Source code for nutils.util

# -*- coding: utf8 -*-
# Module UTIL
# Part of Nutils: open source numerical utilities for Python. Jointly developed
# by HvZ Computational Engineering, TU/e Multiscale Engineering Fluid Dynamics,
# and others. More info at <>. (c) 2014

The util module provides a collection of general purpose methods. Most
importantly it provides the :func:`run` method which is the preferred entry
point of a nutils application, taking care of command line parsing, output dir
creation and initiation of a log file.

from . import log, prop, debug, core
import sys, os, time, numpy, cPickle, hashlib, weakref, warnings, itertools

def unreachable_items():
  # see
  # first time setup
  import gc
  gc.set_threshold( 0 ) # only manual sweeps
  gc.set_debug( gc.DEBUG_SAVEALL ) # keep unreachable items as garbage
  gc.enable() # start gc if not yet running (is this necessary?)
  # operation
  if gc.collect() == 0: 'no unreachable items' )
    fmt = '[%%0%dd] %%s' % len(str(len(gc.garbage)-1)) 'unreachable items:\n '
            + '\n '.join( fmt % item for item in enumerate( gc.garbage ) ) )
    _deep_purge_list( gc.garbage ) # remove unreachable items

def _deep_purge_list( garbage ):
  for item in garbage:
    if isinstance( item, dict ):
    if isinstance( item, list ):
      del item[:]
  del garbage[:]

class _SuppressedOutput( object ):
  'suppress all output by redirection to /dev/null'

  def __enter__( self ):
    self.stdout = os.dup( 1 )#sys.stdout.fileno() )
    self.stderr = os.dup( 2 )#sys.stderr.fileno() )
    devnull = os.devnull, os.O_WRONLY )
    os.dup2( devnull, 1 )#sys.stdout.fileno() )
    os.dup2( devnull, 2 )#sys.stderr.fileno() )
    os.close( devnull )

  def __exit__( self, exc_type, exc_value, traceback ):
    os.dup2( self.stdout, 1 )#sys.stdout.fileno() )
    os.dup2( self.stderr, 2 )#sys.stderr.fileno() )
    os.close( self.stdout )
    os.close( self.stderr )

suppressed_output = _SuppressedOutput()

