Source code for nutils.matrix

# -*- coding: utf8 -*-
# Module MATRIX
# Part of Nutils: open source numerical utilities for Python. Jointly developed
# by HvZ Computational Engineering, TU/e Multiscale Engineering Fluid Dynamics,
# and others. More info at <>. (c) 2014

The matrix module defines a number of 2D matrix objects, notably the
:func:`SparseMatrix` and :func:`DenseMatrix`. Matrix objects support indexed
addition, basic addition and subtraction operations, and provide a consistent
insterface for solving linear systems. Matrices can be converted to numpy arrays
via ``asarray``.

from . import util, numpy, log, numeric, parallel, _
import scipy.sparse
# Import fix
  from scipy.sparse.sparsetools.csr import _csr
  from scipy.sparse import sparsetools as _csr
from scipy.sparse.linalg.isolve import _iterative
import time

[docs]def krylov( matvec, b, x0=None, tol=1e-5, restart=None, maxiter=0, precon=None, callback=None ): '''solve linear system iteratively restart=None: CG restart=integer: GMRES''' assert isinstance( b, numpy.ndarray ) and b.dtype == numpy.float64 and b.ndim == 1 n = b.size if x0 is None: x0 = numpy.zeros( n, dtype=numpy.float64 ) else: assert isinstance( x0, numpy.ndarray ) and x0.dtype == numpy.float64 and x0.ndim == 1 and x0.size == n assert isinstance( tol, float ) and tol > 0 res = tol ndx1 = 1 ndx2 = -1 ijob = 1 info = 0 firsttime = True bnrm2 = -1.0 assert isinstance( maxiter, int ) and maxiter >= 0 iiter = maxiter if restart is None: log.context( 'CG' ) work = numpy.zeros( 4*n, dtype=numpy.float64 ) ijob_matvecx = 3 revcom = lambda x, iiter, res, info, ndx1, ndx2, ijob: \ _iterative.dcgrevcom( b, x, work, iiter, res, info, ndx1, ndx2, ijob ) else: if restart > n: restart = n log.context( 'GMRES%d' % restart ) work = numpy.zeros( (6+restart)*n, dtype=numpy.float64 ) work2 = numpy.zeros( (restart+1)*(2*restart+2), dtype=numpy.float64 ) ijob_matvecx = 1 revcom = lambda x, iiter, res, info, ndx1, ndx2, ijob: \ _iterative.dgmresrevcom( b, x, restart, work, work2, iiter, res, info, ndx1, ndx2, ijob ) stoptest = lambda vec1, bnrm2, info: \ _iterative.dstoptest2( vec1, b, bnrm2, tol, info ) x = x0 progress = log.progress( 'residual', target=numpy.log(tol) ) t0 = time.clock() while True: x, iiter, res, info, ndx1, ndx2, sclr1, sclr2, ijob = \ revcom( x, iiter, res, info, ndx1, ndx2, ijob ) vec1 = work[ndx1-1:ndx1-1+n] vec2 = work[ndx2-1:ndx2-1+n] if ijob == 1 or ijob == 3: vec2 *= sclr2 vec2 += sclr1 * matvec( x if ijob == ijob_matvecx else vec1 ) elif ijob == 2: vec1[:] = precon(vec2) if precon else vec2 elif ijob == 4: if firsttime: info = -1 firsttime = False bnrm2, res, info = stoptest( vec1, bnrm2, info ) if callback: callback( (iiter,res) ) else: assert ijob == -1 break ijob = 2 progress.update( numpy.log(res) ) dt = time.clock() - t0 progress.disable() assert info == 0 'converged in %.1f seconds, %d iterations' % ( dt, iiter ) ) return x
[docs]def parsecons( constrain, lconstrain, rconstrain, shape ): 'parse constraints' I = numpy.ones( shape[0], dtype=bool ) x = numpy.empty( shape[1] ) x[:] = numpy.nan if constrain is not None: assert lconstrain is None assert rconstrain is None assert isinstance( constrain, numpy.ndarray ) I[:] = numpy.isnan( constrain ) x[:] = constrain if lconstrain is not None: assert isinstance( lconstrain, numpy.ndarray ) x[:] = lconstrain if rconstrain is not None: assert isinstance( rconstrain, numpy.ndarray ) I[:] = rconstrain J = numpy.isnan(x) assert numpy.sum(I) == numpy.sum(J), 'constrained matrix is not square: %dx%d' % ( numpy.sum(I), numpy.sum(J) ) x[J] = 0 return x, I, J
