Source code for nutils.function

# Copyright (c) 2014 Evalf
# Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
# of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
# in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
# to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
# copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
# furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
# The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in
# all copies or substantial portions of the Software.

The function module defines the :class:`Evaluable` class and derived objects,
commonly referred to as nutils functions. They represent mappings from a
:mod:`nutils.topology` onto Python space. The notabe class of :class:`Array`
objects map onto the space of Numpy arrays of predefined dimension and shape.
Most functions used in nutils applicatons are of this latter type, including the
geometry and function bases for analysis.

Nutils functions are essentially postponed python functions, stored in a tree
structure of input/output dependencies. Many :class:`Array` objects have
directly recognizable numpy equivalents, such as :class:`Sin` or
:class:`Inverse`. By not evaluating directly but merely stacking operations,
complex operations can be defined prior to entering a quadrature loop, allowing
for a higher level style programming. It also allows for automatic
differentiation and code optimization.

It is important to realize that nutils functions do not map for a physical
xy-domain but from a topology, where a point is characterized by the combination
of an element and its local coordinate. This is a natural fit for typical finite
element operations such as quadrature. Evaluation from physical coordinates is
possible only via inverting of the geometry function, which is a fundamentally
expensive and currently unsupported operation.

from . import util, numpy, numeric, log, config, core, cache, transform, expression, warnings, _
import sys, itertools, functools, operator, inspect, numbers, builtins, re, types,, math

isevaluable = lambda arg: isinstance(arg, Evaluable)

[docs]class Evaluable(cache.Immutable): 'Base class' def __init__(self, args:tuple): assert all(isevaluable(arg) for arg in args) self.__args = args def evalf(self, *args): raise NotImplementedError('Evaluable derivatives should implement the evalf method') def dependencies(self): '''collection of all function arguments''' args = set() for func in self.__args: if func not in args: args |= func.dependencies args.add(func) return args @property def isconstant(self): return EVALARGS not in self.dependencies def ordereddeps(self): '''collection of all function arguments such that the arguments to dependencies[i] can be found in dependencies[:i]''' return tuple([EVALARGS] + sorted(self.dependencies - {EVALARGS}, key=lambda f: len(f.dependencies))) def dependencytree(self): '''lookup table of function arguments into ordereddeps, such that ordereddeps[i].__args[j] == ordereddeps[dependencytree[i][j]], and self.__args[j] == ordereddeps[dependencytree[-1][j]]''' args = self.ordereddeps return tuple(tuple(map(args.index, func.__args)) for func in args+(self,)) @property def serialized(self): return zip(self.ordereddeps[1:]+(self,), self.dependencytree[1:])
[docs] def asciitree(self, seen=None): 'string representation' if seen is None: seen = [] try: index = seen.index(self) except ValueError: pass else: return '%{}'.format(index) asciitree = self._asciitree_str() if config.richoutput: select = '├ ', '└ ' bridge = '│ ', ' ' else: select = ': ', ': ' bridge = '| ', ' ' for iarg, arg in enumerate(self.__args): n = iarg >= len(self.__args) - 1 asciitree += '\n' + select[n] + (('\n' + bridge[n]).join(arg.asciitree(seen).splitlines()) if isevaluable(arg) else '<{}>'.format(arg)) index = len(seen) seen.append(self) return '%{} = {}'.format(index, asciitree)
def _asciitree_str(self): return str(self) def __str__(self): return self.__class__.__name__ def eval(self, **evalargs): values = [evalargs] for op, indices in self.serialized: try: args = [values[i] for i in indices] retval = op.evalf(*args) except KeyboardInterrupt: raise except: etype, evalue, traceback = sys.exc_info() excargs = etype, evalue, self, values raise EvaluationError(*excargs).with_traceback(traceback) values.append(retval) return values[-1]
[docs] @log.title def graphviz(self): 'create function graph' import os, subprocess, hashlib dotpath = if not isinstance(dotpath, str): dotpath = 'dot' lines = [] lines.append('digraph {') lines.append('graph [dpi=72];') lines.extend('{0:} [label="{0:}. {1:}"];'.format(i, name._asciitree_str()) for i, name in enumerate(self.ordereddeps+(self,))) lines.extend('{} -> {};'.format(j, i) for i, indices in enumerate(self.dependencytree) for j in indices) lines.append('}') imgdata = '\n'.join(lines).encode() imgtype = config.imagetype imgpath = 'dot_{}.{}'.format(hashlib.sha1(imgdata).hexdigest(), imgtype) if not os.path.exists(imgpath): with core.open_in_outdir(imgpath, 'w') as img: with subprocess.Popen([dotpath,'-T'+imgtype], stdin=subprocess.PIPE, stdout=img) as dot: dot.communicate(imgdata)
[docs] def stackstr(self, nlines=-1): 'print stack' lines = [' %0 = EVALARGS'] for op, indices in self.serialized: args = ['%{}'.format(idx) for idx in indices] try: code = op.evalf.__code__ offset = 1 if getattr(op.evalf, '__self__', None) is not None else 0 names = code.co_varnames[offset:code.co_argcount] names += tuple('{}[{}]'.format(code.co_varnames[code.co_argcount], n) for n in range(len(indices) - len(names))) args = ['{}={}'.format(*item) for item in zip(names, args)] except: pass lines.append(' %{} = {}({})'.format(len(lines), op._asciitree_str(), ', '.join(args))) if len(lines) == nlines+1: break return '\n'.join(lines) def simplified(self): return self.edit(lambda arg: arg.simplified if isevaluable(arg) else arg)
[docs]class EvaluationError(Exception): 'evaluation error' def __init__(self, etype, evalue, evaluable, values): 'constructor' self.etype = etype self.evalue = evalue self.evaluable = evaluable self.values = values def __repr__(self): return 'EvaluationError{}'.format(self) def __str__(self): 'string representation' return '\n{} --> {}: {}'.format(self.evaluable.stackstr(nlines=len(self.values)), self.etype.__name__, self.evalue)
EVALARGS = Evaluable(args=()) class Cache(Evaluable): def __init__(self): super().__init__(args=[EVALARGS]) def evalf(self, evalargs): try: return evalargs['_cache'] except KeyError: return cache.WrapperDummyCache() CACHE = Cache() class Points(Evaluable): def __init__(self, opposite=False): super().__init__(args=[EVALARGS]) def evalf(self, evalargs): points = evalargs['_points'] assert numeric.isarray(points) and points.ndim == 2 return numeric.const(points) POINTS = Points() class Tuple(Evaluable): def __init__(self, items:tuple): self.items = items args = [] indices = [] for i, item in enumerate(self.items): if isevaluable(item): args.append(item) indices.append(i) self.indices = tuple(indices) super().__init__(args) def simplified(self): return Tuple([item.simplified if isevaluable(item) else item for item in self.items]) def edit(self, op): return Tuple([op(item) for item in self.items]) def evalf(self, *items): 'evaluate' T = list(self.items) for index, item in zip(self.indices, items): T[index] = item return tuple(T) def __iter__(self): 'iterate' return iter(self.items) def __len__(self): 'length' return len(self.items) def __getitem__(self, item): 'get item' return self.items[item] def __add__(self, other): 'add' return Tuple(self.items + tuple(other)) def __radd__(self, other): 'add' return Tuple(tuple(other) + self.items) # TRANSFORMCHAIN class TransformChain(Evaluable): def __init__(self, args:tuple, todims): self.todims = todims super().__init__(args) class SelectChain(TransformChain): def __init__(self, n, todims=None): self.n = n super().__init__(args=[EVALARGS], todims=todims) def evalf(self, evalargs): trans = evalargs['_transforms'][self.n] assert isinstance(trans, tuple) and trans[0].todims == self.todims return trans TRANS = SelectChain(0) OPPTRANS = SelectChain(1) class PopHead(TransformChain): def __init__(self, todims:int, trans=TRANS): self.trans = trans super().__init__(args=[self.trans], todims=todims) def evalf(self, trans): assert trans[0].todims == None and trans[0].fromdims == self.todims return trans[1:] class SelectBifurcation(TransformChain): def __init__(self, trans, first:bool, todims=None): self.trans = trans self.first = first super().__init__(args=[trans], todims=todims) def evalf(self, trans): assert isinstance(trans, tuple) bf = trans[0] assert isinstance(bf, transform.Bifurcate) selected = bf.trans1 if self.first else bf.trans2 assert selected[0].todims == self.todims return selected + trans[1:] class Promote(TransformChain): def __init__(self, ndims:int, trans): self.ndims = ndims super().__init__(args=[trans], todims=trans.todims) def evalf(self, trans): head, tail = transform.promote(trans, self.ndims) return head + tail class TailOfTransform(TransformChain): def __init__(self, trans, depth, todims:int): assert isarray(depth) assert depth.ndim == 0 and depth.dtype == int super().__init__(args=[trans, depth], todims=todims) def evalf(self, trans, depth): depth, = depth assert trans[depth-1].fromdims == self.todims return trans[depth:] # ARRAYFUNC # # The main evaluable. Closely mimics a numpy array. def add(a, b): a, b = _numpy_align(a, b) return Add([a, b]) def multiply(a, b): a, b = _numpy_align(a, b) return Multiply([a, b]) def sum(arg, axis=None): arg = asarray(arg) if axis is None: axis = numpy.arange(arg.ndim) elif numeric.isint(axis): axis = numeric.normdim(arg.ndim, axis), else: axis = _norm_and_sort(arg.ndim, axis) assert numpy.greater(numpy.diff(axis), 0).all(), 'duplicate axes in sum' summed = arg for ax in reversed(axis): summed = Sum(summed, ax) return summed def product(arg, axis): arg = asarray(arg) axis = numeric.normdim(arg.ndim, axis) shape = arg.shape[:axis] + arg.shape[axis+1:] trans = [i for i in range(arg.ndim) if i != axis] + [axis] return Product(transpose(arg, trans)) def power(arg, n): arg, n = _numpy_align(arg, n) return Power(arg, n) def dot(a, b, axes=None): if axes is None: a = asarray(a) b = asarray(b) assert b.ndim == 1 and b.shape[0] == a.shape[0] for idim in range(1, a.ndim): b = insertaxis(b, idim, a.shape[idim]) axes = 0, else: a, b = _numpy_align(a, b) if numeric.isint(axes): axes = axes, axes = _norm_and_sort(a.ndim, axes) return Dot([a, b], axes) def transpose(arg, trans=None): arg = asarray(arg) if trans is None: normtrans = range(arg.ndim-1, -1, -1) else: normtrans = _normdims(arg.ndim, trans) assert sorted(normtrans) == list(range(arg.ndim)) return Transpose(arg, normtrans) def swapaxes(arg, axis1, axis2): arg = asarray(arg) trans = numpy.arange(arg.ndim) trans[axis1], trans[axis2] = trans[axis2], trans[axis1] return transpose(arg, trans) asdtype = lambda arg: arg if arg in (bool, int, float) else {'f': float, 'i': int, 'b': bool}[numpy.dtype(arg).kind] asarray = lambda arg: arg if isarray(arg) else Constant(arg) if numeric.isarray(arg) or numpy.asarray(arg).dtype != object else stack(arg, axis=0) asarrays = lambda args: tuple(asarray(arg) for arg in args)
[docs]class Array(Evaluable): 'array function' __array_priority__ = 1. # def __init__(self, args:tuple, shape:tuple, dtype:asdtype): self.shape = tuple(map(self._canonicalize_length, shape)) self.ndim = len(shape) self.dtype = dtype super().__init__(args=args) @staticmethod def _canonicalize_length(value): if isarray(value): if value.ndim != 0 or value.dtype != int: raise ValueError('length should be an `int` or `Array` with zero dimensions and dtype `int`, got {!r}'.format(value)) value = value.simplified if value.isconstant: value = int(value.eval()) # Ensure this is an `int`, not `numpy.int64`. elif numeric.isint(value): value = int(value) # Ensure this is an `int`, not `numpy.int64`. else: raise ValueError('length should be an `int` or `Array` with zero dimensions and dtype `int`, got {!r}'.format(value)) return value def __getitem__(self, item): if not isinstance(item, tuple): item = item, iell = None nx = self.ndim - len(item) for i, it in enumerate(item): if it is ...: assert iell is None, 'at most one ellipsis allowed' iell = i elif it is _: nx += 1 array = self axis = 0 for it in item + (slice(None),)*nx if iell is None else item[:iell] + (slice(None),)*(nx+1) + item[iell+1:]: if numeric.isint(it): array = get(array, axis, item=it) elif it is _: array = expand_dims(array, axis) axis += 1 elif it is slice(None): axis += 1 elif isinstance(it, slice): assert it.step == None or it.step == 1 start = 0 if it.start is None else it.start if it.start >= 0 else it.start + array.shape[axis] stop = array.shape[axis] if it.stop is None else it.stop if it.stop >= 0 else it.stop + array.shape[axis] array = take(array, index=Range(stop-start, start), axis=axis) axis += 1 else: array = take(array, index=it, axis=axis) axis += 1 assert axis == array.ndim return array def __len__(self): if self.ndim == 0: raise TypeError('len() of unsized object') return self.shape[0] def __iter__(self): if not self.shape: raise TypeError('iteration over a 0-d array') return (self[i,...] for i in range(self.shape[0])) size = property(lambda self: util.product(self.shape) if self.ndim else 1) T = property(lambda self: transpose(self)) __add__ = __radd__ = add __sub__ = lambda self, other: subtract(self, other) __rsub__ = lambda self, other: subtract(other, self) __mul__ = __rmul__ = multiply __truediv__ = lambda self, other: divide(self, other) __rtruediv__ = lambda self, other: divide(other, self) __pos__ = lambda self: self __neg__ = lambda self: negative(self) __pow__ = power __abs__ = lambda self: abs(self) __mod__ = lambda self, other: mod(self, other) __str__ = __repr__ = lambda self: 'Array<{}>'.format(','.join(map(str, self.shape)) if hasattr(self, 'shape') else '?') sum = sum prod = product vector = lambda self, ndims: vectorize([self] * ndims) dot = dot normalized = lambda self, axis=-1: normalized(self, axis) normal = lambda self, exterior=False: normal(self, exterior) curvature = lambda self, ndims=-1: curvature(self, ndims) swapaxes = swapaxes transpose = transpose grad = lambda self, geom, ndims=0: grad(self, geom, ndims) laplace = lambda self, geom, ndims=0: grad(self, geom, ndims).div(geom, ndims) add_T = lambda self, axes=(-2,-1): add_T(self, axes) symgrad = lambda self, geom, ndims=0: symgrad(self, geom, ndims) div = lambda self, geom, ndims=0: div(self, geom, ndims) dotnorm = lambda self, geom, axis=-1: dotnorm(self, geom, axis) tangent = lambda self, vec: tangent(self, vec) ngrad = lambda self, geom, ndims=0: ngrad(self, geom, ndims) nsymgrad = lambda self, geom, ndims=0: nsymgrad(self, geom, ndims) @property def blocks(self): return [(tuple(Range(n) for n in self.shape), self)] def _asciitree_str(self): return '{}({})'.format(type(self).__name__, ','.join(['?' if isarray(sh) else str(sh) for sh in self.shape])) # simplifications _multiply = lambda self, other: None _transpose = lambda self, axes: None _insertaxis = lambda self, axis, length: None _get = lambda self, i, item: None _power = lambda self, n: None _add = lambda self, other: None _sum = lambda self, axis: None _take = lambda self, index, axis: None _determinant = lambda self: None _inverse = lambda self: None _takediag = lambda self, axis, rmaxis: None _kronecker = lambda self, axis, length, pos: None _diagonalize = lambda self, axis, newaxis: None _product = lambda self: None _sign = lambda self: None _eig = lambda self, symmetric: None _inflate = lambda self, dofmap, length, axis: None _mask = lambda self, maskvec, axis: None _unravel = lambda self, axis, shape: None _ravel = lambda self, axis: None
