Source code for nutils.plot

# -*- coding: utf8 -*-
# Module PLOT
# Part of Nutils: open source numerical utilities for Python. Jointly developed
# by HvZ Computational Engineering, TU/e Multiscale Engineering Fluid Dynamics,
# and others. More info at <>. (c) 2014

The plot module aims to provide a consistent interface to various plotting
backends. At this point `matplotlib <>`_ and `vtk
<>`_ are supported.

from . import topology, util, numpy, function, element, log, prop, numeric, debug, _
from scipy import spatial # for def mesh; import cannot be postponed apparently
import os, warnings

def _nansplit( data ):
  n, = numpy.where( numpy.isnan( data.reshape( data.shape[0], -1 ) ).any( axis=1 ) )
  N = numpy.concatenate( [ [-1], n, [data.shape[0]] ] )
  return [ data[a:b] for a, b in zip( N[:-1]+1, N[1:] ) ]

[docs]class BasePlot( object ): 'base class for plotting objects' def __init__ ( self, name, ndigits=0, index=None ): self.path = prop.dumpdir assert isinstance(ndigits,int) and ndigits >= 0, 'nonnegative integer required' if ndigits: if index is None: index = 1 for filename in os.listdir( self.path ): if filename.startswith( name ): num = filename[len(name):].split('.')[0] if num.isdigit(): index = max( index, int(num)+1 ) name += str(index).rjust(ndigits,'0') = name self.names = None def __enter__( self ): 'enter with block' self.logger = log.context( 'plotting', depth=2 ) return self def __exit__( self, *exc_info ): 'exit with block' exc_type, exc_value, exc_tb = exc_info try: if exc_type == KeyboardInterrupt: pass elif exc_type: log.stack( repr(exc_value), debug.exception() ) else: if self.names: for name in self.names: name ) log.path( ', '.join( self.names ) ) return True finally: self.logger.disable() return False def save ( self, name ): return
[docs]class PyPlot( BasePlot ): 'matplotlib figure' def __init__( self, name, imgtype=None, ndigits=3, index=None, **kwargs ): 'constructor' BasePlot.__init__( self, name, ndigits=ndigits, index=index ) import matplotlib matplotlib.use( 'Agg', warn=False ) from matplotlib import pyplot imgtype = getattr( prop, 'imagetype', 'png' ) if imgtype is None else imgtype self.names = [ + '.' + ext for ext in imgtype.split(',') ] self.__dict__.update( pyplot.__dict__ ) self._fig = self.figure( **kwargs ) #self._fig.patch.set_alpha( 0 ) def __exit__( self, *exc_info ): 'exit with block' BasePlot.__exit__( self, *exc_info ) try: self.close( self._fig ) except: log.warning( 'failed to close figure' )
[docs] def save( self, name ): 'save images' self.savefig( os.path.join( self.path, name ) ) #self.close()
@staticmethod def _trimesh_class(): 'backport of TriMesh (function prevents unneccecary loading)' from matplotlib.collections import Collection from matplotlib.artist import allow_rasterization class TriMesh( Collection ): def __init__(self, xy, tri, **kwargs): Collection.__init__(self, **kwargs) self.xy = xy self.tri = tri self._facecolors = numpy.zeros([numpy.max(tri)+1,4]) # fully transparent @allow_rasterization def draw(self, renderer): if not self.get_visible(): return renderer.open_group(self.__class__.__name__) transform = self.get_transform() verts = self.xy.T[self.tri] self.update_scalarmappable() colors = self._facecolors[self.tri] gc = renderer.new_gc() self._set_gc_clip(gc) gc.set_linewidth(self.get_linewidth()[0]) renderer.draw_gouraud_triangles(gc, verts, colors, transform.frozen()) gc.restore() renderer.close_group(self.__class__.__name__) return TriMesh
