where].tolist() norig = sum(where) if not where.any(): return [] if where.all(): lines = [] else: lines = self.elem.ribbons for line in lines: ischeme = line.getischeme( line.ndims, 'bezier'+str(order+1) ) vals = self.levelset( line, ischeme ) pts = ischeme[0] where = vals > -lvltol zeros = (vals < lvltol) & where if order == 1: if where[0] == where[1] or any(zeros): continue xi = vals[0]/(vals[0]-vals[1]) elif order == 2: #Check whether the levelset is linear if abs(2*vals[1]-vals[0]-vals[2]) < lvltol: if where[0] == where[2] or zeros[0] or zeros[2]: continue xi = vals[0]/(vals[0]-vals[2]) else: disc = vals[0]**2+(-4*vals[1]+vals[2])**2-2*vals[0]*(4*vals[1]+vals[2]) if disc < -lvltol or abs(disc) < lvltol: #No intersections or minimum at zero continue else: #Two intersections num2 = numpy.sqrt( disc ) num1 = 3*vals[0]-4*vals[1]+vals[2] denr = 1./(4*(vals[0]-2*vals[1]+vals[2])) xis = [(num1-num2)*denr,\ (num1+num2)*denr ] intersects = [(xi > xistol and xi < 1-xistol) for xi in xis] if sum(intersects) == 0: continue elif sum(intersects) == 1: xi = xis[intersects[0] == False] else: raise Exception('Found multiple ribbon intersections. MAXREFINE should be increased.') else: #TODO General order scheme based on bisection raise NotImplementedError('Simplex generation only implemented for order 1 and 2') assert ( xi > xistol and xi < 1.-xistol ), 'Illegal local coordinate' elem, transform = line.context pts = transform.eval( pts ) newpoint = pts[0] + xi * ( pts[-1] - pts[0] ) points = numpy.append( points, newpoint[_], axis=0 ) v1, v2 = line.vertices vertices.append( HalfVertex( v1, v2, xi=xi ) ) try: submesh = util.delaunay( points ) except RuntimeError: return [], [] Simplex = TriangularElement if self.ndims == 2 else TetrahedronElement convex_hull = [[vertices[iv] for iv in tri] for tri in submesh.convex_hull if all(tri>=norig)] ########################################## # Extract the simplices from the submesh # ########################################## simplices = [] degensim = [] for tri in submesh.vertices: for j in range(2): #Flip two points in case of negative determinant if self.ndims == 3: # TODO renumber tetrahedron vertices to match triangle, removes the following: offset = points[ tri[0] ] affine = numpy.array( [ points[ tri[ii+1] ] - offset for ii in range(self.ndims) ] ).T else: offset = points[ tri[-1] ] affine = numpy.array( [ points[ tri[ii] ] - offset for ii in range(self.ndims) ] ).T transform = AffineTransformation( offset, affine ) if transform.det > numpy.spacing(100): break tri[-2:] = tri[:-3:-1] else: if abs(transform.det) < numpy.spacing(100): degensim.append( [ vertices[ii] for ii in tri ] ) continue raise Exception('Negative determinant with value %12.10e could not be resolved by flipping two vertices' % transform.det ) simplices.append( Simplex( vertices=[ vertices[ii] for ii in tri ], parent=(self,transform) ) ) assert len(simplices)+len(degensim)==submesh.vertices.shape[0], 'Simplices should be stored in either of the two containers' ############################################################# # Loop over the edges of the simplex and check whether they # # reside in the part of the convex hull on the levelset # ############################################################# trimmededges = [] import itertools for simplex in simplices: for iedge in range(self.ndims+1): #The edge potentially to be added to the trimmededges sedge = simplex.edge(iedge) #Create lists to store edges which are to be checked on residence in the #convex hull, or which have been checked checkedges = [ sedge.vertices ] visitedges = [] while checkedges: #Edge to be check on residence in the convex hull checkedge = checkedges.pop(0) visitedges.append( checkedge ) #Check whether this edge is in the convex hull for hull_edge in convex_hull: #The checkedge is found in the convex hull. Append trimmededge and #terminate loop if all(checkvertex in hull_edge for checkvertex in checkedge): trimmededges.append( sedge ) checkedges = [] break else: #Check whether the checkedge is in a degenerate simplex for sim in degensim: if all(checkvertex in sim for checkvertex in checkedge): #Append all the edges to the checkedges pool for jedge in itertools.combinations(sim,self.ndims): dedge = list(jedge) for cedge in visitedges: #The dedge is already in visitedges if all(dvertex in cedge for dvertex in dedge): break else: #The dedge is appended to to pool checkedges.append( dedge ) return simplices, trimmededges
[docs]class QuadElement( Element ): 'quadrilateral element' __slots__ = () def __init__( self, ndims, vertices, index=None, parent=None, context=None, interface=None ): 'constructor' assert len(vertices) == 2**ndims Element.__init__( self, ndims, vertices, index=index, parent=parent, context=context, interface=interface ) @property @core.cache def neighbormap( self ): 'maps # matching vertices --> codim of interface: {0: -1, 1: 2, 2: 1, 4: 0}' return dict( [ (0,-1) ] + [ (2**(self.ndims-i),i) for i in range(self.ndims+1) ] )