[docs]class Normal(Array): 'normal' def __init__(self, lgrad:asarray): assert lgrad.ndim == 2 and lgrad.shape[0] == lgrad.shape[1] self.lgrad = lgrad super().__init__(args=[lgrad], shape=(len(lgrad),), dtype=float) def evalf(self, lgrad): n = lgrad[...,-1] if n.shape[-1] == 1: # geom is 1D return numpy.sign(n) # orthonormalize n to G G = lgrad[...,:-1] GG = numeric.contract(G[:,:,_,:], G[:,:,:,_], axis=1) v1 = numeric.contract(G, n[:,:,_], axis=1) v2 = numpy.linalg.solve(GG, v1) v3 = numeric.contract(G, v2[:,_,:], axis=2) return numeric.normalize(n - v3) def _derivative(self, var, seen): if len(self) == 1: return zeros(self.shape + var.shape) G = self.lgrad[...,:-1] GG = matmat(G.T, G) Gder = derivative(G, var, seen) nGder = matmat(self, Gder) return -matmat(G, inverse(GG), nGder)
[docs]class ArrayFunc(Array): 'deprecated ArrayFunc alias' def __init__(self, args:tuple, shape:tuple): warnings.deprecation('function.ArrayFunc is deprecated; use function.Array instead') super().__init__(args=args, shape=shape, dtype=float)
class Constant(Array): def __init__(self, value:numeric.const): self.value = value super().__init__(args=[], shape=value.shape, dtype=value.dtype) def simplified(self): if not self.value.any(): return zeros_like(self) # Find and replace invariant axes with InsertAxis. value = self.value invariant = [] for i in reversed(range(self.ndim)): # Since `self.value.any()` is False for arrays with a zero-length axis, # we can arrive here only if all axes have at least length one, hence the # following statement should work. first = numeric.get(value, i, 0) if all(numpy.equal(first, numeric.get(value, i, j)).all() for j in range(1, value.shape[i])): invariant.append(i) value = first if invariant: value = Constant(value) for i in reversed(invariant): value = InsertAxis(value, i, self.shape[i]) return value.simplified return self def evalf(self): return self.value[_] def _isunit(self): return numpy.equal(self.value, 1).all() def _derivative(self, var, seen): return zeros(self.shape + var.shape) def _transpose(self, axes): return Constant(self.value.transpose(axes)) def _sum(self, axis): return Constant(numpy.sum(self.value, axis)) def _get(self, i, item): if item.isconstant: item, = item.eval() return Constant(numeric.get(self.value, i, item)) def _add(self, other): if isinstance(other, Constant): return Constant(numpy.add(self.value, other.value)) def _inverse(self): return Constant(numpy.linalg.inv(self.value)) def _product(self): return Constant( def _multiply(self, other): if self._isunit: return other if isinstance(other, Constant): return Constant(numpy.multiply(self.value, other.value)) def _takediag(self, axis, rmaxis): return Constant(numeric.takediag(self.value, axis, rmaxis)) def _take(self, index, axis): if isinstance(index, Constant): return Constant(self.value.take(index.value, axis)) def _power(self, n): if isinstance(n, Constant): return Constant(numeric.power(self.value, n.value)) def _eig(self, symmetric): eigval, eigvec = (numpy.linalg.eigh if symmetric else numpy.linalg.eig)(self.value) return Tuple((Constant(eigval), Constant(eigvec))) def _sign(self): return Constant(numeric.sign(self.value)) def _unravel(self, axis, shape): shape = self.value.shape[:axis] + shape + self.value.shape[axis+1:] return Constant(self.value.reshape(shape)) def _mask(self, maskvec, axis): return Constant(self.value[(slice(None),)*axis+(numpy.asarray(maskvec),)]) class DofMap(Array): def __init__(self, dofs:tuple, index:asarray): assert index.ndim == 0 and index.dtype == int self.dofs = dofs self.index = index length = get([len(d) for d in dofs], iax=0, item=index) super().__init__(args=[index], shape=(length,), dtype=int) @property def dofmap(self): return self.index.asdict(self.dofs) def evalf(self, index): index, = index return self.dofs[index][_] class InsertAxis(Array): def __init__(self, func:asarray, axis:int, length:asarray): assert length.ndim == 0 and length.dtype == int assert 0 <= axis <= func.ndim self.func = func self.axis = axis self.length = length super().__init__(args=[func, length], shape=func.shape[:axis]+(length,)+func.shape[axis:], dtype=func.dtype) def simplified(self): func = self.func.simplified retval = func._insertaxis(self.axis, self.length) if retval is not None: assert retval.shape == self.shape return retval.simplified return InsertAxis(func, self.axis, self.length) def evalf(self, func, length): length, = length return numeric.const(func).insertaxis(self.axis+1, length) def _derivative(self, var, seen): return insertaxis(derivative(self.func, var, seen), self.axis, self.length) def _get(self, i, item): if i == self.axis: if item.isconstant and self.length.isconstant: assert item.eval()[0] < self.length.eval()[0] return self.func return InsertAxis(Get(self.func, i-(i>self.axis), item), self.axis-(i<self.axis), self.length) def _sum(self, i): if i == self.axis: return Multiply([self.func, _inflate_scalar(self.length, self.func.shape)]) return InsertAxis(Sum(self.func, i-(i>self.axis)), self.axis-(i<self.axis), self.length) def _product(self): if self.axis == self.ndim-1: return Power(self.func, _inflate_scalar(self.length, self.func.shape)) return InsertAxis(Product(self.func), self.axis, self.length) def _power(self, n): if isinstance(n, InsertAxis) and self.axis == n.axis: assert n.length == self.length return InsertAxis(Power(self.func, n.func), self.axis, self.length) def _add(self, other): if isinstance(other, InsertAxis) and self.axis == other.axis: assert self.length == other.length return InsertAxis(Add([self.func, other.func]), self.axis, self.length) def _multiply(self, other): if isinstance(other, InsertAxis) and self.axis == other.axis: assert self.length == other.length return InsertAxis(Multiply([self.func, other.func]), self.axis, self.length) def _insertaxis(self, axis, length): if (not length.isconstant, axis) < (not self.length.isconstant, self.axis): return InsertAxis(InsertAxis(self.func, axis-(axis>self.axis), length), self.axis+(axis<=self.axis), self.length) def _take(self, index, axis): if axis == self.axis: return InsertAxis(self.func, self.axis, index.shape[0]) return InsertAxis(Take(self.func, index, axis-(axis>self.axis)), self.axis, self.length) def _takediag(self, axis, rmaxis): if self.axis == rmaxis: return self.func elif self.axis == axis: return Transpose(self.func, list(range(axis))+[rmaxis-1]+list(range(axis, rmaxis-1))+list(range(rmaxis, self.func.ndim))) else: return InsertAxis(TakeDiag(self.func, axis-(self.axis<axis), rmaxis-(self.axis<rmaxis)), self.axis-(self.axis>rmaxis), self.length) def _mask(self, maskvec, axis): if axis == self.axis: assert len(maskvec) == self.shape[self.axis] return InsertAxis(self.func, self.axis, maskvec.sum()) return InsertAxis(Mask(self.func, maskvec, axis-(self.axis<axis)), self.axis, self.length) def _transpose(self, axes): i = axes.index(self.axis) return InsertAxis(Transpose(self.func, [ax-(ax>self.axis) for ax in axes[:i]+axes[i+1:]]), i, self.length) def _unravel(self, axis, shape): if axis == self.axis: return InsertAxis(InsertAxis(self.func, self.axis, shape[1]), self.axis, shape[0]) else: return InsertAxis(Unravel(self.func, axis-(axis>self.axis), shape), self.axis+(axis<self.axis), self.length) class Transpose(Array): def __init__(self, func:asarray, axes:tuple): assert sorted(axes) == list(range(func.ndim)) self.func = func self.axes = axes super().__init__(args=[func], shape=[func.shape[n] for n in axes], dtype=func.dtype) def simplified(self): func = self.func.simplified if self.axes == tuple(range(self.ndim)): return func retval = func._transpose(self.axes) if retval is not None: assert retval.shape == self.shape return retval.simplified return Transpose(func, self.axes) def evalf(self, arr): return arr.transpose([0] + [n+1 for n in self.axes]) def _transpose(self, axes): newaxes = [self.axes[i] for i in axes] return Transpose(self.func, newaxes) def _takediag(self, axis, rmaxis): if self.axes[axis] < self.axes[rmaxis]: axes = self.axes else: axes = list(self.axes) axes[axis], axes[rmaxis] = axes[rmaxis], axes[axis] assert axes[axis] < axes[rmaxis] return Transpose(TakeDiag(self.func, axes[axis], axes[rmaxis]), [ax-(ax>axes[rmaxis]) for ax in axes[:rmaxis]+axes[rmaxis+1:]]) def _get(self, i, item): axis = self.axes[i] axes = [ax-(ax>axis) for ax in self.axes if ax != axis] return Transpose(Get(self.func, axis, item), axes) def _sum(self, i): axis = self.axes[i] axes = [ax-(ax>axis) for ax in self.axes if ax != axis] return Transpose(Sum(self.func, axis), axes) def _derivative(self, var, seen): return transpose(derivative(self.func, var, seen), self.axes+tuple(range(self.ndim, self.ndim+var.ndim))) def _multiply(self, other): if isinstance(other, Transpose) and self.axes == other.axes: return Transpose(Multiply([self.func, other.func]), self.axes) other_trans = other._transpose(_invtrans(self.axes)) if other_trans is not None: return Transpose(Multiply([self.func, other_trans]), self.axes) def _add(self, other): if isinstance(other, Transpose) and self.axes == other.axes: return Transpose(Add([self.func, other.func]), self.axes) other_trans = other._transpose(_invtrans(self.axes)) if other_trans is not None: return Transpose(Add([self.func, other_trans]), self.axes) def _take(self, indices, axis): return Transpose(Take(self.func, indices, self.axes[axis]), self.axes) def _mask(self, maskvec, axis): return Transpose(Mask(self.func, maskvec, self.axes[axis]), self.axes) class Get(Array): def __init__(self, func:asarray, axis:int, item:asarray): assert item.ndim == 0 and item.dtype == int self.func = func self.axis = axis self.item = item assert 0 <= axis < func.ndim, 'axis is out of bounds' if item.isconstant and numeric.isint(func.shape[axis]): assert 0 <= item.eval()[0] < func.shape[axis], 'item is out of bounds' super().__init__(args=[func, item], shape=func.shape[:axis]+func.shape[axis+1:], dtype=func.dtype) def simplified(self): func = self.func.simplified item = self.item.simplified retval = func._get(self.axis, item) if retval is not None: assert retval.shape == self.shape return retval.simplified return Get(func, self.axis, item) def evalf(self, arr, item): if len(item) == 1: item, = item p = slice(None) elif len(arr) == 1: p = numpy.zeros(len(item), dtype=int) else: p = numpy.arange(len(item)) return arr[(p,)+(slice(None),)*self.axis+(item,)] def _derivative(self, var, seen): f = derivative(self.func, var, seen) return get(f, self.axis, self.item) def _get(self, i, item): tryget = self.func._get(i+(i>=self.axis), item) if tryget is not None: return Get(tryget, self.axis-(i<self.axis), self.item) def _take(self, indices, axis): return Get(Take(self.func, indices, axis+(axis>=self.axis)), self.axis, self.item) class Product(Array): def __init__(self, func:asarray): self.func = func super().__init__(args=[func], shape=func.shape[:-1], dtype=func.dtype) def simplified(self): func = self.func.simplified retval = func._product() if retval is not None: assert retval.shape == self.shape return retval.simplified return Product(func) def evalf(self, arr): assert arr.ndim == self.ndim+2 return numpy.product(arr, axis=-1) def _derivative(self, var, seen): grad = derivative(self.func, var, seen) funcs = Stack([util.product(self.func[...,j] for j in range(self.func.shape[-1]) if i != j) for i in range(self.func.shape[-1])], axis=self.ndim) return (grad * funcs[(...,)+(_,)*var.ndim]).sum(self.ndim) ## this is a cleaner form, but is invalid if self.func contains zero values: #ext = (...,)+(_,)*len(shape) #return self[ext] * (derivative(self.func,var,shape,seen) / self.func[ext]).sum(self.ndim) def _get(self, i, item): func = Get(self.func, i, item) return Product(func) class ApplyTransforms(Array): def __init__(self, trans, points=POINTS): self.trans = trans super().__init__(args=[points, trans], shape=[trans.todims], dtype=float) def evalf(self, points, chain): return transform.apply(chain, points) def _derivative(self, var, seen): if isinstance(var, LocalCoords) and len(var) > 0: return LinearFrom(self.trans, len(var)) return zeros(self.shape+var.shape) class LinearFrom(Array): def __init__(self, trans, fromdims:int): super().