[docs] def mesh( self, points, colors=None, edgecolors='k', edgewidth=None, triangulate='delaunay', setxylim=True, **kwargs ): 'plot elemtwise mesh' assert isinstance( points, numpy.ndarray ) and points.dtype == float assert points.shape[-1] == 2 if colors is not None: assert isinstance( colors, numpy.ndarray ) and colors.dtype == float assert points.shape[:-1] == colors.shape if points.ndim == 3: # gridded data: nxpoints x nypoints x ndims assert colors is not None data = colors.ravel() xy = points.reshape( -1, 2 ).T ind = numpy.arange( xy.shape[1] ).reshape( points.shape[:-1] ) vert1 = numpy.array([ ind[:-1,:-1].ravel(), ind[1:,:-1].ravel(), ind[:-1,1:].ravel() ]).T vert2 = numpy.array([ ind[1:,1:].ravel(), ind[1:,:-1].ravel(), ind[:-1,1:].ravel() ]).T triangles = numpy.concatenate( [vert1,vert2], axis=0 ) edges = None elif points.ndim == 2: # mesh: npoints x ndims nans = numpy.isnan( points ).all( axis=1 ) split, = numpy.where( nans ) if colors is not None: assert numpy.isnan( colors[split] ).all() P = [] N = [] C = [] E = [] npoints = 0 for a, b in zip( numpy.concatenate([[0],split+1]), numpy.concatenate([split,[nans.size]]) ): np = b - a if np == 0: continue epoints = points[a:b] if colors is not None: ecolors = colors[a:b] if triangulate == 'delaunay': tri = spatial.Delaunay( epoints ) vertices = tri.vertices e0 = [ edge[0] for edge in tri.convex_hull ] e1 = [ edge[1] for edge in tri.convex_hull ] last = e1.pop() hull = [ e0.pop(), last ] while e0: try: index = e0.index( last ) last = e1[index] except ValueError: index = e1.index( last ) last = e0[index] e0.pop( index ) e1.pop( index ) hull.append( last ) assert hull[0] == hull[-1] elif triangulate == 'bezier': nquad = int( numpy.sqrt(np) + .5 ) ntri = int( numpy.sqrt((2*np)+.25) ) if nquad**2 == np: ind = numpy.arange(np).reshape(nquad,nquad) vert1 = numpy.array([ ind[:-1,:-1].ravel(), ind[1:,:-1].ravel(), ind[:-1,1:].ravel() ]).T vert2 = numpy.array([ ind[1:,1:].ravel(), ind[1:,:-1].ravel(), ind[:-1,1:].ravel() ]).T vertices = numpy.concatenate( [vert1,vert2], axis=0 ) hull = numpy.concatenate([ ind[:,0], ind[-1,1:], ind[-2::-1,-1], ind[0,-2::-1] ]) elif ntri * (ntri+1) == 2 * np: vert1 = [ ((2*ntri-i+1)*i)//2+numpy.array([j,j+1,j+ntri-i]) for i in range(ntri-1) for j in range(ntri-i-1) ] vert2 = [ ((2*ntri-i+1)*i)//2+numpy.array([j+1,j+ntri-i+1,j+ntri-i]) for i in range(ntri-1) for j in range(ntri-i-2) ] vertices = numpy.concatenate( [vert1,vert2], axis=0 ) hull = numpy.concatenate([ numpy.arange(ntri), numpy.arange(ntri-1,0,-1).cumsum()+ntri-1, numpy.arange(ntri+1,2,-1).cumsum()[::-1]-ntri-1 ]) else: raise Exception, 'cannot match points to a bezier scheme' else: raise Exception, 'unknown triangulation method %r' % triangulate P.append( epoints.T ) N.append( vertices + npoints ) if colors is not None: C.append( ecolors ) E.append( epoints[hull] ) npoints += np xy = numpy.concatenate( P, axis=1 ) triangles = numpy.concatenate( N, axis=0 ) if colors is not None: data = numpy.concatenate( C ) edges = E else: raise Exception, 'invalid points shape %r' % ( points.shape, ) TriMesh = self._trimesh_class() polycol = TriMesh( xy, triangles, rasterized=True, **kwargs ) if colors is not None: polycol.set_array( data ) if edges and edgecolors != 'none': from matplotlib.collections import LineCollection linecol = LineCollection( edges, linewidths=(edgewidth,) if edgewidth is not None else None ) linecol.set_color( edgecolors ) self.gca().add_collection( linecol ) self.gca().add_collection( polycol ) self.sci( polycol ) if setxylim: xmin, ymin = numpy.min( xy, axis=1 ) xmax, ymax = numpy.max( xy, axis=1 ) self.xlim( xmin, xmax ) self.ylim( ymin, ymax ) if edgecolors != 'none': return polycol, linecol return polycol
[docs] def polycol( self, verts, facecolors='none', **kwargs ): 'add polycollection' from matplotlib import collections assert verts.ndim == 2 and verts.shape[1] == 2 verts = _nansplit( verts ) if facecolors != 'none': assert isinstance(facecolors,numpy.ndarray) and facecolors.shape == (len(verts),) array = facecolors facecolors = None polycol = collections.PolyCollection( verts, facecolors=facecolors, **kwargs ) if facecolors is None: polycol.set_array( array ) self.gca().add_collection( polycol ) self.sci( polycol ) return polycol
[docs] def slope_triangle( self, x, y, fillcolor='0.9', edgecolor='k', xoffset=0, yoffset=0.1, slopefmt='{0:.1f}' ): '''Draw slope triangle for supplied y(x) - x, y: coordinates - xoffset, yoffset: distance graph & triangle (points) - fillcolor, edgecolor: triangle style - slopefmt: format string for slope number''' i, j = (-2,-1) if x[-1] < x[-2] else (-1,-2) # x[i] > x[j] if not all(numpy.isfinite(x[-2:])) or not all(numpy.isfinite(y[-2:])): log.warning( 'Not plotting slope triangle for +/-inf or nan values' ) return from matplotlib import transforms shifttrans = self.gca().transData \ + transforms.ScaledTranslation( xoffset, -yoffset, self.gcf().dpi_scale_trans ) xscale, yscale = self.gca().get_xscale(), self.gca().get_yscale() # delta() checks if either axis is log or lin scaled delta = lambda a, b, scale: numpy.log10(float(a)/b) if scale=='log' else float(a-b) if scale=='linear' else None slope = delta( y[-2], y[-1], yscale ) / delta( x[-2], x[-1], xscale ) if slope in (numpy.nan, numpy.inf, -numpy.inf): warnings.warn( 'Cannot draw slope triangle with slope: %s, drawing nothing' % str( slope ) ) return slope # handle positive and negative slopes correctly xtup, ytup = ((x[i],x[j],x[i]), (y[j],y[j],y[i])) if slope > 0 else ((x[j],x[j],x[i]), (y[i],y[j],y[i])) a, b = (2/3., 1/3.) if slope > 0 else (1/3., 2/3.) xval = a*x[i]+b*x[j] if xscale=='linear' else x[i]**a * x[j]**b yval = b*y[i]+a*y[j] if yscale=='linear' else y[i]**b * y[j]**a self.fill( xtup, ytup, color=fillcolor, edgecolor=edgecolor, transform=shifttrans ) self.text( xval, yval, slopefmt.format(slope), horizontalalignment='center', verticalalignment='center', transform=shifttrans ) return slope
[docs] def slope_trend( self, x, y, lt='k-', xoffset=.1, slopefmt='{0:.1f}' ): '''Draw slope triangle for supplied y(x) - x, y: coordinates - slopefmt: format string for slope number''' # TODO check for gca() loglog scale slope = numpy.log( y[-2]/y[-1] ) / numpy.log( x[-2]/x[-1] ) C = y[-1] / x[-1]**slope self.loglog( x, C * x**slope, 'k-' ) from matplotlib import transforms shifttrans = self.gca().transData \ + transforms.ScaledTranslation( -xoffset if x[-1] < x[0] else xoffset, 0, self.gcf().dpi_scale_trans ) self.text( x[-1], y[-1], slopefmt.format(slope), horizontalalignment='right' if x[-1] < x[0] else 'left', verticalalignment='center', transform=shifttrans ) return slope