[docs]class ImmutableArray( numpy.ndarray ): 'immutable array' flags = None def __new__( self, arr ): 'constructor' arr = numpy.asarray( arr ) arr.flags.writeable = False arr = arr.view( ImmutableArray ) return arr def __eq__( self, other ): 'equals' return self is other def __hash__( self ): 'hash' return hash( id(self) )
class Product( object ): def __init__( self, iter1, iter2 ): self.iter1 = iter1 self.iter2 = iter2 def __len__( self ): return len( self.iter1 ) * len( self.iter2 ) def __iter__( self ): return iter( item1 * item2 for item1 in self.iter1 for item2 in self.iter2 ) class _Unit( object ): def __mul__( self, other ): return other def __rmul__( self, other ): return other unit = _Unit()
[docs]def delaunay( points ): 'delaunay triangulation' from scipy import spatial with suppressed_output: return spatial.Delaunay( points )
[docs]def withrepr( f ): 'add string representation to generated function' code = f.func_code argnames = code.co_varnames[:code.co_argcount] class function_wrapper( object ): def __init__( self, *args, **kwargs ): = f( *args, **kwargs ) self.items = zip( argnames, args ) + [ (name,kwargs[name]) for name in argnames[len(args):] ] def __getattr__( self, attr ): for key, value in self.items: if key == attr: return value raise AttributeError, attr def __call__( self, *args, **kwargs ): return *args, **kwargs ) def __str__( self ): args = ','.join( '%s=%s' % item for item in self.items ) return '%s(%s)' % ( f.__name__, args ) return function_wrapper
def profile( func ): import cProfile, pstats frame = sys._getframe(1) frame.f_locals['__profile_func__'] = func prof = cProfile.Profile() stats = prof.runctx( '__profile_retval__ = __profile_func__()', frame.f_globals, frame.f_locals ) pstats.Stats( prof, stream=sys.stdout ).strip_dirs().sort_stats( 'time' ).print_stats() retval = frame.f_locals['__profile_retval__'] del frame.f_locals['__profile_func__'] del frame.f_locals['__profile_retval__'] raw_input( 'press enter to continue' ) return retval
[docs]class Cache( object ): 'cache' def __init__( self, *args ): 'constructor' import hashlib strhash = ','.join( str(arg) for arg in args ) md5hash = hashlib.md5( strhash ).hexdigest() 'using cache:', md5hash ) cachedir = getattr( prop, 'cachedir', 'cache' ) if not os.path.exists( cachedir ): os.makedirs( cachedir ) path = os.path.join( cachedir, md5hash ) = file( path, 'ab+' if not getattr( prop, 'recache', False ) else 'wb+' ) def __call__( self, func, *args, **kwargs ): 'call' name = func.__name__ + ''.join( ' %s' % arg for arg in args ) + ''.join( ' %s=%s' % item for item in kwargs.iteritems() ) pos = try: data = cPickle.load( ) except EOFError: data = func( *args, **kwargs) pos ) cPickle.dump( data,, -1 ) msg = 'written to' else: msg = 'loaded from' msg, 'cache:', name, '[%db]' % ( ) return data
[docs]def getpath( pattern ): 'create file in dumpdir' dumpdir = prop.dumpdir if pattern == pattern.format( 0 ): return dumpdir + pattern prefix = pattern.split( '{' )[0] names = [ name for name in os.listdir( dumpdir ) if name.startswith(prefix) ] n = len(names) while True: n += 1 newname = dumpdir + pattern.format( n ) if not os.path.isfile( newname ): return newname
_sum = sum
[docs]def sum( seq ): 'a better sum' seq = iter(seq) return _sum( seq, )
[docs]def product( seq ): 'multiply items in sequence' seq = iter(seq) prod = for item in seq: prod = prod * item return prod
[docs]def clone( obj ): 'clone object' clone = object.__new__( obj.__class__ ) clone.__dict__.update( obj.__dict__ ) return clone
[docs]def iterate( context='iter', nmax=-1 ): 'iterate forever' assert isinstance( nmax, int ), 'invalid value for nmax %r' % nmax i = 0 while True: if i == nmax: break i += 1 logger = log.context( '%s %d' % (context,i), depth=2 ) try: yield i finally: logger.disable()
[docs]class NanVec( numpy.ndarray ): 'nan-initialized vector' def __new__( cls, length ): 'new' vec = numpy.empty( length ).view( cls ) vec[:] = numpy.nan return vec @property
[docs] def where( self ): 'find non-nan items' return ~numpy.isnan( self.view(numpy.ndarray) )