__init__(args=[trans], shape=(trans.todims, fromdims), dtype=float) def evalf(self, chain): todims, fromdims = self.shape assert not chain or chain[0].todims == todims return transform.linearfrom(chain, fromdims)[_] def _derivative(self, var, seen): return zeros(self.shape+var.shape) class Inverse(Array): def __init__(self, func:asarray): assert func.ndim >= 2 and func.shape[-1] == func.shape[-2] self.func = func super().__init__(args=[func], shape=func.shape, dtype=float) def simplified(self): func = self.func.simplified retval = func._inverse() if retval is not None: assert retval.shape == self.shape return retval.simplified return Inverse(func) def evalf(self, arr): return numpy.linalg.inv(arr) def _derivative(self, var, seen): G = derivative(self.func, var, seen) n = var.ndim a = slice(None) return -sum(self[(...,a,a,_,_)+(_,)*n] * G[(...,_,a,a,_)+(a,)*n] * self[(...,_,_,a,a)+(_,)*n], [-2-n, -3-n]) def _eig(self, symmetric): eigval, eigvec = Eig(self.func, symmetric) return Tuple((reciprocal(eigval), eigvec)) class Concatenate(Array): def __init__(self, funcs:tuple, axis:int=0): ndim = funcs[0].ndim assert all(isarray(func) and func.ndim == ndim for func in funcs) assert 0 <= axis < ndim assert all(func.shape[:axis] == funcs[0].shape[:axis] and func.shape[axis+1:] == funcs[0].shape[axis+1:] for func in funcs[1:]) length = util.sum(func.shape[axis] for func in funcs) shape = funcs[0].shape[:axis] + (length,) + funcs[0].shape[axis+1:] dtype = _jointdtype(*[func.dtype for func in funcs]) self.funcs = funcs self.axis = axis super().__init__(args=funcs, shape=shape, dtype=dtype) def edit(self, op): return Concatenate([op(func) for func in self.funcs], self.axis) def _withslices(self): return tuple((Range(func.shape[self.axis], n), func) for n, func in zip(util.cumsum(func.shape[self.axis] for func in self.funcs), self.funcs)) def simplified(self): funcs = tuple(func.simplified for func in self.funcs if func.shape[self.axis] != 0) if all(iszero(func) for func in funcs): return zeros_like(self) if len(funcs) == 1: return funcs[0] return Concatenate(funcs, self.axis) def evalf(self, *arrays): shape = list(builtins.max(arrays, key=len).shape) shape[self.axis+1] = builtins.sum(array.shape[self.axis+1] for array in arrays) retval = numpy.empty(shape, dtype=self.dtype) n0 = 0 for array in arrays: n1 = n0 + array.shape[self.axis+1] retval[(slice(None),)*(self.axis+1)+(slice(n0,n1),)] = array n0 = n1 assert n0 == retval.shape[self.axis+1] return retval def blocks(self): return _concatblocks(((ind[:self.axis], ind[self.axis+1:]), (ind[self.axis]+n, f)) for n, func in zip(util.cumsum(func.shape[self.axis] for func in self.funcs), self.funcs) for ind, f in func.blocks) def _get(self, i, item): if i != self.axis: axis = self.axis - (self.axis > i) return Concatenate([Get(f, i, item) for f in self.funcs], axis=axis) if item.isconstant: item, = item.eval() for f in self.funcs: if item < f.shape[i]: return Get(f, i, item) item -= f.shape[i] raise Exception def _derivative(self, var, seen): funcs = [derivative(func, var, seen) for func in self.funcs] return concatenate(funcs, axis=self.axis) def _multiply(self, other): funcs = [Multiply([func, Take(other, s, self.axis)]) for s, func in self._withslices] return Concatenate(funcs, self.axis) def _add(self, other): if isinstance(other, Concatenate) and self.axis == other.axis: if [f1.shape[self.axis] for f1 in self.funcs] == [f2.shape[self.axis] for f2 in other.funcs]: funcs = [add(f1, f2) for f1, f2 in zip(self.funcs, other.funcs)] else: if isarray(self.shape[self.axis]): raise NotImplementedError funcs = [] beg1 = 0 for func1 in self.funcs: end1 = beg1 + func1.shape[self.axis] beg2 = 0 for func2 in other.funcs: end2 = beg2 + func2.shape[self.axis] if end1 > beg2 and end2 > beg1: mask = numpy.zeros(self.shape[self.axis], dtype=bool) mask[builtins.max(beg1, beg2):builtins.min(end1, end2)] = True funcs.append(Add([Mask(func1, mask[beg1:end1], self.axis), Mask(func2, mask[beg2:end2], self.axis)])) beg2 = end2 beg1 = end1 else: funcs = [Add([func, Take(other, s, self.axis)]) for s, func in self._withslices] return Concatenate(funcs, self.axis) def _sum(self, axis): funcs = [Sum(func, axis) for func in self.funcs] if axis == self.axis: while len(funcs) > 1: funcs[-2:] = Add(funcs[-2:]), return funcs[0] return Concatenate(funcs, self.axis - (axis<self.axis)) def _transpose(self, axes): funcs = [Transpose(func, axes) for func in self.funcs] axis = axes.index(self.axis) return Concatenate(funcs, axis) def _insertaxis(self, axis, length): funcs = [InsertAxis(func, axis, length) for func in self.funcs] return Concatenate(funcs, self.axis+(axis<=self.axis)) def _takediag(self, axis, rmaxis): if self.axis == axis: funcs = [TakeDiag(Take(func, s, rmaxis), axis, rmaxis) for s, func in self._withslices] return Concatenate(funcs, axis=axis) elif self.axis == rmaxis: funcs = [TakeDiag(Take(func, s, axis), axis, rmaxis) for s, func in self._withslices] return Concatenate(funcs, axis=axis) else: return Concatenate([TakeDiag(f, axis, rmaxis) for f in self.funcs], axis=self.axis-(self.axis>rmaxis)) def _take(self, indices, axis): if axis != self.axis: return Concatenate([Take(func, indices, axis) for func in self.funcs], self.axis) if not indices.isconstant: return indices, = indices.eval() if not numpy.logical_and(numpy.greater_equal(indices, 0), numpy.less(indices, self.shape[axis])).all(): return ifuncs = numpy.hstack([numpy.repeat(ifunc,func.shape[axis]) for ifunc, func in enumerate(self.funcs)])[indices] splits, = numpy.nonzero(numpy.diff(ifuncs) != 0) funcs = [] for i, j in zip(numpy.hstack([0, splits+1]), numpy.hstack([splits+1, len(indices)])): ifunc = ifuncs[i] assert numpy.equal(ifuncs[i:j], ifunc).all() offset = builtins.sum(func.shape[axis] for func in self.funcs[:ifunc]) funcs.append(Take(self.funcs[ifunc], indices[i:j] - offset, axis)) if len(funcs) == 1: return funcs[0] return Concatenate(funcs, axis=axis) def _power(self, n): return Concatenate([Power(func, Take(n, s, self.axis)) for s, func in self._withslices], self.axis) def _diagonalize(self, axis, newaxis): if self.axis != axis: return Concatenate([Diagonalize(func, axis, newaxis) for func in self.funcs], self.axis+(newaxis<=self.axis)) def _kronecker(self, axis, length, pos): return Concatenate([kronecker(func,axis,length,pos) for func in self.funcs], self.axis+(axis<=self.axis)) def _mask(self, maskvec, axis): if axis != self.axis: return Concatenate([Mask(func,maskvec,axis) for func in self.funcs], self.axis) if all(s.isconstant for s, func in self._withslices): return Concatenate([Mask(func, maskvec[s.eval()[0]], axis) for s, func in self._withslices], axis) def _unravel(self, axis, shape): if axis != self.axis: return Concatenate([Unravel(func, axis, shape) for func in self.funcs], self.axis+(self.axis>axis))
[docs]class Interpolate(Array): 'interpolate uniformly spaced data; stepwise for now' def __init__(self, x:asarray, xp:numeric.const, fp:numeric.const, left=None, right=None): assert xp.ndim == fp.ndim == 1 if not numpy.greater(numpy.diff(xp), 0).all(): warnings.warn('supplied x-values are non-increasing') assert x.ndim == 0 self.xp = xp self.fp = fp self.left = left self.right = right super.__init__(args=[x], shape=(), dtype=float) def evalf(self, x): return numpy.interp(x, self.xp, self.fp, self.left, self.right)
class Cross(Array): def __init__(self, func1:asarray, func2:asarray, axis:int): assert func1.shape == func2.shape assert 0 <= axis < func1.ndim and func2.shape[axis] == 3 self.func1 = func1 self.func2 = func2 self.axis = axis super().__init__(args=(func1,func2), shape=func1.shape, dtype=_jointdtype(func1.dtype, func2.dtype)) def evalf(self, a, b): assert a.ndim == b.ndim == self.ndim+1 return numpy.cross(a, b, axis=self.axis+1) def _derivative(self, var, seen): ext = (...,)+(_,)*var.ndim return cross(self.func1[ext], derivative(self.func2, var, seen), axis=self.axis) \ - cross(self.func2[ext], derivative(self.func1, var, seen), axis=self.axis) def _take(self, index, axis): if axis != self.axis: return Cross(Take(self.func1, index, axis), Take(self.func2, index, axis), self.axis) class Determinant(Array): def __init__(self, func:asarray): assert isarray(func) and func.ndim >= 2 and func.shape[-1] == func.shape[-2] self.func = func super().__init__(args=[func], shape=func.shape[:-2], dtype=func.dtype) def simplified(self): func = self.func.simplified retval = func._determinant() if retval is not None: assert retval.shape == self.shape return retval.simplified return Determinant(func) def evalf(self, arr): assert arr.ndim == self.ndim+3 return numpy.linalg.det(arr) def _derivative(self, var, seen): Finv = swapaxes(inverse(self.func), -2, -1) G = derivative(self.func, var, seen) ext = (...,)+(_,)*var.ndim return self[ext] * sum(Finv[ext] * G, axis=[-2-var.ndim,-1-var.ndim]) class Multiply(Array): def __init__(self, funcs:util.frozenmultiset): self.funcs = funcs func1, func2 = funcs assert isarray(func1) and isarray(func2) and func1.shape == func2.shape super().__init__(args=self.funcs, shape=func1.shape, dtype=_jointdtype(func1.dtype,func2.dtype)) def edit(self, op): return Multiply([op(func) for func in self.funcs]) def simplified(self): func1, func2 = [func.simplified for func in self.funcs] if func1 == func2: return power(func1, 2).simplified retval = func1._multiply(func2) if retval is not None: assert retval.shape == self.shape return retval.simplified retval = func2._multiply(func1) if retval is not None: assert retval.shape == self.shape return retval.simplified return Multiply([func1, func2]) def evalf(self, arr1, arr2): return arr1 * arr2 def _sum(self, axis): func1, func2 = self.funcs return Dot([func1, func2], [axis]) def _get(self, axis, item): func1, func2 = self.funcs return Multiply([Get(func1, axis, item), Get(func2, axis, item)]) def _add(self, other): func1, func2 = self.funcs if other == func1: return Multiply([func1, Add([func2, ones_like(func2)])]) if other == func2: return Multiply([func2, Add([func1, ones_like(func1)])]) if isinstance(other, Multiply) and not self.funcs.isdisjoint(other.funcs): f = next(iter(self.funcs & other.funcs)) return Multiply([f, Add(self.funcs + other.funcs - [f,f])]) def _determinant(self): func1, func2 = self.funcs if self.shape[-2:] == (1,1): return Multiply([Determinant(func1), Determinant(func2)]) def _product(self): func1, func2 = self.funcs return Multiply([Product(func1), Product(func2)]) def _multiply(self, other): func1, func2 = self.funcs func1_other = func1._multiply(other) if func1_other is not None: return Multiply([func1_other, func2]) func2_other = func2._multiply(other) if func2_other is not None: return Multiply([func1, func2_other]) def _derivative(self, var, seen): func1, func2 = self.funcs ext = (...,)+(_,)*var.ndim return func1[ext] * derivative(func2, var, seen) \ + func2[ext] * derivative(func1, var, seen) def _takediag(self, axis, rmaxis): func1, func2 = self.funcs return Multiply([TakeDiag(func1, axis, rmaxis), TakeDiag(func2, axis, rmaxis)]) def _take(self, index, axis): func1, func2 = self.funcs return Multiply([Take(func1, index, axis), Take(func2, index, axis)]) def _power(self, n): func1, func2 = self.funcs func1pow = func1._power(n) func2pow = func2._power(n) if func1pow is not None and func2pow is not None: return Multiply([func1pow, func2pow]) class Add(Array): def __init__(self, funcs:util.frozenmultiset): self.funcs = funcs func1, func2 = funcs assert isarray(func1) and isarray(func2) and func1.shape == func2.shape super().__init__(args=self.funcs, shape=func1.shape, dtype=_jointdtype(func1.dtype,func2.dtype)) def edit(self, op): return Add([op(func) for func in self.funcs]) def simplified(self): func1, func2 = [func.simplified for func in self.funcs] if iszero(func1): return func2 if iszero(func2): return func1 if func1 == func2: return multiply(func1, 2).simplified retval = func1._add(func2) if retval is not None: assert retval.shape == self.shape return retval.simplified retval = func2._add(func1) if retval is not None: assert retval.shape == self.shape return retval.simplified return Add([func1, func2]) def evalf(self, arr1, arr2=None): return arr1 + arr2 def _sum(self, axis): return Add([Sum(func, axis) for func in self.funcs]) def _derivative(self, var, seen): func1, func2 = self.funcs return derivative(func1, var, seen) + derivative(func2, var, seen) def _get(self, axis, item): func1, func2 = self.funcs return Add([Get(func1, axis, item), Get(func2, axis, item)]) def _takediag(self, axis, rmaxis): func1, func2 = self.funcs return Add([TakeDiag(func1, axis, rmaxis), TakeDiag(func2, axis, rmaxis)]) def _take(self, index, axis): func1, func2 = self.funcs return Add([Take(func1, index, axis), Take(func2, index, axis)]) def _add(self, other): func1, func2 = self.funcs func1_other = func1._add(other) if func1_other is not None: return Add([func1_other, func2]) func2_other = func2._add(other) if func2_other is not None: return Add([func1, func2_other]) def _mask(self, maskvec, axis): func1, func2 = self.funcs return Add([Mask(func1, maskvec, axis), Mask(func2, maskvec, axis)]) def _multiply(self, other): func1, func2 = self.funcs try1 = func1._multiply(other) try2 = func2._multiply(other) if try1 is not None and try2 is not None: return Add([try1, try2])