[docs] def rectangle( self, x0, w, h, fc='none', ec='none', **kwargs ): 'rectangle' from matplotlib import patches patch = patches.Rectangle( x0, w, h, fc=fc, ec=ec, **kwargs ) self.gca().add_patch( patch ) return patch
[docs] def griddata( self, xlim, ylim, data ): 'plot griddata' assert data.ndim == 2 self.imshow( data.T, extent=(xlim[0],xlim[-1],ylim[0],ylim[-1]), origin='lower' )
[docs] def cspy( self, A, **kwargs ): 'Like pyplot.spy, but coloring acc to 10^log of absolute values, where [0, inf, nan] show up in blue.' if not isinstance( A, numpy.ndarray ): A = A.toarray() if A.size < 2: # trivial case of 1x1 matrix A = A.reshape( 1, 1 ) else: A = numpy.log10( numpy.abs( A ) ) B = numpy.isinf( A ) | numpy.isnan( A ) # what needs replacement A[B] = ~B if numpy.all( B ) else numpy.amin( A[~B] ) - 1. self.pcolormesh( A, **kwargs ) self.colorbar() self.ylim( self.ylim()[-1::-1] ) # invert y axis: equiv to MATLAB axis ij self.xlabel( r'$j$' ) self.ylabel( r'$i$' ) self.title( r'$^{10}\log a_{ij}$' ) self.axis( 'tight' )
def image( self, image, location=[0,0], scale=1, alpha=1.0 ): image = image.resize( [int( scale*size ) for size in image.size ]) dpi = self._fig.get_dpi() self._fig.figimage( numpy.array( image ).astype(float)/255, location[0]*dpi, location[1]*dpi, zorder=10 ).set_alpha(alpha)
[docs]class DataFile( BasePlot ): """data file""" def __init__( self, name, index=None, ndigits=0, mode='w' ): 'constructor' BasePlot.__init__( self, name, ndigits=ndigits, index=index ) self.names = [name] self.fout = open( os.path.join(self.path,name), mode ) def save( self, name ): self.fout.close() def printline( self, line ): print >> self.fout, line def printlist( self, lst, delim=' ', start='', stop='' ): print >> self.fout, start + delim.join(str(s) for s in lst) + stop
[docs]class VTKFile( BasePlot ): 'vtk file' def __init__( self, name, index=None, ndigits=0, ascii=False ): 'constructor' BasePlot.__init__( self, name, ndigits=ndigits, index=index ) import vtk if'.vtu'): self.names = [] else: self.names = ['.vtu'] self.ascii = ascii self.vtkMesh = vtk.vtkUnstructuredGrid() def save( self, name ): import vtk vtkWriter = vtk.vtkXMLUnstructuredGridWriter() vtkWriter.SetInput ( self.vtkMesh ) vtkWriter.SetFileName( os.path.join( self.path, name ) ) if self.ascii: vtkWriter.SetDataModeToAscii() vtkWriter.Write() def vertices( self, points ): assert isinstance( points, (list,tuple,numpy.ndarray) ), 'Expected list of point arrays' import vtk vtkPoints = vtk.vtkPoints() vtkPoints.SetNumberOfPoints( sum(pts.shape[0] for pts in points) ) cnt = 0 for pts in points: if pts.shape[1] < 3: pts = numpy.concatenate([pts,numpy.zeros(shape=(pts.shape[0],3-pts.shape[1]))],axis=1) for point in pts: vtkPoints .SetPoint( cnt, point ) cellpoints = vtk.vtkVertex().GetPointIds() cellpoints.SetId( 0, cnt ) self.vtkMesh.InsertNextCell( vtk.vtkVertex().GetCellType(), cellpoints ) cnt +=1 self.vtkMesh.SetPoints( vtkPoints )