[docs] def children_by( self, N ): 'divide element by n' assert len(N) == self.ndims vertices = numpy.empty( [ ni+1 for ni in N ], dtype=object ) vertices[ tuple( slice(None,None,ni) for ni in N ) ] = numpy.reshape( self.vertices, [2]*self.ndims ) for idim in range(self.ndims): s1 = tuple( slice(None) for ni in N[:idim] ) s2 = tuple( slice(None,None,ni) for ni in N[idim+1:] ) for i in range( 1, N[idim] ): vertices[s1+(i,)+s2] = util.objmap( HalfVertex, vertices[s1+(0,)+s2], vertices[s1+(2,)+s2], float(i)/N[idim] ) elemvertices = [ vertices[ tuple( slice(i,i+2) for i in index ) ].ravel() for index in numpy.ndindex(*N) ] return tuple( QuadElement( vertices=elemvertices[ielem], ndims=self.ndims, parent=(self,transform) ) for ielem, transform in enumerate( self.refinedtransform(N) ) )
[docs] def children( self ): 'all 1x refined elements' return self.children_by( (2,)*self.ndims )
@staticmethod @core.cache def edgetransform( ndims ): 'edge transforms' transforms = [] for idim in range( ndims ): # for iside in range( 2 ): # offset = numpy.zeros( ndims ) # offset[idim:] = 1-iside # offset[:idim+1] = iside # transform = numpy.zeros(( ndims, ndims-1 )) # transform.flat[ :(ndims-1)*idim :ndims] = 1 - 2 * iside # transform.flat[ndims*(idim+1)-1::ndims] = 2 * iside - 1 # transforms.append( AffineTransformation( offset=offset, transform=transform ) ) offset = numpy.zeros( ndims ) offset[:idim] = 1 transform = numpy.zeros(( ndims, ndims-1 )) transform.flat[ :(ndims-1)*idim :ndims] = -1 transform.flat[ndims*(idim+1)-1::ndims] = 1 # flip normal: offset[idim-1] = 1 - offset[idim-1] transform[idim-1] *= -1 transforms.append( AffineTransformation( offset=offset.copy(), transform=transform.copy() ) ) # other side: offset[idim] = 1 # flip normal back: offset[idim-1] = 1 - offset[idim-1] transform[idim-1] *= -1 transforms.append( AffineTransformation( offset=offset, transform=transform ) ) return transforms @property
[docs] def ribbons( self ): 'ribbons' if self.ndims == 2: return [ self.edge(iedge) for iedge in range(4) ] if self.ndims != 3: raise NotImplementedError('Ribbons not implemented for ndims=%d'%self.ndims) ndvertices = numpy.reshape( self.vertices, [2]*self.ndims ) ribbons = [] for i1, i2 in numpy.array([[[0,0,0],[1,0,0]], [[0,0,0],[0,1,0]], [[0,0,0],[0,0,1]], [[1,1,1],[0,1,1]], [[1,1,1],[1,0,1]], [[1,1,1],[1,1,0]], [[1,0,0],[1,1,0]], [[1,0,0],[1,0,1]], [[0,1,0],[1,1,0]], [[0,1,0],[0,1,1]], [[0,0,1],[1,0,1]], [[0,0,1],[0,1,1]]] ): transform = AffineTransformation( offset=i1, transform=(i2-i1)[:,_] ) vertices = ndvertices[tuple(i1)], ndvertices[tuple(i2)] ribbons.append( QuadElement( vertices=vertices, ndims=1, context=(self,transform) ) ) return ribbons
@property def edges( self ): return [ self.edge(iedge) for iedge in range(2**self.ndims) ]
[docs] def edge( self, iedge ): 'edge' transform = self.edgetransform( self.ndims )[ iedge ] idim = iedge // 2 iside = iedge % 2 s = (slice(None,None, 1 if iside else -1),) * idim + (iside,) \ + (slice(None,None,-1 if iside else 1),) * (self.ndims-idim-1) vertices = numpy.asarray( numpy.reshape( self.vertices, (2,)*self.ndims )[s] ).ravel() # TODO check return QuadElement( vertices=vertices, ndims=self.ndims-1, context=(self,transform) )
@staticmethod @core.cache def refinedtransform( N ): 'refined transform' Nf = numpy.asarray( N, dtype=float ) assert Nf.ndim == 1 return [ AffineTransformation( offset=I/Nf, transform=numpy.diag(1/Nf) ) for I in numpy.ndindex(*N) ]
[docs] def refine( self, n ): 'refine n times' elems = [ self ] for i in range(n): elems = [ child for elem in elems for child in elem.children ] return elems
@staticmethod @core.cache def getgauss( degree ): 'compute gauss points and weights' assert isinstance( degree, int ) and degree >= 0 k = numpy.arange( 1, degree // 2 + 1 ) d = k / numpy.sqrt( 4*k**2-1 ) x, w = numpy.linalg.eigh( numpy.diagflat(d,-1) ) # eigh operates (by default) on lower triangle return (x+1) * .5, w[0]**2 @classmethod @core.cache def getischeme( cls, ndims, where ): 'get integration scheme' if ndims == 0: return util.ImmutableArray( numpy.zeros([1,0]) ), util.ImmutableArray( numpy.array([1.]) ) x = w = None if where.startswith( 'gauss' ): N = eval( where[5:] ) if isinstance( N, tuple ): assert len(N) == ndims else: N = [N]*ndims x, w = zip( *map( cls.getgauss, N ) ) elif where.startswith( 'uniform' ): N = eval( where[7:] ) if isinstance( N, tuple ): assert len(N) == ndims else: N = [N]*ndims x = [ numpy.arange( .5, n ) / n for n in N ] w = [ numeric.appendaxes( 1./n, n ) for n in N ] elif