[docs]class BlockAdd(Array): 'block addition (used for DG)' def __init__(self, funcs:util.frozenmultiset): self.funcs = funcs shapes = set(func.shape for func in funcs) assert len(shapes) == 1, 'multiple shapes in BlockAdd' shape, = shapes super().__init__(args=funcs, shape=shape, dtype=_jointdtype(*[func.dtype for func in self.funcs])) def edit(self, op): return BlockAdd([op(func) for func in self.funcs]) def simplified(self): funcs = [] for func in self.funcs: func = func.simplified if isinstance(func, BlockAdd): funcs.extend(func.funcs) elif not iszero(func): funcs.append(func) return BlockAdd(funcs) if len(funcs) > 1 else funcs[0] if funcs else zeros_like(self) def evalf(self, *args): return util.sum(args) def _add(self, other): return BlockAdd(tuple(self.funcs) + tuple(other.funcs if isinstance(other, BlockAdd) else [other])) def _sum(self, axis): return BlockAdd([sum(func, axis) for func in self.funcs]) def _derivative(self, var, seen): return BlockAdd([derivative(func, var, seen) for func in self.funcs]) def _get(self, i, item): return BlockAdd([Get(func, i, item) for func in self.funcs]) def _takediag(self, axis, rmaxis): return BlockAdd([TakeDiag(func, axis, rmaxis) for func in self.funcs]) def _take(self, indices, axis): return BlockAdd([take(func, indices, axis) for func in self.funcs]) def _transpose(self, axes): return BlockAdd([Transpose(func, axes) for func in self.funcs]) def _insertaxis(self, axis, length): return BlockAdd([InsertAxis(func, axis, length) for func in self.funcs]) def _multiply(self, other): return BlockAdd([multiply(func, other) for func in self.funcs]) def _kronecker(self, axis, length, pos): return BlockAdd([kronecker(func, axis, length, pos) for func in self.funcs]) def _mask(self, maskvec, axis): return BlockAdd([Mask(func, maskvec, axis) for func in self.funcs]) def _unravel(self, axis, shape): return BlockAdd([unravel(func, axis, shape) for func in self.funcs]) def blocks(self): gathered = tuple((ind, util.sum(f)) for ind, f in util.gather(block for func in self.funcs for block in func.blocks)) if len(gathered) > 1: for idim in range(self.ndim): gathered = _concatblocks(((ind[:idim], ind[idim+1:]), (ind[idim], f)) for ind, f in gathered) return gathered
class Dot(Array): def __init__(self, funcs:util.frozenmultiset, axes:tuple): self.funcs = funcs func1, func2 = funcs assert isarray(func1) and isarray(func2) and func1.shape == func2.shape self.axes = axes assert all(0 <= ax < func1.ndim for ax in axes) assert all(ax1 < ax2 for ax1, ax2 in zip(axes[:-1], axes[1:])) shape = func1.shape self.axes_complement = list(range(func1.ndim)) for ax in reversed(self.axes): shape = shape[:ax] + shape[ax+1:] del self.axes_complement[ax] _abc = numeric._abc[:func1.ndim+1] self._einsumfmt = '{0},{0}->{1}'.format(_abc, ''.join(a for i, a in enumerate(_abc) if i-1 not in axes)) super().__init__(args=funcs, shape=shape, dtype=_jointdtype(func1.dtype,func2.dtype)) def edit(self, op): return Dot([op(func) for func in self.funcs], self.axes) def simplified(self): func1, func2 = [func.simplified for func in self.funcs] if len(self.axes) == 0: return multiply(func1, func2).simplified if iszero(func1) or iszero(func2): return zeros(self.shape) for i, axis in enumerate(self.axes): if func1.shape[axis] == 1: return dot(sum(func1,axis), sum(func2,axis), self.axes[:i] + tuple(axis-1 for axis in self.axes[i+1:])).simplified retval = func1._multiply(func2) if retval is not None: assert retval.shape == func1.shape return sum(retval, self.axes).simplified retval = func2._multiply(func1) if retval is not None: assert retval.shape == func1.shape return sum(retval, self.axes).simplified return Dot([func1, func2], self.axes) def evalf(self, arr1, arr2): return numpy.einsum(self._einsumfmt, arr1, arr2, optimize=False) def _get(self, axis, item): func1, func2 = self.funcs funcaxis = self.axes_complement[axis] return Dot([Get(func1, funcaxis, item), Get(func2, funcaxis, item)], [ax-(ax>=funcaxis) for ax in self.axes]) def _derivative(self, var, seen): func1, func2 = self.funcs ext = (...,)+(_,)*var.ndim return dot(derivative(func1, var, seen), func2[ext], self.axes) \ + dot(func1[ext], derivative(func2, var, seen), self.axes) def _add(self, other): if isinstance(other, Dot) and self.axes == other.axes and not self.funcs.isdisjoint(other.funcs): f = next(iter(self.funcs & other.funcs)) return Dot([f, Add(self.funcs + other.funcs - [f,f])], self.axes) def _takediag(self, axis, rmaxis): func1, func2 = self.funcs faxis = self.axes_complement[axis] frmaxis = self.axes_complement[rmaxis] return Dot([TakeDiag(func1, faxis, frmaxis), TakeDiag(func2, faxis, frmaxis)], [ax-(ax>frmaxis) for ax in self.axes]) def _sum(self, axis): funcaxis = self.axes_complement[axis] func1, func2 = self.funcs return Dot([func1, func2], sorted(self.axes + (funcaxis,))) def _take(self, index, axis): func1, func2 = self.funcs funcaxis = self.axes_complement[axis] return Dot([Take(func1, index, funcaxis), Take(func2, index, funcaxis)], self.axes) class Sum(Array): def __init__(self, func:asarray, axis:int): self.axis = axis self.func = func assert 0 <= axis < func.ndim, 'axis out of bounds' shape = func.shape[:axis] + func.shape[axis+1:] super().__init__(args=[func], shape=shape, dtype=int if func.dtype == bool else func.dtype) def simplified(self): func = self.func.simplified retval = func._sum(self.axis) if retval is not None: assert retval.shape == self.shape return retval.simplified return Sum(func, self.axis) def evalf(self, arr): assert arr.ndim == self.ndim+2 return numpy.sum(arr, self.axis+1) def _sum(self, axis): trysum = self.func._sum(axis+(axis>=self.axis)) if trysum is not None: return Sum(trysum, self.axis-(axis<self.axis)) def _derivative(self, var, seen): return sum(derivative(self.func, var, seen), self.axis) class TakeDiag(Array): def __init__(self, func:asarray, axis:int, rmaxis:int): assert func.shape[axis] == func.shape[rmaxis] assert 0 <= axis < rmaxis < func.ndim self.func = func self.axis = axis self.rmaxis = rmaxis super().__init__(args=[func], shape=func.shape[:rmaxis]+func.shape[rmaxis+1:], dtype=func.dtype) def simplified(self): func = self.func.simplified if self.shape[self.axis] == 1: return get(func, self.rmaxis, 0).simplified retval = func._takediag(self.axis, self.rmaxis) if retval is not None: assert retval.shape == self.shape return retval.simplified return TakeDiag(func, self.axis, self.rmaxis) def evalf(self, arr): assert arr.ndim == self.ndim+2 return numeric.takediag(arr, self.axis+1, self.rmaxis+1) def _derivative(self, var, seen): return TakeDiag(derivative(self.func, var, seen), self.axis, self.rmaxis) def _sum(self, axis): if axis != self.axis: return TakeDiag(Sum(self.func, axis+(axis>=self.rmaxis)), self.axis-(axis<self.axis), self.rmaxis-(axis<self.rmaxis)) class Take(Array): def __init__(self, func:asarray, indices:asarray, axis:int): assert indices.ndim == 1 and indices.dtype == int assert 0 <= axis < func.ndim self.func = func self.axis = axis self.indices = indices shape = func.shape[:axis] + indices.shape + func.shape[axis+1:] super().__init__(args=[func,indices], shape=shape, dtype=func.dtype) def simplified(self): if self.shape[self.axis] == 0: return zeros(self.shape, dtype=self.dtype) func = self.func.simplified indices = self.indices.simplified length = self.func.shape[self.axis] if indices == Range(length): return func if indices.isconstant and numeric.isint(length): indices_, = indices.eval() if numpy.greater(numpy.diff(numpy.mod(indices_, length)), 0).all(): mask = numpy.zeros(length, dtype=bool) mask[indices_] = True # note: includes proper bounds check return Mask(func, mask, self.axis).simplified retval = func._take(indices, self.axis) if retval is not None: assert retval.shape == self.shape return retval.simplified return Take(func, indices, self.axis) def evalf(self, arr, indices): if indices.shape[0] != 1: raise NotImplementedError('non element-constant indexing not supported yet') return numeric.const(numpy.take(arr, indices[0], self.axis+1), copy=False) def _derivative(self, var, seen): return take(derivative(self.func, var, seen), self.indices, self.axis) def _take(self, index, axis): if axis == self.axis: return Take(self.func, self.indices[index], axis) trytake = self.func._take(index, axis) if trytake is not None: return Take(trytake, self.indices, self.axis) class Power(Array): def __init__(self, func:asarray, power:asarray): assert func.shape == power.shape self.func = func self.power = power super().__init__(args=[func,power], shape=func.shape, dtype=float) def simplified(self): func = self.func.simplified power = self.power.simplified if iszero(power): return ones_like(self).simplified retval = func._power(power) if retval is not None: assert retval.shape == self.shape return retval.simplified return Power(func, power) def evalf(self, base, exp): return numeric.power(base, exp) def _derivative(self, var, seen): ext = (...,)+(_,)*var.ndim if self.power.isconstant: p, = self.power.eval() return zeros(self.shape + var.shape) if p == 0 \ else multiply(p, power(self.func, p-1))[ext] * derivative(self.func, var, seen) # self = func**power # ln self = power * ln func # self` / self = power` * ln func + power * func` / func # self` = power` * ln func * self + power * func` * func**(power-1) return (self.power * power(self.func, self.power - 1))[ext] * derivative(self.func, var, seen) \ + (ln(self.func) * self)[ext] * derivative(self.power, var, seen) def _power(self, n): func = self.func newpower = Multiply([self.power, n]) if iszero(self.power % 2) and not iszero(newpower % 2): func = abs(func) return Power(func, newpower) def _get(self, axis, item): return Power(Get(self.func, axis, item), Get(self.power, axis, item)) def _sum(self, axis): if self == (self.func**2): return Dot([self.func, self.func], [axis]) def _takediag(self, axis, rmaxis): return Power(TakeDiag(self.func, axis, rmaxis), TakeDiag(self.power, axis, rmaxis)) def _take(self, index, axis): return Power(Take(self.func, index, axis), Take(self.power, index, axis)) def _multiply(self, other): if isinstance(other, Power) and self.func == other.func: return Power(self.func, Add([self.power, other.power])) if other == self.func: return Power(self.func, Add([self.power, ones_like(self.power)])) def _sign(self): if iszero(self.power % 2): return ones_like(self) class Pointwise(Array): deriv = None def __init__(self, *args:asarrays): retval = self.evalf(*[numpy.ones((), dtype=arg.dtype) for arg in args]) shapes = set(arg.shape for arg in args) assert len(shapes) == 1, 'pointwise arguments have inconsistent shapes' shape, = shapes self.args = args super().__init__(args=args, shape=shape, dtype=retval.dtype) def simplified(self): args = [arg.simplified for arg in self.args] if all(arg.isconstant for arg in args): retval, = self.evalf(*[arg.eval() for arg in args]) return Constant(retval).simplified return self.__class__(*args) def _derivative(self, var, seen): if self.deriv is None: raise NotImplementedError('derivative is not defined for this operator') return util.sum(deriv(*self.args)[(...,)+(_,)*var.ndim] * derivative(arg, var, seen) for arg, deriv in zip(self.args, self.deriv)) def _takediag(self, axis, rmaxis): return self.__class__(*[TakeDiag(arg, axis, rmaxis) for arg in self.args]) def _get(self, axis, item): return self.__class__(*[Get(arg, axis, item) for arg in self.args]) def _take(self, index, axis): return self.__class__(*[Take(arg, index, axis) for arg in self.args]) class Cos(Pointwise): evalf = numpy.cos deriv = lambda x: -Sin(x), class Sin(Pointwise): evalf = numpy.sin deriv = Cos, class Tan(Pointwise): evalf = numpy.tan deriv = lambda x: Cos(x)**-2, class ArcSin(Pointwise): evalf = numpy.arcsin deriv = lambda x: reciprocal(sqrt(1-x**2)), class ArcCos(Pointwise): evalf = numpy.arccos deriv = lambda x: -reciprocal(sqrt(1-x**2)), class ArcTan(Pointwise): evalf = numpy.arctan deriv = lambda x: reciprocal(1+x**2), class Exp(Pointwise): evalf = numpy.exp deriv = lambda x: Exp(x), class Log(Pointwise): evalf = numpy.log deriv = lambda x: reciprocal(x), class Mod(Pointwise): evalf = numpy.mod class ArcTan2(Pointwise): evalf = numpy.arctan2 deriv = lambda x, y: y / (x**2 + y**2), lambda x, y: -x / (x**2 + y**2) class Greater(Pointwise): evalf = numpy.greater deriv = (lambda a, b: Zeros(a.shape, dtype=int),) * 2 class Equal(Pointwise): evalf = numpy.equal deriv = (lambda a, b: Zeros(a.shape, dtype=int),) * 2 class Less(Pointwise): evalf = numpy.less deriv = (lambda a, b: Zeros(a.shape, dtype=int),) * 2 class Minimum(Pointwise): evalf = numpy.minimum deriv = Less, lambda x, y: 1 - Less(x, y) class Maximum(Pointwise): evalf = numpy.maximum deriv = lambda x, y: 1 - Less(x, y), Less class Int(Pointwise): evalf = staticmethod(lambda a: a.astype(int)) deriv = lambda a: Zeros(a.shape, int), class Sign(Array): def __init__(self, func:asarray): self.func = func super().__init__(args=[func], shape=func.shape, dtype=func.dtype) def simplified(self): func = self.func.simplified retval = func._sign() if retval is not None: assert retval.shape == self.shape return retval.simplified return Sign(func) def evalf(self, arr): assert arr.ndim == self.ndim+1 return numpy.sign(arr) def _derivative(self, var, seen): return zeros(self.shape + var.shape) def _takediag(self, axis, rmaxis): return Sign(TakeDiag(self.func, axis, rmaxis)) def _get(self, axis, item): return Sign(Get(self.func, axis, item)) def _take(self, index, axis): return Sign(Take(self.func, index, axis)) def _sign(self): return self def _power(self, n): if iszero(n % 2): return ones_like(self)
[docs]class Sampled(Array): 'sampled' def __init__(self, data:util.frozendict, trans=TRANS): = data.copy() self.trans = trans items = iter( trans0, (values0,points0) = next(items) shape = values0.shape[1:] assert all(transi[-1].fromdims == trans0[-1].fromdims and valuesi.shape == pointsi.shape[:1]+shape for transi, (valuesi, pointsi) in items) super().__init__(args=[trans,POINTS], shape=shape, dtype=float) def evalf(self, trans, points): (myvals, mypoints), tail = transform.lookup_item(trans, evalpoints = transform.apply(tail, points) assert mypoints.shape == evalpoints.shape and numpy.equal(mypoints, evalpoints).all(), 'Illegal point set' return myvals