[docs] def unstructuredgrid( self, points, npars=None ): """add unstructured grid""" points = _nansplit( points ) #assert isinstance( points, (list,tuple,numpy.ndarray) ), 'Expected list of point arrays' import vtk vtkPoints = vtk.vtkPoints() vtkPoints.SetNumberOfPoints( sum(pts.shape[0] for pts in points) ) cnt = 0 for pts in points: np, ndims = pts.shape if not npars: npars = ndims vtkelem = None if np == 2: vtkelem = vtk.vtkLine() elif np == 3: vtkelem = vtk.vtkTriangle() elif np == 4: if npars == 2: vtkelem = vtk.vtkQuad() elif npars == 3: vtkelem = vtk.vtkTetra() elif np == 8: vtkelem = vtk.vtkVoxel() # TODO hexahedron for not rectilinear NOTE ordering changes! if not vtkelem: raise Exception('not sure what to do with cells with ndims=%d and npoints=%d' % (ndims,np)) if ndims < 3: pts = numpy.concatenate([pts,numpy.zeros(shape=(pts.shape[0],3-ndims))],axis=1) cellpoints = vtkelem.GetPointIds() for i,point in enumerate(pts): vtkPoints .SetPoint( cnt, point ) cellpoints.SetId( i, cnt ) cnt +=1 self.vtkMesh.InsertNextCell( vtkelem.GetCellType(), cellpoints ) self.vtkMesh.SetPoints( vtkPoints )
[docs] def celldataarray( self, name, data ): 'add cell array' ncells = self.vtkMesh.GetNumberOfCells() assert ncells == data.shape[0], 'Cell data array should have %d entries' % ncells self.vtkMesh.GetCellData().AddArray( self.__vtkarray(name,data) )
[docs] def pointdataarray( self, name, data ): 'add cell array' npoints = self.vtkMesh.GetNumberOfPoints() assert npoints == data.shape[0], 'Point data array should have %d entries' % npoints self.vtkMesh.GetPointData().AddArray( self.__vtkarray(name,data) )
def __vtkarray( self, name, data ): import vtk if data.ndim == 1: data = data[:,_] array = vtk.vtkFloatArray() array.SetName( name ) array.SetNumberOfComponents( data.shape[1] ) array.SetNumberOfTuples( data.shape[0] ) for i,d in enumerate(data): array.SetTuple( i, d ) return array
[docs]def writevtu( name, topo, coords, pointdata={}, celldata={}, ascii=False, superelements=False, maxrefine=3, ndigits=0, ischeme='gauss1', **kwargs ): 'write vtu from coords function' with VTKFile( name, ascii=ascii, ndigits=ndigits ) as vtkfile: if not superelements: topo = topology.UnstructuredTopology( topo.get_simplices( maxrefine=maxrefine ), topo.ndims ) else: topo = topology.UnstructuredTopology( filter(None,[elem if not isinstance(elem,element.TrimmedElement) else elem.elem for elem in topo]), topo.ndims ) points = topo.elem_eval( coords, ischeme='vtk', separate=True ) vtkfile.unstructuredgrid( points, npars=topo.ndims ) if pointdata: keys, values = zip( *pointdata.items() ) arrays = topo.elem_eval( values, ischeme='vtk', separate=False ) for key, array in zip( keys, arrays ): vtkfile.pointdataarray( key, array ) if celldata: keys, values = zip( *celldata.items() ) arrays = topo.elem_mean( values, coords=coords, ischeme=ischeme ) for key, array in zip( keys, arrays ): vtkfile.celldataarray( key, array ) ######## OLD PLOTTING INTERFACE ############
[docs]class Pylab( object ): 'matplotlib figure' def __init__( self, title, name='graph{0:03x}' ): 'constructor' import matplotlib matplotlib.use( 'Agg', warn=False ) if '.' not in name.format(0): imgtype = getattr( prop, 'imagetype', 'png' ) name += '.' + imgtype if isinstance( title, (list,tuple) ): self.title = numpy.array( title, dtype=object ) self.shape = self.title.shape if self.title.ndim == 1: self.title = self.title[:,_] assert self.title.ndim == 2 else: self.title = numpy.array( [[ title ]] ) self.shape = () = name def __enter__( self ): 'enter with block' from matplotlib import pyplot pyplot.figure() n, m = self.title.shape axes = [ PylabAxis( pyplot.subplot(n,m,iax+1), title ) for iax, title in enumerate( self.title.ravel() ) ] return numpy.array( axes, dtype=object ).reshape( self.shape ) if self.shape else axes[0] def __exit__( self, exc, msg, tb ): 'exit with block' if exc: log.error( 'ERROR: plot failed:', msg or exc ) return #True from matplotlib import pyplot dumpdir = prop.dumpdir n = len( os.listdir( dumpdir ) ) imgpath = util.getpath( ) pyplot.savefig( imgpath, format=imgpath.split('.')[-1] ) os.chmod( imgpath, 0644 ) pyplot.close() log.path( os.path.basename(imgpath) )
[docs]class PylabAxis( object ): 'matplotlib axis augmented with nutils-specific functions' def __init__( self, ax, title ): 'constructor' if title: ax.set_title( title ) self._ax = ax def __getattr__( self, attr ): 'forward getattr to axis' return getattr( self._ax, attr )
[docs] def add_mesh( self, coords, topology, deform=0, color=None, edgecolors='none', linewidth=1, xmargin=0, ymargin=0, aspect='equal', cbar='vertical', title=None, ischeme='gauss2', cscheme='contour3', clim=None, frame=True, colormap=None ): 'plot mesh' log.context( 'plotting mesh' ) assert topology.ndims == 2 from matplotlib import pyplot, collections poly = [] values = [] ndims, = coords.shape assert ndims in (2,3) if color: assert color.ndim == 0 color = function.Tuple([ color, coords.iweights(ndims=2) ]) plotcoords = coords + deform for elem in topology: C = plotcoords( elem, cscheme ) if ndims == 3: C = project3d( C ) cx, cy = numpy.hstack( [ C, C[:,:1] ] ) if ( (cx[1:]-cx[:-1]) * (cy[1:]+cy[:-1]) ).sum() > 0: continue if color: c, w = color( elem, ischeme ) values.append( numeric.mean( c, weights=w, axis=0 ) if c.ndim > 0 else c ) poly.append( C ) if values: elements = collections.PolyCollection( poly, edgecolors=edgecolors, linewidth=linewidth, rasterized=True ) elements.set_array( numpy.asarray(values) ) if colormap is not None: elements.set_cmap( if colormap is False else colormap ) if cbar: pyplot.colorbar( elements, ax=self._ax, orientation=cbar ) else: elements = collections.PolyCollection( poly, edgecolors='black', facecolors='none', linewidth=linewidth, rasterized=True ) if clim: elements.set_clim( *clim ) if ndims == 3: self.get_xaxis().set_visible( False ) self.get_yaxis().set_visible( False ) 'off' ) self.add_collection( elements ) vertices = numpy.concatenate( poly ) xmin, ymin = vertices.min(0) xmax, ymax = vertices.max(0) if xmargin is not None: if not isinstance( xmargin, tuple ): xmargin = xmargin, xmargin self.set_xlim( xmin - xmargin[0], xmax + xmargin[1] ) if ymargin is not None: if not isinstance( ymargin, tuple ): ymargin = ymargin, ymargin self.set_ylim( ymin - ymargin[0], ymax + ymargin[1] ) if aspect: self.set_aspect( aspect ) self.set_autoscale_on( False ) if title: self.title( title ) self.set_frame_on( frame ) return elements
[docs] def add_quiver( self, coords, topology, quiver, sample='uniform3', scale=None ): 'quiver builder' xyuv = function.Concatenate( [ coords, quiver ] ) XYUV = [ xyuv(elem,sample) for elem in log.ProgressBar( topology, title='plotting quiver' ) ] self.quiver( *numpy.concatenate( XYUV, 0 ).T, scale=scale )