where.startswith( 'bezier' ): N = int( where[6:] ) x = [ numpy.linspace( 0, 1, N ) ] * ndims w = [ numeric.appendaxes( 1./N, N ) ] * ndims elif where.startswith( 'subdivision' ): N = int( where[11:] ) + 1 x = [ numpy.linspace( 0, 1, N ) ] * ndims w = None elif where.startswith( 'vtk' ): if ndims == 1: coords = numpy.array([[0,1]]).T elif ndims == 2: eps = 0 if not len(where[3:]) else float(where[3:]) # subdivision fix (avoid extraordinary point) coords = numpy.array([[eps,eps],[1-eps,eps],[1-eps,1-eps],[eps,1-eps]]) elif ndims == 3: coords = numpy.array([ [0,0,0], [1,0,0], [0,1,0], [1,1,0], [0,0,1], [1,0,1], [0,1,1], [1,1,1] ]) else: raise Exception, 'contour not supported for ndims=%d' % ndims elif where.startswith( 'contour' ): N = int( where[7:] ) p = numpy.linspace( 0, 1, N ) if ndims == 1: coords = p[_].T elif ndims == 2: coords = numpy.array([ p[ range(N) + [N-1]*(N-2) + range(N)[::-1] + [0]*(N-1) ], p[ [0]*(N-1) + range(N) + [N-1]*(N-2) + range(0,N)[::-1] ] ]).T elif ndims == 3: assert N == 0 coords = numpy.array([ [0,0,0], [1,0,0], [0,1,0], [1,1,0], [0,0,1], [1,0,1], [0,1,1], [1,1,1] ]) else: raise Exception, 'contour not supported for ndims=%d' % ndims else: raise Exception, 'invalid element evaluation %r' % where if x is not None: coords = numpy.empty( map( len, x ) + [ ndims ] ) for i, xi in enumerate( x ): coords[...,i] = xi[ (slice(None),) + (_,)*(ndims-i-1) ] coords = coords.reshape( -1, ndims ) if w is not None: weights = reduce( lambda weights, wi: ( weights * wi[:,_] ).ravel(), w ) else: weights = None return util.ImmutableArray( coords ), util.ImmutableArray( weights )
[docs] def select_contained( self, points, eps=0 ): 'select points contained in element' selection = numpy.ones( points.shape[0], dtype=bool ) for idim in range( self.ndims ): newsel = ( points[:,idim] >= -eps ) & ( points[:,idim] <= 1+eps ) selection[selection] &= newsel points = points[newsel] if not points.size: return None, None return points, selection
[docs]class TriangularElement( Element ): '''Triangular element. Conventions: * reference elem: unit simplex {(x,y) | x>0, y>0, x+y<1} * vertex numbering: {(1,0):0, (0,1):1, (0,0):2} * edge numbering: {bottom:0, slanted:1, left:2} * edge local coords run counter-clockwise.''' __slots__ = 'edgetransform', neighbormap = -1, 2, 1, 0 def __init__( self, vertices, index=None, parent=None, context=None ): 'constructor' assert len(vertices) == 3 self.edgetransform = ( AffineTransformation( offset=[0,0], transform=[[ 1],[ 0]] ), AffineTransformation( offset=[1,0], transform=[[-1],[ 1]] ), AffineTransformation( offset=[0,1], transform=[[ 0],[-1]] ) ) Element.__init__( self, ndims=2, vertices=vertices, index=index, parent=parent, context=context ) @property
[docs] def children( self ): 'all 1x refined elements' t1, t2, t3, t4 = self.refinedtransform( 2 ) v1, v2, v3 = self.vertices h1, h2, h3 = HalfVertex(v1,v2), HalfVertex(v2,v3), HalfVertex(v3,v1) return tuple([ # TODO check! TriangularElement( vertices=[v1,h1,h3], parent=(self,t1) ), TriangularElement( vertices=[h1,v2,h2], parent=(self,t2) ), TriangularElement( vertices=[h3,h2,v3], parent=(self,t3) ), TriangularElement( vertices=[h2,h3,h1], parent=(self,t4) ) ])
@property def edges( self ): return [ self.edge(iedge) for iedge in range(3) ]
[docs] def edge( self, iedge ): 'edge' transform = self.edgetransform[ iedge ] vertices = [ self.vertices[::-2], self.vertices[:2], self.vertices[1:] ][iedge] return QuadElement( vertices=vertices, ndims=1, context=(self,transform) )
@staticmethod @core.cache def refinedtransform( n ): 'refined transform' transforms = [] trans = numpy.diag( [1./n]*2 ) for i in range( n ): transforms.extend( AffineTransformation( offset=numpy.array( [i,j], dtype=float ) / n, transform=trans ) for j in range(0,n-i) ) transforms.extend( AffineTransformation( offset=numpy.array( [n-j,n-i], dtype=float ) / n, transform=-trans ) for j in range(n-i,n) ) return transforms
[docs] def refined( self, n ): 'refine' assert n == 2 if n == 1: return self return [ TriangularElement('.child({})'.format(ichild), parent=(self,transform) ) for ichild, transform in enumerate( self.refinedtransform( n ) ) ]