class Elemwise(Array): def __init__(self, data:tuple, index:asarray, dtype:asdtype): = data ndim =[0].ndim shape = tuple(get([d.shape[i] for d in], iax=0, item=index) for i in range(ndim)) super().__init__(args=[index], shape=shape, dtype=dtype) def evalf(self, index): index, = index return[index][_] def _derivative(self, var, seen): return Zeros(self.shape+var.shape, self.dtype) def simplified(self): if all(map(numeric.isint, self.shape)) and all(numpy.equal([0],[i]).all() for i in range(1, len( return Constant([0]) return self class Eig(Evaluable): def __init__(self, func:asarray, symmetric:bool=False): assert func.ndim >= 2 and func.shape[-1] == func.shape[-2] self.symmetric = symmetric self.func = func super().__init__(args=[func]) def __len__(self): return 2 def __iter__(self): yield ArrayFromTuple(self, index=0, shape=self.func.shape[:-1], dtype=float) yield ArrayFromTuple(self, index=1, shape=self.func.shape, dtype=float) def simplified(self): func = self.func.simplified retval = func._eig(self.symmetric) if retval is not None: assert len(retval) == 2 return retval.simplified return Eig(func, self.symmetric) def evalf(self, arr): return (numpy.linalg.eigh if self.symmetric else numeric.eig)(arr) class ArrayFromTuple(Array): def __init__(self, arrays, index:int, shape:tuple, dtype:asdtype): assert isevaluable(arrays) assert 0 <= index < len(arrays) self.arrays = arrays self.index = index super().__init__(args=[arrays], shape=shape, dtype=dtype) def evalf(self, arrays): assert isinstance(arrays, tuple) return arrays[self.index]
[docs]class Zeros(Array): 'zero' def __init__(self, shape:tuple, dtype:asdtype): super().__init__(args=[asarray(sh) for sh in shape], shape=shape, dtype=dtype) def evalf(self, *shape): if shape: shape, = zip(*shape) return numpy.zeros((1,)+shape, dtype=self.dtype) @property def blocks(self): return () def edit(self, op): return Zeros(tuple(map(op, self.shape)), self.dtype) def _derivative(self, var, seen): return zeros(self.shape+var.shape, dtype=self.dtype) def _add(self, other): return other def _multiply(self, other): return self def _diagonalize(self, axis, newaxis): return Zeros(self.shape[:newaxis]+(self.shape[axis],)+self.shape[newaxis:], dtype=self.dtype) def _sum(self, axis): return Zeros(self.shape[:axis] + self.shape[axis+1:], dtype=int if self.dtype == bool else self.dtype) def _transpose(self, axes): shape = [self.shape[n] for n in axes] return Zeros(shape, dtype=self.dtype) def _insertaxis(self, axis, length): return Zeros(self.shape[:axis]+(length,)+self.shape[axis:], self.dtype) def _get(self, i, item): return Zeros(self.shape[:i] + self.shape[i+1:], dtype=self.dtype) def _takediag(self, axis, rmaxis): return Zeros(self.shape[:rmaxis]+self.shape[rmaxis+1:], dtype=self.dtype) def _take(self, index, axis): return Zeros(self.shape[:axis] + index.shape + self.shape[axis+1:], dtype=self.dtype) def _inflate(self, dofmap, length, axis): return Zeros(self.shape[:axis] + (length,) + self.shape[axis+1:], dtype=self.dtype) def _power(self, n): return self def _kronecker(self, axis, length, pos): return Zeros(self.shape[:axis]+(length,)+self.shape[axis:], dtype=self.dtype) def _mask(self, maskvec, axis): return Zeros(self.shape[:axis] + (maskvec.sum(),) + self.shape[axis+1:], dtype=self.dtype) def _unravel(self, axis, shape): shape = self.shape[:axis] + shape + self.shape[axis+1:] return Zeros(shape, dtype=self.dtype) def _ravel(self, axis): return Zeros(self.shape[:axis] + (self.shape[axis]*self.shape[axis+1],) + self.shape[axis+2:], self.dtype)
class Inflate(Array): def __init__(self, func:asarray, dofmap:asarray, length:int, axis:int): self.func = func self.dofmap = dofmap self.length = length self.axis = axis assert 0 <= axis < func.ndim assert func.shape[axis] == dofmap.shape[0] shape = func.shape[:axis] + (length,) + func.shape[axis+1:] super().__init__(args=[func,dofmap], shape=shape, dtype=func.dtype) def simplified(self): func = self.func.simplified dofmap = self.dofmap.simplified retval = func._inflate(dofmap, self.length, self.axis) if retval is not None: assert retval.shape == self.shape return retval.simplified return Inflate(func, dofmap, self.length, self.axis) def evalf(self, array, indices): assert indices.shape[0] == 1 indices, = indices assert array.ndim == self.ndim+1 warnings.warn('using explicit inflation; this is usually a bug.') shape = list(array.shape) shape[self.axis+1] = self.length inflated = numpy.zeros(shape, dtype=self.dtype), (slice(None),)*(self.axis+1)+(indices,), array) return inflated @property def blocks(self): return ((ind[:self.axis] + (Take(self.dofmap, ind[self.axis], axis=0).simplified,) + ind[self.axis+1:], f) for ind, f in self.func.blocks) def _mask(self, maskvec, axis): if axis != self.axis: return Inflate(Mask(self.func, maskvec, axis), self.dofmap, self.length, self.axis) newlength = maskvec.sum() selection = Take(maskvec, self.dofmap, axis=0) renumber = numpy.empty(len(maskvec), dtype=int) renumber[:] = newlength # out of bounds renumber[numpy.asarray(maskvec)] = numpy.arange(newlength) newdofmap = Take(renumber, Take(self.dofmap, Find(selection), axis=0), axis=0) newfunc = Take(self.func, Find(selection), axis=self.axis) return Inflate(newfunc, newdofmap, newlength, self.axis) def _inflate(self, dofmap, length, axis): if axis == self.axis: return Inflate(self.func, Take(dofmap, self.dofmap, 0), length, axis) if axis < self.axis: return Inflate(Inflate(self.func, dofmap, length, axis), self.dofmap, self.length, self.axis) def _derivative(self, var, seen): return Inflate(derivative(self.func, var, seen), self.dofmap, self.length, self.axis) def _transpose(self, axes): axis = axes.index(self.axis) return Inflate(Transpose(self.func, axes), self.dofmap, self.length, axis) def _insertaxis(self, axis, length): return Inflate(InsertAxis(self.func, axis, length), self.dofmap, self.length, self.axis+(axis<=self.axis)) def _get(self, axis, item): if axis != self.axis: return Inflate(Get(self.func,axis,item), self.dofmap, self.length, self.axis-(axis<self.axis)) def _multiply(self, other): if isinstance(other, Inflate) and self.axis == other.axis: assert self.dofmap == other.dofmap and self.length == other.length take_other = other.func else: take_other = Take(other, self.dofmap, self.axis) return Inflate(Multiply([self.func, take_other]), self.dofmap, self.length, self.axis) def _add(self, other): if isinstance(other, Inflate) and self.axis == other.axis and self.dofmap == other.dofmap: return Inflate(Add([self.func, other.func]), self.dofmap, self.length, self.axis) return BlockAdd([self, other]) def _power(self, n): return Inflate(Power(self.func, Take(n, indices=self.dofmap, axis=self.axis)), self.dofmap, self.length, self.axis) def _takediag(self, axis, rmaxis): if self.axis == axis: return Inflate(TakeDiag(take(self.func, self.dofmap, rmaxis), axis, rmaxis), self.dofmap, self.length, axis) elif self.axis == rmaxis: return Inflate(TakeDiag(take(self.func, self.dofmap, axis), axis, rmaxis), self.dofmap, self.length, axis) else: return Inflate(TakeDiag(self.func, axis, rmaxis), self.dofmap, self.length, self.axis-(self.axis>rmaxis)) def _take(self, index, axis): if axis != self.axis: return Inflate(Take(self.func, index, axis), self.dofmap, self.length, self.axis) if index == self.dofmap: return self.func def _diagonalize(self, axis, newaxis): if self.axis != axis: return Inflate(Diagonalize(self.func, axis, newaxis), self.dofmap, self.length, self.axis+(newaxis<=self.axis)) def _sum(self, axis): arr = Sum(self.func, axis) if axis == self.axis: return arr return Inflate(arr, self.dofmap, self.length, self.axis-(axis<self.axis)) def _kronecker(self, axis, length, pos): return Inflate(kronecker(self.func,axis,length,pos), self.dofmap, self.length, self.axis+(axis<=self.axis)) def _unravel(self, axis, shape): if axis != self.axis: return Inflate(Unravel(self.func, axis, shape), self.dofmap, self.length, self.axis+(self.axis>axis)) class Diagonalize(Array): def __init__(self, func:asarray, axis=int, newaxis=int): assert 0 <= axis < newaxis <= func.ndim self.func = func self.axis = axis self.newaxis = newaxis super().__init__(args=[func], shape=func.shape[:newaxis]+(func.shape[axis],)+func.shape[newaxis:], dtype=func.dtype) def simplified(self): func = self.func.simplified if func.shape[self.axis] == 1: return insertaxis(func, self.newaxis, 1).simplified retval = func._diagonalize(self.axis, self.newaxis) if retval is not None: assert retval.shape == self.shape return retval.simplified return Diagonalize(func, self.axis, self.newaxis) def evalf(self, arr): assert arr.ndim == self.ndim return numeric.diagonalize(arr, self.axis+1, self.newaxis+1) def _derivative(self, var, seen): return diagonalize(derivative(self.func, var, seen), self.axis, self.newaxis) def _get(self, i, item): if i != self.axis and i != self.newaxis: return Diagonalize(Get(self.func, i-(i>self.newaxis), item), self.axis-(i<self.axis), self.newaxis-(i<self.newaxis)) if item.isconstant: pos, = item.eval() funcs = [Zeros(self.func.shape[:self.axis]+self.func.shape[self.axis+1:], dtype=self.func.dtype)] * self.func.shape[self.axis] funcs[pos] = Get(self.func, self.axis, item) return Stack(funcs, axis=self.axis if i == self.newaxis else self.newaxis-1) def _inverse(self): if self.axis == self.func.ndim-1 and self.newaxis == self.ndim-1: return Diagonalize(reciprocal(self.func), self.axis, self.newaxis) def _determinant(self): if self.axis == self.func.ndim-1 and self.newaxis == self.ndim-1: return Product(Transpose(self.func, list(range(self.axis))+list(range(self.axis+1,self.func.ndim))+[self.axis])) def _multiply(self, other): return Diagonalize(Multiply([self.func, TakeDiag(other, self.axis, self.newaxis)]), self.axis, self.newaxis) def _add(self, other): if isinstance(other, Diagonalize) and other.axis == self.axis and other.newaxis == self.newaxis: return Diagonalize(Add([self.func, other.func]), self.axis, self.newaxis) def _sum(self, axis): if axis == self.newaxis: return self.func if axis == self.axis: return Transpose(self.func, list(range(self.axis))+list(range(self.axis+1,self.newaxis))+[self.axis]+list(range(self.newaxis,self.func.ndim))) return Diagonalize(Sum(self.func, axis-(axis>self.newaxis)), self.axis-(axis<self.axis), self.newaxis-(axis<self.newaxis)) def _transpose(self, axes): axis = axes.index(self.axis) newaxis = axes.index(self.newaxis) if newaxis < axis: axes = list(axes) axes[axis] = self.newaxis axes[newaxis] = self.axis axis, newaxis = newaxis, axis newaxes = [ax-(ax>self.newaxis) for ax in axes[:newaxis]+axes[newaxis+1:]] return Diagonalize(Transpose(self.func, newaxes), axis, newaxis) def _insertaxis(self, axis, length): return Diagonalize(InsertAxis(self.func, axis-(axis>self.newaxis), length), self.axis+(axis<=self.axis), self.newaxis+(axis<=self.newaxis)) def _takediag(self, axis, rmaxis): if self.axis == axis and self.newaxis == rmaxis: return self.func if self.newaxis == axis: # self.axis < self.newaxis = axis < rmaxis takeaxes = diagaxes = self.axis, rmaxis-1 elif self.newaxis == rmaxis: takeaxes = diagaxes = sorted([axis, self.axis]) elif self.axis == rmaxis: # axis < rmaxis = self.axis < self.newaxis takeaxes = axis, rmaxis diagaxes = axis, self.newaxis-1 elif self.newaxis > rmaxis: # axis < rmaxis < self.newaxis takeaxes = axis, rmaxis diagaxes = self.axis-(self.axis>=rmaxis), self.newaxis-1 else: # self.axis < self.newaxis < rmaxis takeaxes = axis-(axis>self.newaxis), rmaxis-1 diagaxes = self.axis, self.newaxis return Diagonalize(TakeDiag(self.func, *takeaxes), *diagaxes) def _take(self, index, axis): if axis not in (self.axis, self.newaxis): return Diagonalize(Take(self.func, index, axis-(axis>self.newaxis)), self.axis, self.newaxis) if numeric.isint(self.func.shape[self.axis]): diag = Diagonalize(Take(self.func, index, self.axis), self.axis, self.newaxis) return Inflate(diag, index, self.func.shape[self.axis], self.newaxis if axis == self.axis else self.axis) def _mask(self, maskvec, axis): if axis not in (self.axis, self.newaxis): return Diagonalize(Mask(self.func, maskvec, axis-(axis>self.newaxis)), self.axis, self.newaxis) indices, = numpy.where(maskvec) if not numpy.equal(numpy.diff(indices), 1).all(): return # consecutive sub-block ax = self.axis if axis == self.newaxis else self.newaxis masked = Diagonalize(Mask(self.func, maskvec, self.axis), self.axis, self.newaxis) return Concatenate([Zeros(masked.shape[:ax] + (indices[0],) + masked.shape[ax+1:], dtype=self.dtype), masked, Zeros(masked.shape[:ax] + (self.shape[ax]-(indices[-1]+1),) + masked.shape[ax+1:], dtype=self.dtype)], axis=ax) def _unravel(self, axis, shape): if axis == self.axis or axis == self.newaxis: diag = Diagonalize(Diagonalize(Unravel(self.func, self.axis, shape), self.axis, self.newaxis+1), self.axis+1, self.newaxis+2) return Ravel(diag, self.newaxis+1 if axis == self.axis else self.axis) else: return Diagonalize(Unravel(self.func, axis-(axis>self.newaxis), shape), self.axis+(axis<self.axis), self.newaxis+(axis<self.newaxis))
[docs]class Guard(Array): 'bar all simplifications' def __init__(self, fun:asarray): = fun super().__init__(args=[fun], shape=fun.shape, dtype=fun.dtype) @staticmethod def evalf(dat): return dat def _derivative(self, var, seen): return Guard(derivative(, var, seen))
[docs]class TrigNormal(Array): 'cos, sin' def __init__(self, angle:asarray): assert angle.ndim == 0 self.angle = angle super().__init__(args=[angle], shape=(2,), dtype=float) def _derivative(self, var, seen): return trigtangent(self.angle)[(...,)+(_,)*var.ndim] * derivative(self.angle, var, seen) def evalf(self, angle): return numpy.array([numpy.cos(angle), numpy.sin(angle)]).T
[docs]class TrigTangent(Array): '-sin, cos' def __init__(self, angle:asarray): assert angle.ndim == 0 self.angle = angle super().__init__(args=[angle], shape=(2,), dtype=float) def _derivative(self, var, seen): return -trignormal(self.angle)[(...,)+(_,)*var.ndim] * derivative(self.angle, var, seen) def evalf(self, angle): return numpy.array([-numpy.sin(angle), numpy.cos(angle)]).T
[docs]class Find(Array): 'indices of boolean index vector' def __init__(self, where:asarray): assert isarray(where) and where.ndim == 1 and where.dtype == bool self.where = where super().__init__(args=[where], shape=[where.sum()], dtype=int) def evalf(self, where): assert where.shape[0] == 1 where, = where index, = where.nonzero() return index[_]