[docs]class Matrix( object ): 'matrix base class' def __init__( self, (nrows,ncols) ): 'constructor' self.shape = int(nrows), int(ncols) # need exact type because of _csr funcs self.size = nrows * ncols def __sub__( self, other ): 'add' if other == 0: return self A = self.clone() A -= other return A def __add__( self, other ): 'add' if other == 0: return self A = self.clone() A += other return A def __mul__( self, other ): 'multiply' A = self.clone() A *= other return A __rmul__ = __mul__
[docs] def cond( self, constrain=None, lconstrain=None, rconstrain=None ): 'condition number' x, I, J = parsecons( constrain, lconstrain, rconstrain, self.shape ) matrix = self.toarray()[numpy.ix_(I,J)] return numpy.linalg.cond( matrix )
[docs] def res( self, x, b=0, constrain=None, lconstrain=None, rconstrain=None ): 'residual' x0, I, J = parsecons( constrain, lconstrain, rconstrain, self.shape ) return numeric.norm2( (self.matvec(x)-b)[I] ) / numeric.norm2( (self.matvec(x0)-b)[I] )
[docs]class DenseSubMatrix( Matrix ): 'dense but non-contiguous data' def __init__( self, data, indices ): 'constructor' = data self.indices = indices if isinstance( indices, numpy.ndarray ): nrows, ncols = indices.shape else: I, J = indices nrows = I.stop - I.start if isinstance(I,slice) else I.size ncols = J.stop - J.start if isinstance(J,slice) else J.size Matrix.__init__( self, (nrows,ncols) ) def __iadd__( self, other ): 'in place addition' assert self.shape == other.shape[ self.indices ] += other return self
[docs]class SparseMatrix( Matrix ): 'sparse matrix' def __init__( self, graph, ncols=None ): 'constructor' if isinstance( graph, tuple ):, self.indices, self.indptr = graph assert self.indices.dtype == numpy.intc assert self.indptr.dtype == numpy.intc assert len(self.indices) == len( == self.indptr[-1] nrows = len(self.indptr) - 1 else: nrows = len(graph) nzrow = map(len,graph) count = sum( nzrow ) assert numpy.sum( nzrow ) <= numpy.iinfo( numpy.intc ).max, 'matrix overflow: length %d > max intc %d' % ( numpy.sum( nzrow ), numpy.iinfo( numpy.intc ).max ) = parallel.shzeros( count, dtype=float ) self.indptr = numpy.cumsum( [0] + nzrow, dtype=numpy.intc ) self.indices = numpy.empty( count, dtype=numpy.intc ) for irow, icols in enumerate( graph ): a, b = self.indptr[irow:irow+2] self.indices[a:b] = icols self.precon_cache = {} Matrix.__init__( self, (nrows, ncols or nrows) )
[docs] def reshape( self, (nrows,ncols) ): 'reshape matrix' assert nrows >= self.shape[0] and ncols >= self.shape[1] indptr = self.indptr if nrows > self.shape[1]: indptr = numpy.concatenate([ indptr, numeric.fastrepeat( indptr[-1:], nrows-self.shape[1] ) ]) return self.__class__( (,self.indices,indptr), ncols )
[docs] def clone( self ): 'clone matrix' return self.__class__( (,self.indices,self.indptr), self.shape[1] )
[docs] def matvec( self, other ): 'matrix-vector multiplication' assert other.shape == self.shape[1:] result = numpy.zeros( self.shape[0] ) _csr.csr_matvec( self.shape[0], self.shape[1], self.indptr, self.indices,, other, result ) return result