@staticmethod @core.cache def getischeme( ndims, where ): '''get integration scheme gaussian quadrature: ''' assert ndims == 2 if where.startswith( 'contour' ): n = int( where[7:] or 0 ) p = numpy.arange( n+1, dtype=float ) / (n+1) z = numpy.zeros_like( p ) coords = numpy.hstack(( [1-p,p], [z,1-p], [p,z] )) weights = None elif where.startswith( 'vtk' ): coords = numpy.array([[0,0],[1,0],[0,1]]).T weights = None elif where == 'gauss1': coords = numpy.array( [[1],[1]] ) / 3. weights = numpy.array( [1] ) / 2. elif where in 'gauss2': coords = numpy.array( [[4,1,1],[1,4,1]] ) / 6. weights = numpy.array( [1,1,1] ) / 6. elif where == 'gauss3': coords = numpy.array( [[5,9,3,3],[5,3,9,3]] ) / 15. weights = numpy.array( [-27,25,25,25] ) / 96. elif where == 'gauss4': A = 0.091576213509771; B = 0.445948490915965; W = 0.109951743655322 coords = numpy.array( [[1-2*A,A,A,1-2*B,B,B],[A,1-2*A,A,B,1-2*B,B]] ) weights = numpy.array( [W,W,W,1/3.-W,1/3.-W,1/3.-W] ) / 2. elif where == 'gauss5': A = 0.101286507323456; B = 0.470142064105115; V = 0.125939180544827; W = 0.132394152788506 coords = numpy.array( [[1./3,1-2*A,A,A,1-2*B,B,B],[1./3,A,1-2*A,A,B,1-2*B,B]] ) weights = numpy.array( [1-3*V-3*W,V,V,V,W,W,W] ) / 2. elif where == 'gauss6': A = 0.063089014491502; B = 0.249286745170910; C = 0.310352451033785; D = 0.053145049844816; V = 0.050844906370207; W = 0.116786275726379 VW = 1/6. - (V+W) / 2. coords = numpy.array( [[1-2*A,A,A,1-2*B,B,B,1-C-D,1-C-D,C,C,D,D],[A,1-2*A,A,B,1-2*B,B,C,D,1-C-D,D,1-C-D,C]] ) weights = numpy.array( [V,V,V,W,W,W,VW,VW,VW,VW,VW,VW] ) / 2. elif where == 'gauss7': A = 0.260345966079038; B = 0.065130102902216; C = 0.312865496004875; D = 0.048690315425316; U = 0.175615257433204; V = 0.053347235608839; W = 0.077113760890257 coords = numpy.array( [[1./3,1-2*A,A,A,1-2*B,B,B,1-C-D,1-C-D,C,C,D,D],[1./3,A,1-2*A,A,B,1-2*B,B,C,D,1-C-D,D,1-C-D,C]] ) weights = numpy.array( [1-3*U-3*V-6*W,U,U,U,V,V,V,W,W,W,W,W,W] ) / 2. elif where[:7] == 'uniform': N = int( where[7:] ) points = ( numpy.arange( N ) + 1./3 ) / N NN = N**2 C = numpy.empty( [2,N,N] ) C[0] = points[:,_] C[1] = points[_,:] coords = C.reshape( 2, NN ) flip = coords[0] + coords[1] > 1 coords[:,flip] = 1 - coords[::-1,flip] weights = numeric.appendaxes( .5/NN, NN ) elif where[:6] == 'bezier': N = int( where[6:] ) points = numpy.linspace( 0, 1, N ) coords = numpy.array([ [x,y] for i, y in enumerate(points) for x in points[:N-i] ]).T weights = None else: raise Exception, 'invalid element evaluation: %r' % where return util.ImmutableArray( coords.T ), util.ImmutableArray( weights )
[docs] def select_contained( self, points, eps=0 ): 'select points contained in element' selection = numpy.ones( points.shape[0], dtype=bool ) for idim in 0, 1, 2: points_i = points[:,idim] if idim < 2 else 1-points.sum(1) newsel = ( points_i >= -eps ) selection[selection] &= newsel points = points[newsel] if not points.size: return None, None return points, selection
[docs]class TetrahedronElement( Element ): 'tetrahedron element' __slots__ = 'edgetransform', neighbormap = -1, 3, 2, 1, 0 #Defined to create outward pointing normal vectors for all edges (i.c. triangular faces) def __init__( self, vertices, index=None, parent=None, context=None ): 'constructor' assert len(vertices) == 4 self.edgetransform = ( AffineTransformation( offset=[0,0,0], transform=[[ 0, 1],[1,0],[0,0]] ), AffineTransformation( offset=[0,0,0], transform=[[ 1, 0],[0,0],[0,1]] ), AffineTransformation( offset=[0,0,0], transform=[[ 0, 0],[0,1],[1,0]] ), AffineTransformation( offset=[1,0,0], transform=[[-1,-1],[1,0],[0,1]] ) ) Element.__init__( self, ndims=3, vertices=vertices, index=index, parent=parent, context=context ) @property
[docs] def children( self ): 'all 1x refined elements' raise NotImplementedError( 'Children of tetrahedron' )
@property def edges( self ): return [ self.edge(iedge) for iedge in range(4) ]
[docs] def edge( self, iedge ): 'edge' transform = self.edgetransform[ iedge ] v1, v2, v3, v4 = self.vertices vertices = [ [v1,v3,v2], [v1,v2,v4], [v1,v4,v3], [v2,v3,v4] ][ iedge ] # TODO check! return TriangularElement( vertices=vertices, context=(self,transform) )
@staticmethod @core.cache def refinedtransform( n ): 'refined transform' raise NotImplementedError( 'Transformations for refined tetrahedrons' )
[docs] def refined( self, n ): 'refine' raise NotImplementedError( 'Refinement tetrahedrons' )
@staticmethod @core.cache def getischeme( ndims, where ): '''get integration scheme''' assert ndims == 3 if where.startswith( 'vtk' ): coords = numpy.array([[0,0,0],[1,0,0],[0,1,0],[0,0,1]]).T weights = None elif where == 'gauss1': coords = numpy.array( [[1],[1],[1]] ) / 4. weights = numpy.array( [1] ) / 6. elif where == 'gauss2': coords = numpy.array([[0.5854101966249685,0.1381966011250105,0.1381966011250105], [0.1381966011250105,0.1381966011250105,0.1381966011250105], [0.1381966011250105,0.1381966011250105,0.5854101966249685], [0.1381966011250105,0.5854101966249685,0.1381966011250105]]).T weights = numpy.array([1,1,1,1]) / 24. elif where == 'gauss3': coords = numpy.array([[0.2500000000000000,0.2500000000000000,0.2500000000000000], [0.5000000000000000,0.1666666666666667,0.1666666666666667], [0.1666666666666667,0.1666666666666667,0.1666666666666667], [0.1666666666666667,0.1666666666666667,0.5000000000000000], [0.1666666666666667,0.5000000000000000,0.1666666666666667]]).T