class Stack(Array): def __init__(self, funcs:tuple, axis:int): shapes = set(func.shape for func in funcs if func is not None) assert shapes, 'cannot determine shape of stack' assert len(shapes) == 1, 'multiple shapes in stack' shape, = shapes dtype = _jointdtype(*[func.dtype for func in funcs if func is not None]) assert 0 <= axis <= len(shape) self.funcs = funcs self.axis = axis = tuple(ifunc for ifunc, func in enumerate(funcs) if func is not None) super().__init__(args=[funcs[i] for i in], shape=shape[:axis]+(len(funcs),)+shape[axis:], dtype=dtype) def edit(self, op): return Stack([op(func) if func is not None else None for func in self.funcs], self.axis) def simplified(self): if len(self.funcs) == 1: return InsertAxis(self.funcs[0], axis=self.axis, length=1).simplified krons = Zeros(self.shape, self.dtype) funcs = [None] * len(self.funcs) for ifunc in func = self.funcs[ifunc].simplified kron = func._kronecker(self.axis, len(self.funcs), ifunc) if kron is not None: assert kron.shape == self.shape krons = Add([krons, kron]).simplified elif not iszero(func): funcs[ifunc] = func if tuple(funcs) == self.funcs: # avoid recursion assert iszero(krons) return self if all(func is None for func in funcs): return krons return Add([Stack(funcs, self.axis), krons]).simplified def evalf(self, *funcs): shape = builtins.max(funcs, key=len).shape array = numpy.zeros(shape[:self.axis+1] + (len(self.funcs),) + shape[self.axis+1:], dtype=self.dtype) for i, func in zip(, funcs): array[(slice(None),)*(self.axis+1)+(i,)] = func return array def _derivative(self, var, seen): return Stack([derivative(func, var, seen) if func is not None else None for func in self.funcs], self.axis) def _get(self, i, item): if i != self.axis: return Stack([Get(func,i-(i>self.axis),item) if func is not None else None for func in self.funcs], self.axis-(i<self.axis)) if item.isconstant: item, = item.eval() func = self.funcs[item] if func is None: return Zeros(self.shape[:self.axis]+self.shape[self.axis+1:], dtype=self.dtype) return func def _add(self, other): if isinstance(other, Stack) and other.axis == self.axis: return Stack([func1 if func2 is None else func2 if func1 is None else Add([func1, func2]) for func1, func2 in zip(self.funcs, other.funcs)], self.axis) def _multiply(self, other): return Stack([Multiply([func, Get(other, self.axis, ifunc)]) if func is not None else None for ifunc, func in enumerate(self.funcs)], self.axis) def _sum(self, axis): if axis == self.axis: if any(func is not None and func.dtype == bool for func in self.funcs): raise NotImplementedError return util.sum(func for func in self.funcs if func is not None) return Stack([Sum(func, axis-(axis>self.axis)) if func is not None else None for func in self.funcs], self.axis-(axis<self.axis)) def _transpose(self, axes): newaxis = axes.index(self.axis) newaxes = [ax-(ax>self.axis) for ax in axes if ax != self.axis] return Stack([Transpose(func, newaxes) if func is not None else None for func in self.funcs], newaxis) def _takediag(self, axis, rmaxis): if self.axis == rmaxis: return Stack([Get(func, axis, ifunc) if func is not None else None for ifunc, func in enumerate(self.funcs)], axis) elif self.axis == axis: return Stack([Get(func, rmaxis-1, ifunc) if func is not None else None for ifunc, func in enumerate(self.funcs)], axis) else: return Stack([TakeDiag(func, axis-(self.axis<axis), rmaxis-(self.axis<rmaxis)) if func is not None else None for func in self.funcs], self.axis-(rmaxis<self.axis)) def _take(self, index, axis): if axis != self.axis: return Stack([Take(func, index, axis-(axis>self.axis)) if func is not None else None for func in self.funcs], self.axis) # TODO select axis in index def _power(self, n): return Stack([Power(func, Get(n, self.axis, ifunc)) if func is not None else None for ifunc, func in enumerate(self.funcs)], self.axis) def _mask(self, maskvec, axis): if axis != self.axis: return Stack([Mask(func, maskvec, axis-(axis>self.axis)) if func is not None else None for func in self.funcs], self.axis) newlength = maskvec.sum() funcs = [func for ifunc, func in enumerate(self.funcs) if maskvec[ifunc]] if all(func is None for func in funcs): return Zeros(self.shape[:axis]+(len(funcs),)+self.shape[axis+1:], self.dtype) return Stack(funcs, self.axis) def _insertaxis(self, axis, length): return Stack([InsertAxis(func, axis-(axis>self.axis), length) if func is not None else None for func in self.funcs], self.axis+(self.axis>=axis)) def _product(self): if self.axis == self.ndim-1: if len( < len(self.funcs): return Zeros(self.shape[:-1], self.dtype) return util.product(self.funcs)
[docs]class DerivativeTargetBase(Array): 'base class for derivative targets' @property def isconstant(self): return False
[docs]class Argument(DerivativeTargetBase): '''Array argument, to be substituted before evaluation. The :class:`Argument` is an :class:`Array` with a known shape, but whose values are to be defined later, before evaluation, e.g. using :func:`replace_arguments`. It is possible to take the derivative of an :class:`Array` to an :class:`Argument`: >>> from nutils import function >>> a = function.Argument('x', []) >>> b = function.Argument('y', []) >>> f = a**3 + b**2 >>> function.derivative(f, a).simplified == (3.*a**2).simplified True Furthermore, derivatives to the local cooardinates are remembered and applied to the replacement when using :func:`replace_arguments`: >>> from nutils import mesh >>> domain, x = mesh.rectilinear([2,2]) >>> basis = domain.basis('spline', degree=2) >>> c = function.Argument('c', basis.shape) >>> replace_arguments(c.grad(x), dict(c=basis)) == basis.grad(x) True Args ---- name : :class:`str` The Identifier of this argument. shape : :class:`tuple` of :class:`int`\\s The shape of this argument. nderiv : :class:`int`, non-negative Number of times a derivative to the local coordinates is taken. Default: ``0``. ''' def __init__(self, name, shape:tuple, nderiv:int=0): self._name = name self._nderiv = nderiv super().__init__(args=[EVALARGS], shape=shape, dtype=float) def evalf(self, evalargs): assert self._nderiv == 0 try: value = evalargs[self._name] except KeyError: raise ValueError('argument {!r} missing'.format(self._name)) else: assert numeric.isarray(value) and value.shape == self.shape return value[_] def _derivative(self, var, seen): if isinstance(var, Argument) and var._name == self._name: assert var._nderiv == 0 and self.shape[:self.ndim-self._nderiv] == var.shape if self._nderiv: return zeros(self.shape+var.shape) result = _inflate_scalar(1., self.shape) for i, sh in enumerate(self.shape): result = diagonalize(result, i, i+self.ndim) return result elif isinstance(var, LocalCoords): return Argument(self._name, self.shape+var.shape, self._nderiv+1) else: return zeros(self.shape+var.shape) def __str__(self): return '{} {!r} <{}>'.format(self.__class__.__name__, self._name, ','.join(map(str, self.shape)))
[docs]class LocalCoords(DerivativeTargetBase): 'local coords derivative target' def __init__(self, ndims:int): super().__init__(args=[], shape=[ndims], dtype=float) def evalf(self): raise Exception('LocalCoords should not be evaluated')
class Ravel(Array): def __init__(self, func:asarray, axis:int): assert 0 <= axis < func.ndim-1 self.func = func self.axis = axis super().__init__(args=[func], shape=func.shape[:axis]+(func.shape[axis]*func.shape[axis+1],)+func.shape[axis+2:], dtype=func.dtype) def simplified(self): func = self.func.simplified if func.shape[self.axis] == 1: return get(func, self.axis, 0).simplified if func.shape[self.axis+1] == 1: return get(func, self.axis+1, 0).simplified retval = func._ravel(self.axis) if retval is not None: assert retval.shape == self.shape return retval.simplified return Ravel(func, self.axis) def evalf(self, f): return f.reshape(f.shape[:self.axis+1] + (f.shape[self.axis+1]*f.shape[self.axis+2],) + f.shape[self.axis+3:]) def _multiply(self, other): if isinstance(other, Ravel) and other.axis == self.axis and other.func.shape[self.axis:self.axis+2] == self.func.shape[self.axis:self.axis+2]: return Ravel(Multiply([self.func, other.func]), self.axis) return Ravel(Multiply([self.func, Unravel(other, self.axis, self.func.shape[self.axis:self.axis+2])]), self.axis) def _add(self, other): if isinstance(other, Ravel) and other.axis == self.axis and other.func.shape[self.axis:self.axis+2] == self.func.shape[self.axis:self.axis+2]: return Ravel(Add([self.func, other.func]), self.axis) return Ravel(Add([self.func, Unravel(other, self.axis, self.func.shape[self.axis:self.axis+2])]), self.axis) def _get(self, i, item): if i != self.axis: return Ravel(Get(self.func, i+(i>self.axis), item), self.axis-(i<self.axis)) if item.isconstant and numeric.isint(self.func.shape[self.axis+1]): item, = item.eval() i, j = divmod(item, self.func.shape[self.axis+1]) return Get(Get(self.func, self.axis, i), self.axis, j) def _sum(self, axis): if axis == self.axis: return Sum(Sum(self.func, axis), axis) return Ravel(Sum(self.func, axis+(axis>self.axis)), self.axis-(axis<self.axis)) def _derivative(self, var, seen): return ravel(derivative(self.func, var, seen), axis=self.axis) def _transpose(self, axes): ravelaxis = axes.index(self.axis) funcaxes = [ax+(ax>self.axis) for ax in axes] funcaxes = funcaxes[:ravelaxis+1] + [self.axis+1] + funcaxes[ravelaxis+1:] return Ravel(Transpose(self.func, funcaxes), ravelaxis) def _kronecker(self, axis, length, pos): return Ravel(kronecker(self.func, axis+(axis>self.axis), length, pos), self.axis+(axis<=self.axis)) def _takediag(self, axis, rmaxis): if not {self.axis, self.axis+1} & {axis, rmaxis}: return Ravel(TakeDiag(self.func, axis+(axis>self.axis), rmaxis+(rmaxis>self.axis)), self.axis-(self.axis>rmaxis)) def _diagonalize(self, axis, newaxis): if axis != self.axis: return Ravel(Diagonalize(self.func, axis+(axis>self.axis), newaxis+(newaxis>self.axis)), self.axis+(self.axis>=newaxis)) def _take(self, index, axis): if axis not in (self.axis, self.axis+1): return Ravel(Take(self.func, index, axis+(axis>self.axis)), self.axis) def _unravel(self, axis, shape): if axis != self.axis: return Ravel(Unravel(self.func, axis+(axis>self.axis), shape), self.axis+(self.axis>axis)) elif shape == self.func.shape[axis:axis+2]: return self.func def _insertaxis(self, axis, length): return Ravel(InsertAxis(self.func, axis+(axis>self.axis), length), self.axis+(axis<=self.axis)) def _mask(self, maskvec, axis): if axis != self.axis: return Ravel(Mask(self.func, maskvec, axis+(axis>self.axis)), self.axis) @property def blocks(self): for ind, f in self.func.blocks: newind = ravel(ind[self.axis][:,_] * self.func.shape[self.axis+1] + ind[self.axis+1][_,:], axis=0) yield (ind[:self.axis] + (newind,) + ind[self.axis+2:]), ravel(f, axis=self.axis) class Unravel(Array): def __init__(self, func:asarray, axis:int, shape:tuple): assert 0 <= axis < func.ndim assert func.shape[axis] == numpy.product(shape) assert len(shape) == 2 self.func = func self.axis = axis self.unravelshape = shape super().__init__(args=[func]+[asarray(sh) for sh in shape], shape=func.shape[:axis]+shape+func.shape[axis+1:], dtype=func.dtype) def simplified(self): func = self.func.simplified if self.shape[self.axis] == 1: return InsertAxis(func, self.axis, 1).simplified if self.shape[self.axis+1] == 1: return InsertAxis(func, self.axis+1, 1).simplified retval = func._unravel(self.axis, self.unravelshape) if retval is not None: assert retval.shape == self.shape return retval.simplified return Unravel(func, self.axis, self.unravelshape) def _derivative(self, var, seen): return unravel(derivative(self.func, var, seen), axis=self.axis, shape=self.unravelshape) def evalf(self, f, sh1, sh2): sh1, = sh1 sh2, = sh2 return f.reshape(f.shape[:self.axis+1]+(sh1, sh2)+f.shape[self.axis+2:]) def _ravel(self, axis): if axis == self.axis: return self.func class Mask(Array): def __init__(self, func:asarray, mask:numeric.const, axis:int): assert len(mask) == func.shape[axis] self.func = func self.axis = axis self.mask = mask super().__init__(args=[func], shape=func.shape[:axis]+(mask.sum(),)+func.shape[axis+1:], dtype=func.dtype) def simplified(self): func = self.func.simplified if self.mask.all(): return func if not self.mask.any(): return zeros_like(self) retval = func._mask(self.mask, self.axis) if retval is not None: assert retval.shape == self.shape return retval.simplified return Mask(func, self.mask, self.axis) def evalf(self, func): return func[(slice(None),)*(self.axis+1)+(numpy.asarray(self.mask),)] def _derivative(self, var, seen): return mask(derivative(self.func, var, seen), self.mask, self.axis) def _get(self, i, item): if i != self.axis: return Mask(Get(self.func, i, item), self.mask, self.axis-(i<self.axis)) if item.isconstant: item, = item.eval() where, = self.mask.nonzero() return Get(self.func, i, where[item]) def _sum(self, axis): if axis != self.axis: return Mask(sum(self.func, axis), self.mask, self.axis-(axis<self.axis)) if self.shape[axis] == 1: (item,), = self.mask.nonzero() return Get(self.func, axis, item) def _take(self, index, axis): if axis != self.axis: return Mask(Take(self.func, index, axis), self.mask, self.axis) def _product(self): if self.axis != self.ndim-1: return Mask(Product(self.func), self.mask, self.axis) def _mask(self, maskvec, axis): if axis == self.axis: newmask = numpy.zeros(len(self.mask), dtype=bool) newmask[numpy.asarray(self.mask)] = maskvec assert maskvec.sum() == newmask.sum() return Mask(self.func, newmask, self.axis) def _takediag(self, axis, rmaxis): if self.axis not in (axis, rmaxis): return Mask(TakeDiag(self.func, axis, rmaxis), self.mask, self.axis-(rmaxis<self.axis)) class FindTransform(Array): def __init__(self, transforms:tuple, trans): self.transforms = transforms bits = [] bit = 1 while bit <= len(transforms): bits.append(bit) bit <<= 1 self.bits = numpy.array(bits[::-1]) super().__init__(args=[trans], shape=(), dtype=int) def asdict(self, values): assert len(self.transforms) == len(values) return dict(zip(self.transforms, values)) def evalf(self, trans): n = len(self.transforms) index = 0 for bit in self.bits: i = index|bit if i <= n and trans >= self.transforms[i-1]: index = i index -= 1 if index < 0 or trans[:len(self.transforms[index])] != self.transforms[index]: raise IndexError('trans not found') return numpy.array(index)[_] class Range(Array): def __init__(self, length:asarray, offset:asarray=Zeros((), int)): assert length.ndim == 0 and length.dtype == int assert offset.ndim == 0 and offset.dtype == int self.length = length self.offset = offset super().__init__(args=[length, offset], shape=[length], dtype=int) def _take(self, index, axis): return add(index, self.offset) def evalf(self, length, offset): length, = length offset, = offset return numpy.arange(offset, offset+length)[_]