[docs] def add_graph( self, xfun, yfun, topology, sample='contour10', logx=False, logy=False, **kwargs ): 'plot graph of function on 1d topology' try: xfun = [ xf for xf in xfun ] except TypeError: xfun = [ xfun ] try: yfun = [ yf for yf in yfun ] except TypeError: yfun = [ yfun ] if len(xfun) == 1: xfun *= len(yfun) if len(yfun) == 1: yfun *= len(xfun) nfun = len(xfun) assert len(yfun) == nfun special_args = zip( *[ zip( [key]*nfun, val ) for (key,val) in kwargs.iteritems() if isinstance(val,list) and len(val) == nfun ] ) XYD = [ ([],[],dict(d)) for d in special_args or [[]] * nfun ] xypairs = function.Tuple( [ function.Tuple(v) for v in zip( xfun, yfun, XYD ) ] ) for elem in topology: for x, y, xyd in xypairs( elem, sample ): if y.ndim == 1 and y.shape[0] == 1: y = y[0] xyd[0].extend( x if x.ndim else [x] * y.size ) xyd[0].append( numpy.nan ) xyd[1].extend( y if y.ndim else [y] * x.size ) xyd[1].append( numpy.nan ) plotfun = self.loglog if logx and logy \ else self.semilogx if logx \ else self.semilogy if logy \ else self.plot for x, y, d in XYD: kwargs.update(d) plotfun( x, y, **kwargs )
[docs] def add_convplot( self, x, y, drop=0.8, shift=1.1, slope=True, **kwargs ): """Convergence plot including slope triangle (below graph) for supplied y(x), drop = distance graph & triangle, shift = distance triangle & text.""" self.loglog( x, y, 'k.-', **kwargs ) self.grid( True ) if slope: if x[-1] < x[0]: # inverted order slx = numpy.array( [x[-2], x[-2], x[-1], x[-2]] ) sly = numpy.array( [y[-2], y[-1], y[-1], y[-2]] )*drop if x[-1] > x[0]: slx = numpy.array( [x[-1], x[-1], x[-2], x[-1]] ) sly = numpy.array( [y[-1], y[-2], y[-2], y[-1]] )/drop # slope = r'$%2.1f$' % (y[-2]*x[-1]/(x[-2]*y[-1])) slope = r'$%2.1f$' % (numpy.diff( numpy.log10( y[-2:] ) )/numpy.diff( numpy.log10( x[-2:] ) )) self.loglog( slx, sly, color='k', label='_nolegend_' ) self.text( slx[-1]*shift, numpy.mean( sly[:2] )*drop, slope )
def project3d( C ): sqrt2 = numpy.sqrt( 2 ) sqrt3 = numpy.sqrt( 3 ) sqrt6 = numpy.sqrt( 6 ) R = numpy.array( [[ sqrt3, 0, -sqrt3 ], [ 1, 2, 1 ], [ sqrt2, -sqrt2, sqrt2 ]] ) / sqrt6 return numeric.transform( C, R[:,::2], axis=0 )
[docs]def preview( coords, topology, cscheme='contour8' ): 'preview function' if topology.ndims == 3: topology = topology.boundary from matplotlib import pyplot, collections if coords.shape[0] == 2: mesh( coords, topology, cscheme=cscheme ) elif coords.shape[0] == 3: polys = [ [] for i in range(4) ] for elem in topology: contour = coords( elem, cscheme ) polys[0].append( project3d( contour ).T ) polys[1].append( contour[:2].T ) polys[2].append( contour[1:].T ) polys[3].append( contour[::2].T ) for iplt, poly in enumerate( polys ): elements = collections.PolyCollection( poly, edgecolors='black', facecolors='none', linewidth=1, rasterized=True ) ax = pyplot.subplot( 2, 2, iplt+1 ) ax.add_collection( elements ) xmin, ymin = numpy.min( [ numpy.min(p,axis=0) for p in poly ], axis=0 ) xmax, ymax = numpy.max( [ numpy.max(p,axis=0) for p in poly ], axis=0 ) d = .02 * (xmax-xmin+ymax-ymin) pyplot.axis([ xmin-d, xmax+d, ymin-d, ymax+d ]) if iplt == 0: ax.get_xaxis().set_visible( False ) ax.get_yaxis().set_visible( False ) 'off' ) else: pyplot.title( '?ZXY'[iplt] ) else: raise Exception, 'need 2D or 3D coordinates' # vim:shiftwidth=2:foldmethod=indent:foldnestmax=2