weights = numpy.array([-0.8000000000000000,0.4500000000000000,0.4500000000000000,0.4500000000000000,0.4500000000000000]) / 6. elif where == 'gauss4': coords = numpy.array([[0.2500000000000000,0.2500000000000000,0.2500000000000000], [0.7857142857142857,0.0714285714285714,0.0714285714285714], [0.0714285714285714,0.0714285714285714,0.0714285714285714], [0.0714285714285714,0.0714285714285714,0.7857142857142857], [0.0714285714285714,0.7857142857142857,0.0714285714285714], [0.1005964238332008,0.3994035761667992,0.3994035761667992], [0.3994035761667992,0.1005964238332008,0.3994035761667992], [0.3994035761667992,0.3994035761667992,0.1005964238332008], [0.3994035761667992,0.1005964238332008,0.1005964238332008], [0.1005964238332008,0.3994035761667992,0.1005964238332008], [0.1005964238332008,0.1005964238332008,0.3994035761667992]]).T weights = numpy.array([-0.0789333333333333,0.0457333333333333,0.0457333333333333,0.0457333333333333,0.0457333333333333,0.1493333333333333,0.1493333333333333,0.1493333333333333,0.1493333333333333,0.1493333333333333,0.1493333333333333]) / 6. elif where == 'gauss5': coords = numpy.array([[0.2500000000000000,0.2500000000000000,0.2500000000000000], [0.0000000000000000,0.3333333333333333,0.3333333333333333], [0.3333333333333333,0.3333333333333333,0.3333333333333333], [0.3333333333333333,0.3333333333333333,0.0000000000000000], [0.3333333333333333,0.0000000000000000,0.3333333333333333], [0.7272727272727273,0.0909090909090909,0.0909090909090909], [0.0909090909090909,0.0909090909090909,0.0909090909090909], [0.0909090909090909,0.0909090909090909,0.7272727272727273], [0.0909090909090909,0.7272727272727273,0.0909090909090909], [0.4334498464263357,0.0665501535736643,0.0665501535736643], [0.0665501535736643,0.4334498464263357,0.0665501535736643], [0.0665501535736643,0.0665501535736643,0.4334498464263357], [0.0665501535736643,0.4334498464263357,0.4334498464263357], [0.4334498464263357,0.0665501535736643,0.4334498464263357], [0.4334498464263357,0.4334498464263357,0.0665501535736643]]).T weights = numpy.array([0.1817020685825351,0.0361607142857143,0.0361607142857143,0.0361607142857143,0.0361607142857143,0.0698714945161738,0.0698714945161738,0.0698714945161738,0.0698714945161738,0.0656948493683187,0.0656948493683187,0.0656948493683187,0.0656948493683187,0.0656948493683187,0.0656948493683187]) / 6. elif where == 'gauss6': coords = numpy.array([[0.3561913862225449,0.2146028712591517,0.2146028712591517], [0.2146028712591517,0.2146028712591517,0.2146028712591517], [0.2146028712591517,0.2146028712591517,0.3561913862225449], [0.2146028712591517,0.3561913862225449,0.2146028712591517], [0.8779781243961660,0.0406739585346113,0.0406739585346113], [0.0406739585346113,0.0406739585346113,0.0406739585346113], [0.0406739585346113,0.0406739585346113,0.8779781243961660], [0.0406739585346113,0.8779781243961660,0.0406739585346113], [0.0329863295731731,0.3223378901422757,0.3223378901422757], [0.3223378901422757,0.3223378901422757,0.3223378901422757], [0.3223378901422757,0.3223378901422757,0.0329863295731731], [0.3223378901422757,0.0329863295731731,0.3223378901422757], [0.2696723314583159,0.0636610018750175,0.0636610018750175], [0.0636610018750175,0.2696723314583159,0.0636610018750175], [0.0636610018750175,0.0636610018750175,0.2696723314583159], [0.6030056647916491,0.0636610018750175,0.0636610018750175], [0.0636610018750175,0.6030056647916491,0.0636610018750175], [0.0636610018750175,0.0636610018750175,0.6030056647916491], [0.0636610018750175,0.2696723314583159,0.6030056647916491], [0.2696723314583159,0.6030056647916491,0.0636610018750175], [0.6030056647916491,0.0636610018750175,0.2696723314583159], [0.0636610018750175,0.6030056647916491,0.2696723314583159], [0.2696723314583159,0.0636610018750175,0.6030056647916491], [0.6030056647916491,0.2696723314583159,0.0636610018750175]]).T weights = numpy.array([0.0399227502581679,0.0399227502581679,0.0399227502581679,0.0399227502581679,0.0100772110553207,0.0100772110553207,0.0100772110553207,0.0100772110553207,0.0553571815436544,0.0553571815436544,0.0553571815436544,0.0553571815436544,0.0482142857142857,0.0482142857142857,0.0482142857142857,0.0482142857142857,0.0482142857142857,0.0482142857142857,0.0482142857142857,0.0482142857142857,0.0482142857142857,0.0482142857142857,0.0482142857142857,0.0482142857142857]) / 6. elif where == 'gauss7': coords = numpy.array([[0.2500000000000000,0.2500000000000000,0.2500000000000000], [0.7653604230090441,0.0782131923303186,0.0782131923303186], [0.0782131923303186,0.0782131923303186,0.0782131923303186], [0.0782131923303186,0.0782131923303186,0.7653604230090441], [0.0782131923303186,0.7653604230090441,0.0782131923303186], [0.6344703500082868,0.1218432166639044,0.1218432166639044], [0.1218432166639044,0.1218432166639044,0.1218432166639044], [0.1218432166639044,0.1218432166639044,0.6344703500082868], [0.1218432166639044,0.6344703500082868,0.1218432166639044], [0.0023825066607383,0.3325391644464206,0.3325391644464206], [0.3325391644464206,0.3325391644464206,0.3325391644464206], [0.3325391644464206,0.3325391644464206,0.0023825066607383], [0.3325391644464206,0.0023825066607383,0.3325391644464206], [0.0000000000000000,0.5000000000000000,0.5000000000000000], [0.5000000000000000,0.0000000000000000,0.5000000000000000], [0.5000000000000000,0.5000000000000000,0.0000000000000000], [0.5000000000000000,0.0000000000000000,0.0000000000000000], [0.0000000000000000,0.5000000000000000,0.0000000000000000], [0.0000000000000000,0.0000000000000000,0.5000000000000000], [0.2000000000000000,0.1000000000000000,0.1000000000000000], [0.1000000000000000,0.2000000000000000,0.1000000000000000], [0.1000000000000000,0.1000000000000000,0.2000000000000000], [0.6000000000000000,0.1000000000000000,0.1000000000000000], [0.1000000000000000,0.6000000000000000,0.1000000000000000], [0.1000000000000000,0.1000000000000000,0.6000000000000000], [0.1000000000000000,0.2000000000000000,0.6000000000000000], [0.2000000000000000,0.6000000000000000,0.1000000000000000], [0.6000000000000000,0.1000000000000000,0.2000000000000000], [0.1000000000000000,0.6000000000000000,0.2000000000000000], [0.2000000000000000,0.1000000000000000,0.6000000000000000], [0.6000000000000000,0.2000000000000000,0.1000000000000000]]).T weights = numpy.array([0.1095853407966528,0.0635996491464850,0.0635996491464850,0.0635996491464850,0.0635996491464850,-0.3751064406859797,-0.3751064406859797,-0.3751064406859797,-0.3751064406859797,0.0293485515784412,0.0293485515784412,0.0293485515784412,0.0293485515784412,0.0058201058201058,0.0058201058201058,0.0058201058201058,0.0058201058201058,0.0058201058201058,0.0058201058201058,0.1653439153439105,0.1653439153439105,0.1653439153439105,0.1653439153439105,0.1653439153439105,0.1653439153439105,0.1653439153439105,0.1653439153439105,0.1653439153439105,0.1653439153439105,0.1653439153439105,0.1653439153439105]) / 6. elif where == 'gauss8': coords = numpy.array([[0.2500000000000000,0.2500000000000000,0.2500000000000000], [0.6175871903000830,0.1274709365666390,0.1274709365666390], [0.1274709365666390,0.1274709365666390,0.1274709365666390], [0.1274709365666390,0.1274709365666390,0.6175871903000830], [0.1274709365666390,0.6175871903000830,0.1274709365666390], [0.9037635088221031,0.0320788303926323,0.0320788303926323], [0.0320788303926323,0.0320788303926323,0.0320788303926323], [0.0320788303926323,0.0320788303926323,0.9037635088221031], [0.0320788303926323,0.9037635088221031,0.0320788303926323], [0.4502229043567190,0.0497770956432810,0.0497770956432810], [0.0497770956432810,0.4502229043567190,0.0497770956432810], [0.0497770956432810,0.0497770956432810,0.4502229043567190], [0.0497770956432810,0.4502229043567190,0.4502229043567190], [0.4502229043567190,0.0497770956432810,0.4502229043567190], [0.4502229043567190,0.4502229043567190,0.0497770956432810], [0.3162695526014501,0.1837304473985499,0.1837304473985499], [0.1837304473985499,0.3162695526014501,0.1837304473985499], [0.1837304473985499,0.1837304473985499,0.3162695526014501], [0.1837304473985499,0.3162695526014501,0.3162695526014501], [0.3162695526014501,0.1837304473985499,0.3162695526014501], [0.3162695526014501,0.3162695526014501,0.1837304473985499], [0.0229177878448171,0.2319010893971509,0.2319010893971509], [0.2319010893971509,0.0229177878448171,0.2319010893971509], [0.2319010893971509,0.2319010893971509,0.0229177878448171], [0.5132800333608811,0.2319010893971509,0.2319010893971509], [0.2319010893971509,0.5132800333608811,0.2319010893971509], [0.2319010893971509,0.2319010893971509,0.5132800333608811], [0.2319010893971509,0.0229177878448171,0.5132800333608811], [0.0229177878448171,0.5132800333608811,0.2319010893971509], [0.5132800333608811,0.2319010893971509,0.0229177878448171], [0.2319010893971509,0.5132800333608811,0.0229177878448171], [0.0229177878448171,0.2319010893971509,0.5132800333608811], [0.5132800333608811,0.0229177878448171,0.2319010893971509], [0.7303134278075384,0.0379700484718286,0.0379700484718286], [0.0379700484718286,0.7303134278075384,0.0379700484718286], [0.0379700484718286,0.0379700484718286,0.7303134278075384], [0.1937464752488044,0.0379700484718286,0.0379700484718286], [0.0379700484718286,0.1937464752488044,0.0379700484718286], [0.0379700484718286,0.0379700484718286,0.1937464752488044], [0.0379700484718286,0.7303134278075384,0.1937464752488044], [0.7303134278075384,0.1937464752488044,0.0379700484718286], [0.1937464752488044,0.0379700484718286,0.7303134278075384], [0.0379700484718286,0.1937464752488044,0.7303134278075384], [0.7303134278075384,0.0379700484718286,0.1937464752488044], [0.1937464752488044,0.7303134278075384,0.0379700484718286]]).T