[docs]class Polyval(Array): ''' Computes the :math:`k`-dimensional array .. math:: j_0,\\dots,j_{k-1} \\mapsto \\sum_{\substack{i_0,\\dots,i_{n-1}\\in\mathbb{N}\\\\i_0+\\cdots+i_{n-1}\\le d}} p_0^{i_0} \\cdots p_{n-1}^{i_{n-1}} c_{j_0,\\dots,j_{k-1},i_0,\\dots,i_{n-1}}, where :math:`p` are the :math:`n`-dimensional local coordinates and :math:`c` is the argument ``coeffs`` and :math:`d` is the degree of the polynomial, where :math:`d` is the length of the last :math:`n` axes of ``coeffs``. .. warning:: All coefficients with a (combined) degree larger than :math:`d` should be zero. Failing to do so won't raise an :class:`Exception`, but might give incorrect results. ''' def __init__(self, coeffs:asarray, points:asarray, ngrad:int=0): if points.ndim != 1: raise ValueError('argument `points` should have exactly one dimension') if not numeric.isint(points.shape[0]): raise ValueError('the shape of argument `points` should have be known, i.e. an `int`') self.points_ndim = points.shape[0] ndim = coeffs.ndim - self.points_ndim if coeffs.ndim < ndim: raise ValueError('argument `coeffs` should have at least one axis per spatial dimension') self.coeffs = coeffs self.points = points self.ngrad = ngrad super().__init__(args=[CACHE, points, coeffs], shape=coeffs.shape[:ndim]+(self.points_ndim,)*ngrad, dtype=float) def evalf(self, cache, points, coeffs): assert points.shape[1] == self.points_ndim points = numeric.const(points) coeffs = numeric.const(coeffs) for igrad in range(self.ngrad): coeffs = cache[numeric.poly_grad](coeffs, self.points_ndim) return cache[numeric.poly_eval](coeffs, points) def _derivative(self, var, seen): # Derivative to argument `points`. dpoints = Dot(_numpy_align(Polyval(self.coeffs, self.points, self.ngrad+1)[(...,*(_,)*var.ndim)], derivative(self.points, var, seen)), [self.ndim]) # Derivative to argument `coeffs`. `trans` shuffles the coefficient axes # of `derivative(self.coeffs)` after the derivative axes. shuffle = lambda a, b, c: (*range(0,a), *range(a+b,a+b+c), *range(a,a+b)) pretrans = shuffle(self.coeffs.ndim-self.points_ndim, self.points_ndim, var.ndim) posttrans = shuffle(self.coeffs.ndim-self.points_ndim, var.ndim, self.ngrad) dcoeffs = Transpose(Polyval(Transpose(derivative(self.coeffs, var, seen), pretrans), self.points, self.ngrad), posttrans) return dpoints + dcoeffs def _take(self, index, axis): if axis < self.coeffs.ndim - self.points_ndim: return Polyval(take(self.coeffs, index, axis), self.points, self.ngrad) def _const_helper(self, *j): if len(j) == self.ngrad: coeffs = self.coeffs for i in reversed(range(self.points_ndim)): p = builtins.sum(k==i for k in j) coeffs = math.factorial(p)*Get(coeffs, axis=i+self.coeffs.ndim-self.points_ndim, item=p) return coeffs else: return Stack([self._const_helper(*j, k) for k in range(self.points_ndim)], axis=self.coeffs.ndim-self.points_ndim+self.ngrad-len(j)-1) def simplified(self): self = self.edit(lambda arg: arg.simplified if isevaluable(arg) else arg) degree = 0 if self.points_ndim == 0 else self.coeffs.shape[-1]-1 if isinstance(self.coeffs.shape[-1], int) else float('inf') if iszero(self.coeffs) or self.ngrad > degree: return zeros_like(self) elif self.ngrad == degree: return self._const_helper().simplified else: return self
# AUXILIARY FUNCTIONS (FOR INTERNAL USE) _ascending = lambda arg: numpy.greater(numpy.diff(arg), 0).all() _normdims = lambda ndim, shapes: tuple(numeric.normdim(ndim,sh) for sh in shapes) def _jointdtype(*dtypes): 'determine joint dtype' type_order = bool, int, float kind_order = 'bif' itype = builtins.max(kind_order.index(dtype.kind) if isinstance(dtype,numpy.dtype) else type_order.index(dtype) for dtype in dtypes) return type_order[itype] def _matchndim(*arrays): 'introduce singleton dimensions to match ndims' arrays = [asarray(array) for array in arrays] ndim = builtins.max(array.ndim for array in arrays) return tuple(array[(_,)*(ndim-array.ndim)] for array in arrays) def _invtrans(trans): trans = numpy.asarray(trans) assert trans.dtype == int invtrans = numpy.empty(len(trans), dtype=int) invtrans[trans] = numpy.arange(len(trans)) return tuple(invtrans) def _norm_and_sort(ndim, args): 'norm axes, sort, and assert unique' normargs = tuple(sorted(numeric.normdim(ndim, arg) for arg in args)) assert _ascending(normargs) # strict return normargs def _concatblocks(items): gathered = util.gather(items) order = [ind for ind12, ind_f in gathered for ind, f in ind_f] blocks = [] for (ind1, ind2), ind_f in gathered: if len(ind_f) == 1: ind, f = ind_f[0] else: inds, fs = zip(*sorted(ind_f, key=lambda item: order.index(item[0]))) ind = Concatenate(inds, axis=0) f = Concatenate(fs, axis=len(ind1)) blocks.append(((ind1+(ind,)+ind2), f)) return tuple(blocks) def _numpy_align(*arrays): '''reshape arrays according to Numpy's broadcast conventions''' arrays = [asarray(array) for array in arrays] if len(arrays) > 1: ndim = builtins.max([array.ndim for array in arrays]) for idim in range(ndim): lengths = [array.shape[idim] for array in arrays if array.ndim == ndim and array.shape[idim] != 1] length = lengths[0] if lengths else 1 assert all(l == length for l in lengths), 'incompatible shapes: {}'.format(' != '.join(str(l) for l in lengths)) for i, a in enumerate(arrays): if a.ndim < ndim: arrays[i] = insertaxis(a, idim, length) elif a.shape[idim] != length: arrays[i] = repeat(a, length, idim) return arrays def _inflate_scalar(arg, shape): arg = asarray(arg) assert arg.ndim == 0 for idim, length in enumerate(shape): arg = insertaxis(arg, idim, length) return arg # FUNCTIONS def isarray(arg): return isinstance(arg, Array) def iszero(arg): return isinstance(arg.simplified, Zeros) def zeros(shape, dtype=float): return Zeros(shape, dtype) def zeros_like(arr): return zeros(arr.shape, arr.dtype) def ones(shape, dtype=float): return _inflate_scalar(numpy.ones((), dtype=dtype), shape) def ones_like(arr): return ones(arr.shape, arr.dtype) def reciprocal(arg): return power(arg, -1) def grad(arg, coords, ndims=0): return asarray(arg).grad(coords, ndims) def symgrad(arg, coords, ndims=0): return asarray(arg).symgrad(coords, ndims) def div(arg, coords, ndims=0): return asarray(arg).div(coords, ndims) def negative(arg): return multiply(arg, -1) def nsymgrad(arg, coords): return (symgrad(arg,coords) * coords.normal()).sum(-1) def ngrad(arg, coords): return (grad(arg,coords) * coords.normal()).sum(-1) def sin(x): return Sin(x) def cos(x): return Cos(x) def rotmat(arg): return Stack([trignormal(arg), trigtangent(arg)], 0) def tan(x): return Tan(x) def arcsin(x): return ArcSin(x) def arccos(x): return ArcCos(x) def arctan(x): return ArcTan(x) def exp(x): return Exp(x) def ln(x): return Log(x) def mod(arg1, arg2): return Mod(*_numpy_align(arg1, arg2)) def log2(arg): return ln(arg) / ln(2) def log10(arg): return ln(arg) / ln(10) def sqrt(arg): return power(arg, .5) def arctan2(arg1, arg2): return ArcTan2(*_numpy_align(arg1, arg2)) def greater(arg1, arg2): return Greater(*_numpy_align(arg1, arg2)) def equal(arg1, arg2): return Equal(*_numpy_align(arg1, arg2)) def less(arg1, arg2): return Less(*_numpy_align(arg1, arg2)) def min(a, b): return Minimum(*_numpy_align(a, b)) def max(a, b): return Maximum(*_numpy_align(a, b)) def abs(arg): return arg * sign(arg) def sinh(arg): return .5 * (exp(arg) - exp(-arg)) def cosh(arg): return .5 * (exp(arg) + exp(-arg)) def tanh(arg): return 1 - 2. / (exp(2*arg) + 1) def arctanh(arg): return .5 * (ln(1+arg) - ln(1-arg)) def piecewise(level, intervals, *funcs): return Get(Stack(asarrays(funcs), axis=0), axis=0, item=util.sum(Int(greater(level, interval)) for interval in intervals)) def trace(arg, n1=-2, n2=-1): return sum(takediag(arg, n1, n2), numeric.normdim(arg.ndim, n1)) def normalized(arg, axis=-1): return divide(arg, expand_dims(norm2(arg, axis=axis), axis)) def norm2(arg, axis=-1): return sqrt(sum(multiply(arg, arg), axis)) def heaviside(arg): return Int(greater(arg, 0)) def divide(arg1, arg2): return multiply(arg1, reciprocal(arg2)) def subtract(arg1, arg2): return add(arg1, negative(arg2)) def mean(arg): return .5 * (arg + opposite(arg)) def jump(arg): return opposite(arg) - arg def add_T(arg, axes=(-2,-1)): return swapaxes(arg, *axes) + arg def blocks(arg): return asarray(arg).simplified.blocks def rootcoords(ndims): return ApplyTransforms(PopHead(ndims)) def sampled(data, ndims): return Sampled(data) @cache.replace def opposite(arg): if arg is TRANS: return OPPTRANS if arg is OPPTRANS: return TRANS @cache.replace def _bifurcate(arg, side): if arg in (TRANS, OPPTRANS): return SelectBifurcation(arg, side) bifurcate1 = functools.partial(_bifurcate, side=True) bifurcate2 = functools.partial(_bifurcate, side=False) def bifurcate(arg1, arg2): return bifurcate1(arg1), bifurcate2(arg2) def curvature(geom, ndims=-1): return geom.normal().div(geom, ndims=ndims) def laplace(arg, geom, ndims=0): return arg.grad(geom, ndims).div(geom, ndims) def symgrad(arg, geom, ndims=0): return multiply(.5, add_T(arg.grad(geom, ndims))) def div(arg, geom, ndims=0): return trace(arg.grad(geom, ndims)) def tangent(geom, vec): return subtract(vec, multiply(dot(vec, normal(geom), -1)[...,_], normal(geom))) def ngrad(arg, geom, ndims=0): return dotnorm(grad(arg, geom, ndims), geom) def nsymgrad(arg, geom, ndims=0): return dotnorm(symgrad(arg, geom, ndims), geom) def expand_dims(arg, n): return InsertAxis(arg, n, 1) def trignormal(angle): angle = asarray(angle) assert angle.ndim == 0 if iszero(angle): return kronecker(1, axis=0, length=2, pos=0) return TrigNormal(angle) def trigtangent(angle): angle = asarray(angle) assert angle.ndim == 0 if iszero(angle): return kronecker(1, axis=0, length=2, pos=1) return TrigTangent(angle) def eye(n, dtype=float): return diagonalize(ones([n], dtype=dtype)) def insertaxis(arg, n, length): arg = asarray(arg) n = numeric.normdim(arg.ndim+1, n) return InsertAxis(arg, n, length) def stack(args, axis=0): return Stack(_numpy_align(*args), axis)
[docs]def chain(funcs): 'chain' funcs = [asarray(func) for func in funcs] shapes = [func.shape[0] for func in funcs] return [concatenate([func if i==j else zeros((sh,) + func.shape[1:]) for j, sh in enumerate(shapes)], axis=0) for i, func in enumerate(funcs)]
def vectorize(args): return concatenate([kronecker(arg, axis=-1, length=len(args), pos=iarg) for iarg, arg in enumerate(args)]) def repeat(arg, length, axis): arg = asarray(arg) assert arg.shape[axis] == 1 return insertaxis(get(arg, axis, 0), axis, length) def get(arg, iax, item): arg = asarray(arg) item = asarray(item) iax = numeric.normdim(arg.ndim, iax) sh = arg.shape[iax] if numeric.isint(sh) and item.isconstant: item = numeric.normdim(sh, item.eval()[0]) return Get(arg, iax, item) def align(arg, axes, ndim): keep = numpy.zeros(ndim, dtype=bool) keep[list(axes)] = True renumber = keep.cumsum()-1 transaxes = _invtrans(renumber[numpy.asarray(axes)]) retval = transpose(arg, transaxes) for axis in numpy.where(~keep)[0]: retval = expand_dims(retval, axis) for i, j in enumerate(axes): assert arg.shape[i] == retval.shape[j] return retval
[docs]def bringforward(arg, axis): 'bring axis forward' arg = asarray(arg) axis = numeric.normdim(arg.ndim,axis) if axis == 0: return arg return transpose(args, [axis] + range(axis) + range(axis+1,args.ndim))
def jacobian(geom, ndims): assert geom.ndim == 1 J = localgradient(geom, ndims) cndims, = geom.shape assert J.shape == (cndims,ndims), 'wrong jacobian shape: got {}, expected {}'.format(J.shape, (cndims, ndims)) assert cndims >= ndims, 'geometry dimension < topology dimension' detJ = abs(determinant(J)) if cndims == ndims \ else 1. if ndims == 0 \ else abs(determinant((J[:,:,_] * J[:,_,:]).sum(0)))**.5 return detJ
[docs]def matmat(arg0, *args): 'helper function, contracts last axis of arg0 with first axis of arg1, etc' retval = asarray(arg0) for arg in args: arg = asarray(arg) assert retval.shape[-1] == arg.shape[0], 'incompatible shapes' retval = dot(retval[(...,)+(_,)*(arg.ndim-1)], arg[(_,)*(retval.ndim-1)], retval.ndim-1) return retval
def determinant(arg, axes=(-2,-1)): arg = asarray(arg) ax1, ax2 = _norm_and_sort(arg.ndim, axes) assert ax2 > ax1 # strict trans = [i for i in range(arg.ndim) if i not in (ax1, ax2)] + [ax1, ax2] arg = transpose(arg, trans) return Determinant(arg) def inverse(arg, axes=(-2,-1)): arg = asarray(arg) ax1, ax2 = _norm_and_sort(arg.ndim, axes) assert ax2 > ax1 # strict trans = [i for i in range(arg.ndim) if i not in (ax1, ax2)] + [ax1, ax2] arg = transpose(arg, trans) return transpose(Inverse(arg), _invtrans(trans)) def takediag(arg, axis=-2, rmaxis=-1): arg = asarray(arg) axis = numeric.normdim(arg.ndim, axis) rmaxis = numeric.normdim(arg.ndim, rmaxis) assert axis < rmaxis return TakeDiag(arg, axis, rmaxis)
[docs]def derivative(func, var, seen=None): 'derivative' assert isinstance(var, DerivativeTargetBase), 'invalid derivative target {!r}'.format(var) if seen is None: seen = {} func = asarray(func) if func in seen: result = seen[func] else: result = func._derivative(var, seen) seen[func] = result assert result.shape == func.shape+var.shape, 'bug in {}._derivative'.format(func) return result
[docs]def localgradient(arg, ndims): 'local derivative' return derivative(arg, LocalCoords(ndims))
def dotnorm(arg, coords): 'normal component' return sum(arg * coords.normal(), -1) def normal(geom): return geom.normal() def kronecker(arg, axis, length, pos): arg = asarray(arg) axis = numeric.normdim(arg.ndim+1, axis) funcs = [None] * length funcs[pos] = arg return Stack(funcs, axis) def diagonalize(arg, axis=-1, newaxis=-1): arg = asarray(arg) axis = numeric.normdim(arg.ndim, axis) newaxis = numeric.normdim(arg.ndim+1, newaxis) assert axis < newaxis return Diagonalize(arg, axis, newaxis) def concatenate(args, axis=0): args = _matchndim(*args) axis = numeric.normdim(args[0].ndim, axis) return Concatenate(args, axis) def cross(arg1, arg2, axis): arg1, arg2 = _numpy_align(arg1, arg2) axis = numeric.normdim(arg1.ndim, axis) assert arg1.shape[axis] == 3 return Cross(arg1, arg2, axis)
