
In this script we solve the Cahn-Hiilliard equation, which models the unmixing of two phases under the effect of surface tension.

 6from nutils import mesh, function, solver, sample, export, cli, testing
 7import numpy, treelog, itertools, enum, typing
 9class stab(enum.Enum):
10  none = '0' # for educational purposes only
11  linear = '.5 dc^2 (6 - 6 c^2 + 8 c dc - 3 dc^2) / epsilon^2'
12  optimal = '.5 dc^2 (1 - dc^2 / 12) / epsilon^2'
14def main(nelems:int, etype:str, btype:str, degree:int, epsilon:typing.Optional[float],
15         contactangle:float, timestep:float, mtol:float, seed:int, circle:bool, stab:stab):
16  '''
17  Cahn-Hilliard equation on a unit square/circle.
19  .. arguments::
21     nelems [20]
22       Number of elements along domain edge.
23     etype [square]
24       Type of elements (square/triangle/mixed).
25     btype [std]
26       Type of basis function (std/spline), with availability depending on the
27       configured element type.
28     degree [2]
29       Polynomial degree.
30     epsilon []
31       Interface thickness; defaults to an automatic value based on the
32       configured mesh density if left unspecified.
33     contactangle [90]
34       Wall contact angle in degrees.
35     timestep [.01]
36       Time step.
37     mtol [.01]
38       Threshold value for chemical potential peak to peak difference, used as
39       a stop criterion.
40     seed [0]
41       Random seed for the initial condition.
42     circle [no]
43       Select circular domain as opposed to a unit square.
44     stab [linear]
45       Stabilization method (linear/optimal/none).
46  '''
48  mineps = 1./nelems
49  if epsilon is None:
50'setting epsilon={}'.format(mineps))
51    epsilon = mineps
52  elif epsilon < mineps:
53    treelog.warning('epsilon under crititical threshold: {} < {}'.format(epsilon, mineps))
55  domain, geom = mesh.unitsquare(nelems, etype)
56  bezier = domain.sample('bezier', 5) # sample for plotting
58  ns = function.Namespace()
59  if not circle:
60    ns.x = geom
61  else:
62    angle = (geom-.5) * (numpy.pi/2)
63    ns.x = function.sin(angle) * function.cos(angle)[[1,0]] / numpy.sqrt(2)
64  ns.epsilon = epsilon
65  ns.ewall = .5 * numpy.cos(contactangle * numpy.pi / 180)
66  ns.cbasis, ns.mbasis = function.chain([domain.basis('std', degree=degree)] * 2)
67  ns.c = 'cbasis_n ?lhs_n'
68  ns.dc = 'cbasis_n (?lhs_n - ?lhs0_n)'
69  ns.m = 'mbasis_n ?lhs_n'
70  ns.F = '.5 (c^2 - 1)^2 / epsilon^2'
71  ns.dF = stab.value
72  ns.dt = timestep
74  nrg_mix = domain.integral('F d:x' @ ns, degree=7)
75  nrg_iface = domain.integral('.5 c_,k c_,k d:x' @ ns, degree=7)
76  nrg_wall = domain.boundary.integral('(abs(ewall) + c ewall) d:x' @ ns, degree=7)
77  nrg = nrg_mix + nrg_iface + nrg_wall + domain.integral('(dF - m dc - .5 dt epsilon^2 m_,k m_,k) d:x' @ ns, degree=7)
79  numpy.random.seed(seed)
80  lhs = numpy.random.normal(0, .5, ns.cbasis.shape) # initial condition
82  with treelog.iter.plain('timestep', itertools.count()) as steps:
83   for istep in steps:
85    E = sample.eval_integrals(nrg_mix, nrg_iface, nrg_wall, lhs=lhs)
86    treelog.user('energy: {0:.3f} ({1[0]:.0f}% mixture, {1[1]:.0f}% interface, {1[2]:.0f}% wall)'.format(sum(E), 100*numpy.array(E)/sum(E)))
88    x, c, m = bezier.eval(['x_i', 'c', 'm'] @ ns, lhs=lhs)
89    export.triplot('phase.png', x, c, tri=bezier.tri, clim=(-1,1))
90    export.triplot('chempot.png', x, m, tri=bezier.tri)
92    if numpy.ptp(m) < mtol:
93      break
95    lhs = solver.optimize('lhs', nrg, arguments=dict(lhs0=lhs), lhs0=lhs, tol=1e-10)
97  return lhs

If the script is executed (as opposed to imported), calls the main function with arguments provided from the command line.