weights = numpy.array([-0.2359620398477557,0.0244878963560562,0.0244878963560562,0.0244878963560562,0.0244878963560562,0.0039485206398261,0.0039485206398261,0.0039485206398261,0.0039485206398261,0.0263055529507371,0.0263055529507371,0.0263055529507371,0.0263055529507371,0.0263055529507371,0.0263055529507371,0.0829803830550589,0.0829803830550589,0.0829803830550589,0.0829803830550589,0.0829803830550589,0.0829803830550589,0.0254426245481023,0.0254426245481023,0.0254426245481023,0.0254426245481023,0.0254426245481023,0.0254426245481023,0.0254426245481023,0.0254426245481023,0.0254426245481023,0.0254426245481023,0.0254426245481023,0.0254426245481023,0.0134324384376852,0.0134324384376852,0.0134324384376852,0.0134324384376852,0.0134324384376852,0.0134324384376852,0.0134324384376852,0.0134324384376852,0.0134324384376852,0.0134324384376852,0.0134324384376852,0.0134324384376852]) / 6. else: raise Exception, 'invalid element evaluation: %r' % where return util.ImmutableArray( coords.T ), util.ImmutableArray( weights )
[docs] def select_contained( self, points, eps=0 ): 'select points contained in element' raise NotImplementedError( 'Determine whether a point resides in the tetrahedron' )
[docs]class StdElem( object ): 'stdelem base class' __slots__ = 'ndims', 'nshapes' def __mul__( self, other ): 'multiply elements' return PolyProduct( self, other ) def __pow__( self, n ): 'repeated multiplication' assert n >= 1 return self if n == 1 else self * self**(n-1)
[docs] def extract( self, extraction ): 'apply extraction matrix' return ExtractionWrapper( self, extraction )
[docs]class PolyProduct( StdElem ): 'multiply standard elements' __slots__ = 'std1', 'std2' @core.cache def __new__( cls, std1, std2 ): 'constructor' self = object.__new__( cls ) self.std1 = std1 self.std2 = std2 self.ndims = std1.ndims + std2.ndims self.nshapes = std1.nshapes * std2.nshapes return self @core.cache def eval( self, points, grad=0 ): 'evaluate' # log.debug( '@ PolyProduct.eval: ', id(self), id(points), id(grad) ) assert isinstance( grad, int ) and grad >= 0 assert points.shape[-1] == self.ndims s1 = slice(0,self.std1.ndims) p1 = points[...,s1] s2 = slice(self.std1.ndims,None) p2 = points[...,s2] E = Ellipsis, S = slice(None), N = numpy.newaxis, shape = points.shape[:-1] + (self.std1.nshapes * self.std2.nshapes,) G12 = [ ( self.std1.eval( p1, grad=i )[E+S+N+S*i+N*j] * self.std2.eval( p2, grad=j )[E+N+S+N*i+S*j] ).reshape( shape + (self.std1.ndims,) * i + (self.std2.ndims,) * j ) for i,j in zip( range(grad,-1,-1), range(grad+1) ) ] data = numpy.empty( shape + (self.ndims,) * grad ) s = (s1,)*grad + (s2,)*grad R = numpy.arange(grad) for n in range(2**grad): index = n>>R&1 n = index.argsort() # index[s] = [0,...,1] shuffle = range(points.ndim) + list( points.ndim + n ) iprod = index.sum() data.transpose(shuffle)[E+s[iprod:iprod+grad]] = G12[iprod] return data def __str__( self ): 'string representation' return '%s*%s' % ( self.std1, self.std2 )
[docs]class PolyLine( StdElem ): 'polynomial on a line' __slots__ = 'degree', 'poly' @classmethod
[docs] def bernstein_poly( cls, degree ): 'bernstein polynomial coefficients' # magic bernstein triangle revpoly = numpy.zeros( [degree+1,degree+1], dtype=int ) for k in range(degree//2+1): revpoly[k,k] = root = (-1)**degree if k == 0 else ( revpoly[k-1,k] * (k*2-1-degree) ) / k for i in range(k+1,degree+1-k): revpoly[i,k] = revpoly[k,i] = root = ( root * (k+i-degree-1) ) / i return revpoly[::-1]
[docs] def spline_poly( cls, p, n ): 'spline polynomial coefficients' assert p >= 0, 'invalid polynomial degree %d' % p if p == 0: assert n == -1 return numpy.array( [[[1.]]] ) assert 1 <= n < 2*p extractions = numpy.empty(( n, p+1, p+1 )) extractions[0] = numpy.eye( p+1 ) for i in range( 1, n ): extractions[i] = numpy.eye( p+1 ) for j in range( 2, p+1 ): for k in reversed( range( j, p+1 ) ): alpha = 1. / min( 2+k-j, n-i+1 ) extractions[i-1,:,k] = alpha * extractions[i-1,:,k] + (1-alpha) * extractions[i-1,:,k-1] extractions[i,-j-1:-1,-j-1] = extractions[i-1,-j:,-1] poly = cls.bernstein_poly( p ) return numeric.contract( extractions[:,_,:,:], poly[_,:,_,:], axis=-1 )
@classmethod @core.cache def spline_elems( cls, p, n ): 'spline elements, minimum amount (just for caching)' return map( cls, cls.spline_poly(p,n) ) @classmethod @core.cache def spline_elems_neumann( cls, p, n ): 'spline elements, neumann endings (just for caching)' polys = cls.spline_poly(p,n) poly_0 = polys[0].copy() poly_0[:,1] += poly_0[:,0] poly_e = polys[-1].copy() poly_e[:,-2] += poly_e[:,-1] return cls(poly_0), cls(poly_e) @classmethod @core.cache def spline_elems_curvature( cls ): 'spline elements, curve free endings (just for caching)' polys = cls.spline_poly(1,1) poly_0 = polys[0].copy() poly_0[:,0] += 0.5*(polys[0][:,0]+polys[0][:,1]) poly_0[:,1] -= 0.5*(polys[0][:,0]+polys[0][:,1]) poly_e = polys[-1].copy() poly_e[:,-2] -= 0.5*(polys[-1][:,-1]+polys[-1][:,-2]) poly_e[:,-1] += 0.5*(polys[-1][:,-1]+polys[-1][:,-2]) return cls(poly_0), cls(poly_e) @classmethod