def __getitem__( self, (rows,cols) ): 'get submatrix' if isinstance(cols,numpy.ndarray) and cols.dtype == bool: assert len(cols) == self.shape[1] cols, = cols.nonzero() elif isinstance(cols,numpy.ndarray) and cols.dtype == int: pass else: raise Exception, 'invalid column argument' ncols = len(cols) if isinstance(rows,numpy.ndarray) and rows.dtype == bool: assert len(rows) == self.shape[0] rows, = rows.nonzero() elif isinstance(rows,numpy.ndarray) and rows.dtype == int: pass else: raise Exception, 'invalid row argument' nrows = len(rows) indptr = numpy.empty( nrows+1, dtype=int ) I = numpy.empty( numpy.minimum( self.indptr[rows+1] - self.indptr[rows], ncols ).sum(), dtype=int ) # allocate for worst case indptr[0] = 0 for n, irow in enumerate( rows ): a, b = self.indptr[irow:irow+2] where = a + numpy.searchsorted( self.indices[a:b], cols ) assert ( self.indices[where] == cols ).all() c = indptr[n] d = c + where.size I[c:d] = where indptr[n+1] = d return DenseSubMatrix(, I.reshape(nrows,ncols) ) if d == nrows * ncols \ else SparseMatrix( ([I],self.indices[I],indptr), ncols ) def __setitem__( self, item, value ): 'set submatrix' assert is # apparently we are assigning ourselves def _binary( self, other, op ): 'binary operation' assert isinstance( other, SparseMatrix ) assert self.shape == other.shape maxcount = len( + len( indptr = numpy.empty( self.shape[0]+1, dtype=numpy.intc ) indices = numpy.empty( maxcount, dtype=numpy.intc ) data = numpy.empty( maxcount, dtype=float ) op( self.shape[0], self.shape[1], self.indptr, self.indices,, other.indptr, other.indices,, indptr, indices, data ) nz = indptr[-1] return SparseMatrix( (data[:nz],indices[:nz],indptr), ncols=self.shape[1] ) def __add__( self, other ): 'add' if other == 0: return self return self._binary( other, _csr.csr_plus_csr ) def __sub__( self, other ): 'subtract' if other == 0: return self return self._binary( other, _csr.csr_minus_csr ) def _indices_into( self, other ): 'locate indices of other into self' assert isinstance( other, self.__class__ ) and self.shape == other.shape if numpy.all( self.indptr == other.indptr ) and numpy.all( self.indices == other.indices ): return slice(None) I = numpy.empty(, dtype=int ) for irow in range( self.shape[0] ): s = slice( other.indptr[irow], other.indptr[irow+1] ) I[s] = self.indptr[irow] \ + numpy.searchsorted( self.indices[self.indptr[irow]:self.indptr[irow+1]], other.indices[s] ) assert all( self.indices[I] == other.indices ) return I def __iadd__( self, other ): 'in place addition' if other:[self._indices_into(other)] += return self def __isub__( self, other ): 'in place addition' if other:[self._indices_into(other)] -= return self def __imul__( self, other ): 'scalar multiplication' assert isinstance( other, (int,float) ) *= other return self def __idiv__( self, other ): 'scalar multiplication' assert isinstance( other, (int,float) ) /= other return self @property
[docs] def T( self ): 'transpose' data = numpy.empty_like( ) indices = numpy.empty_like( self.indices ) indptr = numpy.empty_like( self.indptr ) _csr.csr_tocsc( self.shape[0], self.shape[1], self.indptr, self.indices,, indptr, indices, data ) return SparseMatrix( (data,indices,indptr), self.shape[0] )
[docs] def toarray( self ): 'convert to numpy array' array = numpy.zeros( self.shape ) for irow in range( self.shape[0] ): a, b = self.indptr[irow:irow+2] array[irow,self.indices[a:b]] =[a:b] return array
[docs] def todense( self ): 'convert to dense matrix' return DenseMatrix( self.toarray() )
[docs] def rowsupp( self, tol=0 ): 'return row indices with nonzero/non-small entries' supp = numpy.empty( self.shape[0], dtype=bool ) for irow in range( self.shape[0] ): a, b = self.indptr[irow:irow+2] supp[irow] = a != b and ( tol == 0 or numpy.any( numpy.abs([a:b] ) > tol ) ) return supp