[docs]def outer(arg1, arg2=None, axis=0): 'outer product' if arg2 is not None and arg1.ndim != arg2.ndim: warnings.deprecation('varying ndims in function.outer; this will be forbidden in future') arg1, arg2 = _matchndim(arg1, arg2 if arg2 is not None else arg1) axis = numeric.normdim(arg1.ndim, axis) return expand_dims(arg1,axis+1) * expand_dims(arg2,axis)
def sign(arg): arg = asarray(arg) return Sign(arg) def eig(arg, axes=(-2,-1), symmetric=False): arg = asarray(arg) ax1, ax2 = _norm_and_sort(arg.ndim, axes) assert ax2 > ax1 # strict trans = [i for i in range(arg.ndim) if i not in (ax1, ax2)] + [ax1, ax2] transposed = transpose(arg, trans) eigval, eigvec = Eig(transposed, symmetric) return Tuple([transpose(diagonalize(eigval), _invtrans(trans)), transpose(eigvec, _invtrans(trans))])
[docs]def polyfunc(coeffs, dofs, ndofs, transforms, *, issorted=True): ''' Create an inflated :class:`Polyval` with coefficients ``coeffs`` and corresponding dofs ``dofs``. The arguments ``coeffs``, ``dofs`` and ``transforms`` are assumed to have matching order. In addition, if ``issorted`` is true, the ``transforms`` argument is assumed to be sorted. ''' transforms = tuple(transforms) if issorted: dofs = tuple(dofs) coeffs = tuple(coeffs) else: dofsmap = dict(zip(transforms, dofs)) coeffsmap = dict(zip(transforms, coeffs)) transforms = tuple(sorted(transforms)) dofs = tuple(dofsmap[trans] for trans in transforms) coeffs = tuple(coeffsmap[trans] for trans in transforms) fromdims, = set(transform[-1].fromdims for transform in transforms) promote = Promote(fromdims, trans=TRANS) index = FindTransform(transforms, promote) dofmap = DofMap(dofs, index=index) depth = Get([len(trans) for trans in transforms], axis=0, item=index) points = ApplyTransforms(TailOfTransform(promote, depth, fromdims)) func = Polyval(Elemwise(coeffs, index, dtype=float), points) return Inflate(func, dofmap, ndofs, axis=0)
def elemwise(fmap, shape, default=None): if default is not None: raise NotImplemented('default is not supported anymore') transforms = tuple(sorted(fmap)) values = tuple(fmap[trans] for trans in transforms) fromdims, = set(transform[-1].fromdims for transform in transforms) promote = Promote(fromdims, trans=TRANS) index = FindTransform(transforms, promote) return Elemwise(values, index, dtype=float) def take(arg, index, axis): arg = asarray(arg) axis = numeric.normdim(arg.ndim, axis) index = asarray(index) assert index.ndim == 1 if index.dtype == bool: assert index.shape[0] == arg.shape[axis] if index.isconstant: mask, = index.eval() return Mask(arg, mask, axis) index = find(index) return Take(arg, index, axis)
[docs]def find(arg): 'find' arg = asarray(arg) assert arg.ndim == 1 and arg.dtype == bool if arg.isconstant: arg, = arg.eval() index, = arg.nonzero() return asarray(index) return Find(arg)
def mask(arg, mask, axis=0): arg = asarray(arg) axis = numeric.normdim(arg.ndim, axis) assert numeric.isarray(mask) and mask.ndim == 1 and mask.dtype == bool assert arg.shape[axis] == len(mask) return Mask(arg, mask, axis) def J(geometry, ndims=None): if ndims is None: ndims = len(geometry) elif ndims < 0: ndims += len(geometry) return jacobian(geometry, ndims) def unravel(func, axis, shape): func = asarray(func) axis = numeric.normdim(func.ndim, axis) shape = tuple(shape) assert func.shape[axis] == numpy.product(shape) return Unravel(func, axis, tuple(shape)) def ravel(func, axis): func = asarray(func) axis = numeric.normdim(func.ndim-1, axis) return Ravel(func, axis)
[docs]@cache.replace def replace_arguments(value, arguments): '''Replace :class:`Argument` objects in ``value``. Replace :class:`Argument` objects in ``value`` according to the ``arguments`` map, taking into account derivatives to the local coordinates. Args ---- value : :class:`Array` Array to be edited. arguments : :class:`` with :class:`Array`\\s as values :class:`Argument`\\s replacements. The key correspond to the ``name`` passed to an :class:`Argument` and the value is the replacement. Returns ------- :class:`Array` The edited ``value``. ''' if isinstance(value, Argument) and value._name in arguments: v = asarray(arguments[value._name]) assert value.shape[:value.ndim-value._nderiv] == v.shape for ndims in value.shape[value.ndim-value._nderiv:]: v = localgradient(v, ndims) return v
@cache.replace def zero_argument_derivatives(arg): if isinstance(arg, Argument) and arg._nderiv > 0: return zeros_like(arg) def _eval_ast(ast, functions): '''evaluate ``ast`` generated by :func:`nutils.expression.parse`''' op, *args = ast if op is None: value, = args return value args = (_eval_ast(arg, functions) for arg in args) if op == 'group': array, = args return array elif op == 'arg': name, *shape = args return Argument(name, shape) elif op == 'substitute': array, *arg_value_pairs = args subs = {} assert len(arg_value_pairs) % 2 == 0 for arg, value in zip(arg_value_pairs[0::2], arg_value_pairs[1::2]): assert isinstance(arg, Argument) and arg._nderiv == 0 assert arg._name not in subs subs[arg._name] = value return replace_arguments(array, subs) elif op == 'call': func, arg = args return functions[func](arg) elif op == 'eye': length, = args return eye(length) elif op == 'normal': geom, = args return normal(geom) elif op == 'getitem': array, dim, index = args return get(array, dim, index) elif op == 'trace': array, n1, n2 = args return trace(array, n1, n2) elif op == 'sum': array, axis = args return sum(array, axis) elif op == 'concatenate': return concatenate(args, axis=0) elif op == 'grad': array, geom = args return grad(array, geom) elif op == 'surfgrad': array, geom = args return grad(array, geom, len(geom)-1) elif op == 'derivative': func, target = args return derivative(func, target) elif op == 'append_axis': array, length = args return repeat(asarray(array)[..., None], length, -1) elif op == 'transpose': array, trans = args return transpose(array, trans) elif op == 'jump': array, = args return jump(array) elif op == 'mean': array, = args return mean(array) elif op == 'neg': array, = args return -asarray(array) elif op in ('add', 'sub', 'mul', 'truediv', 'pow'): left, right = args return getattr(operator, '__{}__'.format(op))(asarray(left), asarray(right)) else: raise ValueError('unknown opcode: {!r}'.format(op))
[docs]class Namespace: '''Namespace for :class:`Array` objects supporting assignments with tensor expressions. The :class:`Namespace` object is used to store :class:`Array` objects. >>> from nutils import function >>> ns = function.Namespace() >>> ns.A = function.zeros([3, 3]) >>> ns.x = function.zeros([3]) >>> ns.c = 2 In addition to the assignment of :class:`Array` objects, it is also possible to specify an array using a tensor expression string — see :func:`nutils.expression.parse` for the syntax. All attributes defined in this namespace are available as variables in the expression. If the array defined by the expression has one or more dimensions the indices of the axes should be appended to the attribute name. Examples: >>> ns.cAx_i = 'c A_ij x_j' >>> ns.xAx = 'x_i A_ij x_j' It is also possible to simply evaluate an expression without storing its value in the namespace by passing the expression to the method ``eval_`` suffixed with appropriate indices: >>> ns.eval_('2 c') Array<> >>> ns.eval_i('c A_ij x_j') Array<3> >>> ns.eval_ij('A_ij + A_ji') Array<3,3> For zero and one dimensional expressions the following shorthand can be used: >>> '2 c' @ ns Array<> >>> 'A_ij x_j' @ ns Array<3> When evaluating an expression through this namespace the following functions are available: ``opposite``, ``sin``, ``cos``, ``tan``, ``sinh``, ``cosh``, ``tanh``, ``arcsin``, ``arccos``, ``arctan2``, ``arctanh``, ``exp``, ``abs``, ``ln``, ``log``, ``log2``, ``log10``, ``sqrt`` and ``sign``. Args ---- default_geometry_name : :class:`str` The name of the default geometry. This argument is passed to :func:`nutils.expression.parse`. Default: ``'x'``. Attributes ---------- arg_shapes : :class:`types.MappingProxyType` A readonly map of argument names and shapes. default_geometry_name : :class:`str` The name of the default geometry. See argument with the same name. ''' __slots__ = '_attributes', '_arg_shapes', 'arg_shapes', 'default_geometry_name' _re_assign = re.compile('^([a-zA-Zα-ωΑ-Ω][a-zA-Zα-ωΑ-Ω0-9]*)(_[a-z]+)?$') _functions = dict( opposite=opposite, sin=sin, cos=cos, tan=tan, sinh=sinh, cosh=cosh, tanh=tanh, arcsin=arcsin, arccos=arccos, arctan2=arctan2, arctanh=arctanh, exp=exp, abs=abs, ln=ln, log=ln, log2=log2, log10=log10, sqrt=sqrt, sign=sign, ) _functions_nargs = {k: len(inspect.signature(v).parameters) for k, v in _functions.items()} def __init__(self, *, default_geometry_name='x'): if not isinstance(default_geometry_name, str): raise ValueError('default_geometry_name: Expected a str, got {!r}.'.format(default_geometry_name)) if '_' in default_geometry_name or not self._re_assign.match(default_geometry_name): raise ValueError('default_geometry_name: Invalid variable name: {!r}.'.format(default_geometry_name)) super().__setattr__('_attributes', {}) super().__setattr__('_arg_shapes', {}) super().__setattr__('arg_shapes', types.MappingProxyType(self._arg_shapes)) super().__setattr__('default_geometry_name', default_geometry_name) super().__init__() @property def default_geometry(self): ''':class:`nutils.function.Array`: The default geometry, shorthand for ``getattr(ns, ns.default_geometry_name)``.''' return getattr(self, self.default_geometry_name) def __call__(*args, **subs): '''Return a copy with arguments replaced by ``subs``. Return a copy of this namespace with :class:`Argument` objects replaced according to ``subs``. Args ---- **subs : :class:`dict` of :class:`str` and :class:`nutils.function.Array` objects Replacements of the :class:`Argument` objects, identified by their names. Returns ------- ns : :class:`Namespace` The copy of this namespace with replaced :class:`Argument` objects. ''' if len(args) != 1: raise TypeError('{} instance takes 1 positional argument but {} were given'.format(type(self).__name__, len(args))) self, = args ns = Namespace(default_geometry_name=self.default_geometry_name) for k, v in self._attributes.items(): setattr(ns, k, replace_arguments(v, subs)) return ns def __or__(self, subs): warnings.deprecation('ns | dict(x=y) is deprecated; use ns(x=y) instead') return self(**subs)
[docs] def copy_(self, *, default_geometry_name=None): '''Return a copy of this namespace.''' if default_geometry_name is None: default_geometry_name = self.default_geometry_name ns = Namespace(default_geometry_name=default_geometry_name) for k, v in self._attributes.items(): setattr(ns, k, v) return ns
def __getattr__(self, name): '''Get attribute ``name``.''' if name.startswith('eval_'): return lambda expr: _eval_ast(expression.parse(expr, variables=self._attributes, functions=self._functions_nargs, indices=name[5:], arg_shapes=self._arg_shapes, default_geometry_name=self.default_geometry_name)[0], self._functions) try: return self._attributes[name] except KeyError: pass raise AttributeError(name) def __setattr__(self, name, value): '''Set attribute ``name`` to ``value``.''' if name in self.__slots__: raise AttributeError('readonly') m = self._re_assign.match(name) if not m or and len(set( != len( raise AttributeError('{!r} object has no attribute {!r}'.format(type(self), name)) else: name, indices = m.groups() indices = indices[1:] if indices else '' if isinstance(value, str): ast, arg_shapes = expression.parse(value, variables=self._attributes, functions=self._functions_nargs, indices=indices, arg_shapes=self._arg_shapes, default_geometry_name=self.default_geometry_name) value = _eval_ast(ast, self._functions) self._arg_shapes.update(arg_shapes) else: assert not indices self._attributes[name] = asarray(value) def __delattr__(self, name): '''Delete attribute ``name``.''' if name in self.__slots__: raise AttributeError('readonly') elif name in self._attributes: del self._attributes[name] else: raise AttributeError('{!r} object has no attribute {!r}'.format(type(self), name)) def __rmatmul__(self, expr): '''Evaluate zero or one dimensional ``expr``.''' if not isinstance(expr, str): return NotImplemented try: ast = expression.parse(expr, variables=self._attributes, functions=self._functions_nargs, indices=None, arg_shapes=self._arg_shapes, default_geometry_name=self.default_geometry_name)[0] except expression.AmbiguousAlignmentError: raise ValueError('`expression @ Namespace` cannot be used because the expression has more than one dimension. Use `Namespace.eval_...(expression)` instead') return _eval_ast(ast, self._functions)
def normal(arg, exterior=False): assert arg.ndim == 1 if not exterior: lgrad = localgradient(arg, len(arg)) return Normal(lgrad) lgrad = localgradient(arg, len(arg)-1) if len(arg) == 2: return asarray([lgrad[1,0], -lgrad[0,0]]).normalized() if len(arg) == 3: return cross(lgrad[:,0], lgrad[:,1], axis=0).normalized() raise NotImplementedError def grad(self, geom, ndims=0): assert geom.ndim == 1 if ndims <= 0: ndims += geom.shape[0] J = localgradient(geom, ndims) if J.shape[0] == J.shape[1]: Jinv = inverse(J) elif J.shape[0] == J.shape[1] + 1: # gamma gradient G = dot(J[:,:,_], J[:,_,:], 0) Ginv = inverse(G) Jinv = dot(J[_,:,:], Ginv[:,_,:], -1) else: raise Exception('cannot invert {}x{} jacobian'.format(J.shape)) return dot(localgradient(self, ndims)[...,_], Jinv, -2) def dotnorm(arg, geom, axis=-1): axis = numeric.normdim(arg.ndim, axis) assert geom.ndim == 1 and geom.shape[0] == arg.shape[axis] return dot(arg, normal(geom)[(slice(None),)+(_,)*(arg.ndim-axis-1)], axis) # vim:shiftwidth=2:softtabstop=2:expandtab:foldmethod=indent:foldnestmax=2