102if __name__ == '__main__':

Once a simulation is developed and tested, it is good practice to save a few strategic return values for regression testing. The nutils.testing module, which builds on the standard unittest framework, facilitates this by providing nutils.testing.TestCase.assertAlmostEqual64() for the embedding of desired results as compressed base64 data.

111class test(testing.TestCase):
113  @testing.requires('matplotlib')
114  def test_initial(self):
115    lhs = main(nelems=3, etype='square', btype='std', degree=2, epsilon=None, contactangle=90, timestep=1, mtol=float('inf'), seed=0, circle=False, stab=stab.linear)
116    self.assertAlmostEqual64(lhs, '''
117      eNoBxAA7/xM3LjTtNYs3MDcUyt41uc14zjo0LzKzNm812jFhNNMzwDYgzbMzV8o0yCM1rzWeypE3Tcnx
118      L07NzTa4NlMyETREyrPIGMxYMl82VDbjy1/M8clZyf3IRjday6XLmMl6NRnJDs1Ayh00WMu1yQHRUDSs
119      MKIz7MoEzM/KCMxwyvjIlzLQyxTJdjQ5yjEwWjX3MTk2n8kwNMbKTsoay1DMWDC8ycM1eTQyyb42NzdK
120      NmLN5skSNs/LXDbnMuw19DNKNREtGTfui1ut''')
122  @testing.requires('matplotlib')
123  def test_square(self):
124    lhs = main(nelems=3, etype='square', btype='std', degree=2, epsilon=None, contactangle=90, timestep=1, mtol=.1, seed=0, circle=False, stab=stab.linear)
125    self.assertAlmostEqual64(lhs, '''
126      eNqbZTbHzMHsiGmpCd9V1gszzWaZ2ZjtMQ01eXV+xbk0szSgzAaTDxdNTkue1jbTMpM15TJqP/335PeT
127      100vmyqYaJ3tPNV1svNknmmKqYJR+On3J01Pmp9MMY0y/WIYCOSZn7Q82XCi8UTXiSkn5pxYBISovJYT
128      rSd6T0wD8xae6ATCCSemn5gLlusFwiknZp9YcGIpEE4Ewhkn5p1YfGIFEKLyAN6wcSE=''')
130  @testing.requires('matplotlib')
131  def test_contactangle(self):
132    lhs = main(nelems=3, etype='square', btype='std', degree=2, epsilon=None, contactangle=45, timestep=1, mtol=.1, seed=0, circle=False, stab=stab.linear)
133    self.assertAlmostEqual64(lhs, '''
134      eNqzNsszkzZbbfrdOOus6Jlss5lmPmbPTQtNtp6be8bZrNTss6mW6SMDv9OnTokDZRpMbxl7nNE89fTk
135      ItNHpl0mT8+fOzX3ZP7J3yb+ph1G206zn7I+KXWyyOSeibK+1ulzJyVP/joRZhJp0m6yyeSyyXsgDAfy
136      2kw2mlw0eWvyxiTLJNtkgslmk3Mmz4CwzqTeZLbJNpOzJo+AcIrJVJO1JkdMbpi8BsLlJitM9gHNeGLy
137      2eQLkLfSZL/JFZOnJl+BEAAJrlyi''')
139  @testing.requires('matplotlib')
140  def test_mixedcircle(self):
141    lhs = main(nelems=3, etype='mixed', btype='std', degree=2, epsilon=None, contactangle=90, timestep=1, mtol=.1, seed=0, circle=True, stab=stab.linear)
142    self.assertAlmostEqual64(lhs, '''
143      eNrTM31uImDqY1puGmwia1prssNY37TERNM01eSOkYuJlck6Q1ED9TP9px+fOmq82FjtfKFJiM6CK70m
144      BsZixmUXgk9XnMo7VX6661zL+cZz58+ln0s6e/PM7DOvjDTOvTz97tS8c6xn9pzYemLHiQMn9p9YDyS3
145      nth4YteJbUCRHUByO5DcfGLDieUnlpyYA2RtP7HpxJ4T64Aih8Bwz4k1QPF5QJ3rgap3ntgCVAHRe+bE
146      biBr5YmDQBMBKJ13Eg==''')