[docs] def spline( cls, degree, nelems, periodic=False, neumann=0, curvature=False ): 'spline elements, any amount' p = degree n = 2*p-1 if periodic: assert not neumann, 'periodic domains have no boundary' assert not curvature, 'curvature free option not possible for periodic domains' if nelems == 1: # periodicity on one element can only mean a constant elems = cls.spline_elems( 0, n ) else: elems = cls.spline_elems( p, n )[p-1:p] * nelems else: elems = cls.spline_elems( p, min(nelems,n) ) if len(elems) < nelems: elems = elems[:p-1] + elems[p-1:p] * (nelems-2*(p-1)) + elems[p:] if neumann: elem_0, elem_e = cls.spline_elems_neumann( p, min(nelems,n) ) if neumann & 1: elems[0] = elem_0 if neumann & 2: elems[-1] = elem_e if curvature: assert neumann==0, 'Curvature free not allowed in combindation with Neumann' assert degree==2, 'Curvature free only allowed for quadratic splines' elem_0, elem_e = cls.spline_elems_curvature() elems[0] = elem_0 elems[-1] = elem_e return numpy.array( elems )
def __init__( self, poly ): '''Create polynomial from order x nfuncs array of coefficients 'poly'. Evaluates to sum_i poly[i,:] x**i.''' self.ndims = 1 self.poly = numpy.asarray( poly, dtype=float ) order, self.nshapes = self.poly.shape = order - 1 @core.cache def eval( self, points, grad=0 ): 'evaluate' assert points.shape[-1] == 1 x = points[...,0] if grad > return numeric.appendaxes( 0., x.shape+(self.nshapes,)+(1,)*grad ) poly = self.poly for n in range(grad): poly = poly[1:] * numpy.arange( 1, poly.shape[0] )[:,_] polyval = numpy.empty( x.shape+(self.nshapes,) ) polyval[:] = poly[-1] for p in poly[-2::-1]: polyval *= x[...,_] polyval += p return polyval[(Ellipsis,)+(_,)*grad]
[docs] def extract( self, extraction ): 'apply extraction' return PolyLine( self.poly, extraction ) )
def __repr__( self ): 'string representation' return 'PolyLine#%x' % id(self)
[docs]class PolyTriangle( StdElem ): '''poly triangle (linear for now) conventions: dof numbering as vertices, see TriangularElement docstring.''' __slots__ = () @core.cache def __new__( cls, order ): 'constructor' assert order == 1 self = object.__new__( cls ) return self @core.cache def eval( self, points, grad=0 ): 'eval' npoints, ndim = points.shape if grad == 0: x, y = points.T data = numpy.array( [ x, y, 1-x-y ] ).T elif grad == 1: data = numpy.array( [[1,0],[0,1],[-1,-1]], dtype=float ) else: data = numpy.array( 0 ).reshape( (1,) * (grad+ndim) ) return data def __repr__( self ): 'string representation' return '%s#%x' % ( self.__class__.__name__, id(self) )
[docs]class BubbleTriangle( StdElem ): '''linear triangle + bubble function conventions: dof numbering as vertices (see TriangularElement docstring), then barycenter.''' __slots__ = () @core.cache def __new__( cls, order ): 'constructor' assert order == 1 self = object.__new__( cls ) return self @core.cache def eval( self, points, grad=0 ): 'eval' npoints, ndim = points.shape if grad == 0: x, y = points.T data = numpy.array( [ x, y, 1-x-y, 27*x*y*(1-x-y) ] ).T elif grad == 1: x, y = points.T const_block = numpy.array( [1,0,0,1,-1,-1]*npoints, dtype=float ).reshape( npoints,3,2 ) grad1_bubble = 27*numpy.array( [y*(1-2*x-y),x*(1-x-2*y)] ).T.reshape( npoints,1,2 ) data = numpy.concatenate( [const_block, grad1_bubble], axis=1 ) elif grad == 2: x, y = points.T zero_block = numpy.zeros( (npoints,3,2,2) ) grad2_bubble = 27*numpy.array( [-2*y,1-2*x-2*y, 1-2*x-2*y,-2*x] ).T.reshape( npoints,1,2,2 ) data = numpy.concatenate( [zero_block, grad2_bubble], axis=1 ) elif grad == 3: zero_block = numpy.zeros( (3,2,2,2) ) grad3_bubble = 27*numpy.array( [0,-2,-2,-2,-2,-2,-2,0], dtype=float ).reshape( 1,2,2,2 ) data = numpy.concatenate( [zero_block, grad3_bubble], axis=0 ) else: assert ndim==2, 'Triangle takes 2D coordinates' # otherwise tested by unpacking points.T data = numpy.array( 0 ).reshape( (1,) * (grad+2) ) return data def __repr__( self ): 'string representation' return '%s#%x' % ( self.__class__.__name__, id(self) )
[docs]class ExtractionWrapper( object ): 'extraction wrapper' __slots__ = 'stdelem', 'extraction' def __init__( self, stdelem, extraction ): 'constructor' self.stdelem = stdelem self.extraction = extraction @core.cache def eval( self, points, grad=0 ): 'call' return self.stdelem.eval( points, grad ), self.extraction, axis=1 ) def __repr__( self ): 'string representation' return '%s#%x:%s' % ( self.__class__.__name__, id(self), self.stdelem ) # vim:shiftwidth=2:foldmethod=indent:foldnestmax=2