def __iand__( self, other ): 'combine' where = self.where if numpy.isscalar( other ): self[ where ] = other else: where &= other.where self[ where ] = other[ where ] return self def __and__( self, other ): 'combine' return self.copy().__iand__( other ) def __ior__( self, other ): 'combine' wherenot = ~self.where self[ wherenot ] = other if numpy.isscalar( other ) else other[ wherenot ] return self def __or__( self, other ): 'combine' return self.copy().__ior__( other )
[docs]class Clock( object ): 'simple interval timer' def __init__( self, interval ): 'constructor' self.t = time.time() self.dt = interval def __nonzero__( self ): 'check time' t = time.time() if t > self.t + self.dt: self.t = t return True return False
[docs]def tensorial( args ): 'create n-dimensional array containing tensorial combinations of n args' shape = map( len, args ) array = numpy.empty( shape, dtype=object ) for index in numpy.lib.index_tricks.ndindex( *shape ): array[index] = tuple([ arg[i] for arg, i in zip(args,index) ]) return array
[docs]def arraymap( f, dtype, *args ): 'call f for sequence of arguments and cast to dtype' return numpy.array( map( f, args[0] ) if len( args ) == 1 else [ f( *arg ) for arg in numpy.broadcast( *args ) ], dtype=dtype )
[docs]def objmap( func, *arrays ): 'map numpy arrays' #arrays = map( numpy.asarray, arrays ) arrays = [ numpy.asarray( array, dtype=object ) for array in arrays ] return numpy.frompyfunc( func, len(arrays), 1 )( *arrays )
[docs]def fail( msg, *args ): 'generate exception' raise Exception, msg % args
[docs]class Locals( object ): 'local namespace as object' def __init__( self ): 'constructors' frame = sys._getframe( 1 ) self.__dict__.update( frame.f_locals )
[docs]def getkwargdefaults( func ): 'helper for run' defaults = func.func_defaults or [] N = func.func_code.co_argcount - len( defaults ) return zip( func.func_code.co_varnames[N:], defaults )
[docs]class Statm( object ): 'memory statistics on systems that support it' __slots__ = 'size', 'resident', 'share', 'text', 'data' def __init__( self, rusage=None ): 'constructor' if rusage is None: pid = os.getpid() self.size, self.resident, self.share, self.text, lib,, dt = map( int, open( '/proc/%d/statm' % pid ).read().split() ) else: self.size, self.resident, self.share, self.text, = rusage def __sub__( self, other ): 'subtract' diff = [ getattr(self,attr) - getattr(other,attr) for attr in self.__slots__ ] return Statm( diff ) def __str__( self ): 'string representation' return '\n'.join( [ 'STATM: G M k b' ] + [ attr + ' ' + (' %s'%getattr(self,attr)).rjust(20-len(attr),'-') for attr in self.__slots__ ] )
[docs]def run( *functions ): 'call function specified on command line' assert functions properties = { 'nprocs': 1, 'outdir': '~/public_html', 'verbose': 5, 'imagetype': 'png', 'symlink': False, 'recache': False, 'dot': False, 'profile': False, } try: execfile( os.path.expanduser( '~/.nutilsrc' ), {}, properties ) except IOError: pass # file does not exist except: print 'Skipping .nutilsrc: ' + debug.format_exc() if '-h' in sys.argv[1:] or '--help' in sys.argv[1:]: print 'Usage: %s [FUNC] [ARGS]' % sys.argv[0] print ''' --help Display this help --nprocs=%(nprocs)-14s Select number of processors --outdir=%(outdir)-14s Define directory for output --verbose=%(verbose)-13s Set verbosity level, 9=all --imagetype=%(imagetype)-11s Set image type --symlink=%(symlink)-13s Create symlink to latest results --recache=%(recache)-13s Overwrite existing cache --dot=%(dot)-17s Set graphviz executable --profile=%(profile)-13s Show profile summary at exit''' % properties for i, func in enumerate( functions ): print print 'Arguments for %s%s' % ( func.func_name, '' if i else ' (default)' ) print for kwarg, default in getkwargdefaults( func ): print ' --%s=%s' % ( kwarg, default ) return if sys.argv[1:] and not sys.argv[1].startswith( '-' ): argv = sys.argv[2:] funcname = sys.argv[1] for func in functions: if func.func_name == funcname: break else: print 'error: invalid function name: %s' % funcname return else: func = functions[0] funcname = func.func_name argv = sys.argv[1:] kwargs = dict( getkwargdefaults( func ) ) for arg in argv: assert arg.startswith('--'), 'invalid argument %r' % arg arg = arg[2:] try: arg, val = arg.split( '=', 1 ) val = eval( val, sys._getframe(1).f_globals ) except ValueError: # split failed val = True except (SyntaxError,NameError): # eval failed pass if arg in kwargs: kwargs[ arg ] = val else: assert arg in properties, 'invalid argument %r' % arg properties[arg] = val for name, value in properties.iteritems(): setattr( prop, name, value ) scriptname = os.path.basename(sys.argv[0]) outdir = os.path.expanduser( prop.outdir ).rstrip( os.sep ) + os.sep basedir = outdir + scriptname + os.sep localtime = time.localtime() timepath = time.strftime( '%Y/%m/%d/%H-%M-%S/', localtime ) dumpdir = basedir + timepath os.makedirs( dumpdir ) # asserts nonexistence if prop.symlink: for i in range(2): # make two links target = outdir dest = '' if i: # global link target += scriptname + os.sep else: # script-local link dest += scriptname + os.sep target += prop.symlink dest += timepath if os.path.islink( target ): os.remove( target ) os.symlink( dest, target ) logpath = os.path.join( os.path.dirname( log.__file__ ), '_log' ) + os.sep for filename in os.listdir( logpath ): if filename[0] != '.' and ( not os.path.isfile( outdir + filename ) or os.path.getmtime( outdir + filename ) < os.path.getmtime( logpath + filename ) ): print 'updating', filename open( outdir + filename, 'w' ).write( open( logpath + filename, 'r' ).read() ) htmlfile = open( dumpdir+'log.html', 'w' ) log.setup_html( fileobj=htmlfile, title=scriptname + time.strftime( ' %Y/%m/%d %H:%M:%S', localtime ) ) prop.dumpdir = dumpdir redirect = '<html>\n<head>\n<meta http-equiv="cache-control" content="max-age=0" />\n' \ + '<meta http-equiv="cache-control" content="no-cache" />\n' \ + '<meta http-equiv="expires" content="0" />\n' \ + '<meta http-equiv="expires" content="Tue, 01 Jan 1980 1:00:00 GMT" />\n' \ + '<meta http-equiv="pragma" content="no-cache" />\n' \ + '<meta http-equiv="refresh" content="0;URL=%slog.html" />\n</head>\n</html>\n' print >> open( outdir+'log.html', 'w' ), redirect % ( scriptname + '/' + timepath ) print >> open( basedir+'log.html', 'w' ), redirect % ( timepath ) prop.cachedir = basedir + 'cache' commandline = [ ' '.join([ scriptname, funcname ]) ] + [ ' --%s=%s' % item for item in kwargs.items() ] 'nutils v0.1+dev' ) ' \\\n'.join( commandline ) + '\n' ) 'start %s\n' % time.ctime() ) warnings.resetwarnings() t0 = time.time() if prop.profile: import cProfile prof = cProfile.Profile() prof.enable() failed = 1 exc_info = None tb = False try: func( **kwargs ) except KeyboardInterrupt: log.error( 'killed by user' ) except Terminate, exc: log.error( 'terminated:', exc ) except: exc_info = sys.exc_info() tb = debug.exception() log.stack( repr(sys.exc_value), tb ) else: failed = 0 if prop.profile: prof.disable() if hasattr( os, 'wait' ): try: # wait for child processes to die while True: pid, status = os.wait() except OSError: # no more children pass dt = time.time() - t0 hours = dt // 3600 minutes = dt // 60 - 60 * hours seconds = dt // 1 - 60 * minutes - 3600 * hours 'finish %s\n' % time.ctime() ) 'elapsed %02.0f:%02.0f:%02.0f' % ( hours, minutes, seconds ) ) cacheinfo = core.cache_info( brief=True ) if cacheinfo: log.warning( '\n '.join( ['some caches were saturated:'] + cacheinfo ) ) if prop.profile: import pstats stream = log.getstream( 'warning' ) stream.write( 'profile results:\n' ) pstats.Stats( prof, stream=stream ).strip_dirs().sort_stats( 'time' ).print_stats() if tb: debug.write_html( htmlfile, exc_info[1], tb ) htmlfile.write( '<span class="info">Cache usage:<ul>%s</ul></span>' % '\n'.join( '<li>%s</li>' % line for line in core.cache_info( brief=False ) ) ) htmlfile.flush() debug.Explorer( repr(sys.exc_value), tb, intro='''\ Your program has died. The traceback exporer allows you to examine its post-mortem state to figure out why this happened. Type 'help' for an overview of commands to get going.''' ).cmdloop() sys.exit( failed )
class Terminate( Exception ): pass # vim:shiftwidth=2:foldmethod=indent:foldnestmax=2