[docs] def solve( self, b=0, constrain=None, lconstrain=None, rconstrain=None, tol=0, x0=None, symmetric=False, maxiter=0, restart=999, title='solving system', callback=None, precon=None ): 'solve' if tol == 0: return self.todense().solve( b=b, constrain=constrain, lconstrain=lconstrain, rconstrain=rconstrain, title=title, log=log ) log.context( title ) b = numpy.asarray( b, dtype=float ) if b.ndim == 0: b = numeric.fastrepeat( b[_], self.shape[0] ) else: assert b.ndim == 1, 'right-hand-side has shape %s, expected a vector' % (b.shape,) assert b.shape == self.shape[:1] if symmetric: restart = None x, I, J = parsecons( constrain, lconstrain, rconstrain, self.shape ) if x0 is not None: x0 = x0[J] tmpvec = numpy.zeros( self.shape[1] ) def matvec( v ): tmpvec[J] = v return self.matvec(tmpvec)[I] b = ( b - self.matvec(x) )[I] if isinstance( precon, str ): precon = self.getprecon( precon, constrain, lconstrain, rconstrain ) x[J] = krylov( matvec, b, x0=x0, tol=tol, maxiter=maxiter, restart=restart, callback=callback, precon=precon ) return x
def getprecon( self, name='SPLU', constrain=None, lconstrain=None, rconstrain=None ): name = name.upper() x, I, J = parsecons( constrain, lconstrain, rconstrain, self.shape ) cij = tuple(numpy.where(~I)[0]), tuple(numpy.where(~J)[0]), name precon = self.precon_cache.get( cij ) if precon is None: 'building %s preconditioner' % name ) A = scipy.sparse.csr_matrix( (,self.indices,self.indptr), shape=self.shape )[numpy.where(I)[0],:][:,numpy.where(J)[0]].tocsc() if name == 'SPLU': precon = scipy.sparse.linalg.splu( A ) elif name == 'SPILU': precon = scipy.sparse.linalg.spilu( A, drop_tol=1e-5, fill_factor=None, drop_rule=None, permc_spec=None, diag_pivot_thresh=None, relax=None, panel_size=None, options=None ) else: raise Exception, 'invalid preconditioner %r' % name self.precon_cache[ cij ] = precon return precon.solve
[docs]class DenseMatrix( Matrix ): 'matrix wrapper class' def __init__( self, shape ): 'constructor' if isinstance( shape, numpy.ndarray ): = shape else: if isinstance( shape, int ): shape = shape, shape = parallel.shzeros( shape ) Matrix.__init__( self, ) def __getitem__( self, (rows,cols) ): 'get submatrix' if isinstance(rows,numpy.ndarray) and isinstance(cols,numpy.ndarray): rows = rows[:,_] cols = cols[_,:] return DenseSubMatrix(, (rows,cols) ) def __setitem__( self, item, value ): 'set submatrix' assert is # apparently we are assigning ourselves def __iadd__( self, other ): 'in place addition' assert self.shape == other.shape += other.toarray() return self def __isub__( self, other ): 'in place addition' assert isinstance( other, DenseMatrix ) assert self.shape == other.shape -= return self
[docs] def clone( self ): 'clone matrix' return DenseMatrix( )
[docs] def addblock( self, rows, cols, vals ): 'add matrix data'[ rows[:,_], cols[:,_] ] += vals
[docs] def toarray( self ): 'convert to numpy array' return
[docs] def matvec( self, other ): 'matrix-vector multiplication' assert other.shape == self.shape[1:] return, other )
[docs] def T( self ): 'transpose' return DenseMatrix( )
[docs] def solve( self, b=0, constrain=None, lconstrain=None, rconstrain=None, title='solving system', **dummy ): 'solve' log.context( title + ' [direct]' ) b = numpy.asarray( b, dtype=float ) if b.ndim == 0: b = numeric.fastrepeat( b[_], self.shape[0] ) else: assert b.ndim == 1, 'right-hand-side has shape %s, expected a vector' % (b.shape,) assert b.shape == self.shape[:1] if constrain is lconstrain is rconstrain is None: return numpy.linalg.solve(, b ) x, I, J = parsecons( constrain, lconstrain, rconstrain, self.shape ) data =[I] x[J] = numpy.linalg.solve( data[:,J], b[I] - data[:,~J], x[~J] ) ) 'done' ) return x # vim:shiftwidth=2:foldmethod=indent:foldnestmax=2