Source code for nutils.debug

# -*- coding: utf8 -*-
# Module DEBUG
# Part of Nutils: open source numerical utilities for Python. Jointly developed
# by HvZ Computational Engineering, TU/e Multiscale Engineering Fluid Dynamics,
# and others. More info at <>. (c) 2014

The debug module provides code inspection tools and the "traceback explorer"
interactive shell environment. Access to these components is primarily via
:func:`breakpoint` and an exception handler in :func:``.

from . import core
import sys, cmd, re, os, linecache

[docs]class Frame( object ): 'frame info' def __init__( self, frame, lineno=None ): 'constructor' self.frame = frame self.lineno = lineno or self.frame.f_lineno @staticmethod def _name( frame ): # If frame is a class method try to add the class name # name = frame.f_code.co_name for classname, obj in frame.f_globals.iteritems(): try: assert obj.__dict__[name].func_code is frame.f_code except: pass else: return '%s.%s' % ( classname, name ) return name def getline( self, lineno ): return linecache.getline( self.frame.f_code.co_filename, lineno ) @property @core.cache def where( self ): relpath = os.path.relpath( self.frame.f_code.co_filename ) name = self._name( self.frame ) return 'File "%s", line %d, in %s' % ( relpath, self.lineno, name ) @property @core.cache def context( self ): return ' %s\n %s' % ( self.where,self.getline( self.lineno ).strip() ) @property @core.cache def source( self ): path = self.frame.f_code.co_filename lineno = self.frame.f_code.co_firstlineno line = self.getline( lineno ) if not line: return '<not avaliable>' indent = len(line) - len(line.lstrip()) source = line[indent:] while line[indent] == '@': lineno += 1 line = self.getline( lineno ) source += line[indent:] linebreak = False while True: lineno += 1 line = linecache.getline( path, lineno ) if line[:indent+1].lstrip().startswith('#'): line = ' ' * indent + line.lstrip() elif not line or line[:indent+1].strip() and not linebreak: break source += '>' + line[indent+1:] if lineno == self.lineno else line[indent:] linebreak = line.rstrip().endswith( '\\' ) return source.rstrip() # strip trailing empty lines def __str__( self ): 'string representation' return self.context
[docs]class Explorer( cmd.Cmd ): 'traceback explorer' def __init__( self, exc, frames, intro ): 'constructor' cmd.Cmd.__init__( self, completekey='tab' ) lines = [ 'WELCOME TO TRACEBACK EXPLORER.' ] maxlen = 44 nextline = '' for word in intro.split(): if not nextline or len(nextline) + 1 + len(word) > maxlen: lines.append( nextline ) nextline = word else: nextline += ' ' + word lines.append( nextline ) rule = '+-' + '-' * maxlen + '-+' self.intro = '\n'.join( [ rule ] + [ '| %s |' % line.ljust(maxlen) for line in lines ] + [ rule ] ) self.exc = exc self.frames = frames self.index = len(frames) - 1 self.prompt = '\n>>> '
[docs] def show_context( self ): 'show traceback up to index' for i, f in enumerate(self.frames): print ' *'[i == self.index] + f.context[1:] print ' ', self.exc
[docs] def do_s( self, arg ): '''Show source code of the currently focussed frame.''' for f in self.frames[:self.index+1]: print f.where print f.source
[docs] def do_l( self, arg ): '''List the stack and exception type''' self.show_context()
[docs] def do_q( self, arg ): '''Quit traceback exploror.''' print 'quit.' return True
[docs] def do_u( self, arg ): '''Shift focus to the frame above the current one.''' if self.index > 0: self.index -= 1 self.show_context()
[docs] def do_d( self, arg ): '''Shift focus to the frame below the current one.''' if self.index < len(self.frames)-1: self.index += 1 self.show_context()
[docs] def do_w( self, arg ): '''Show overview of local variables.''' frame = self.frames[self.index].frame maxlen = max( len(name) for name in frame.f_locals ) fmt = ' %' + str(maxlen) + 's : %s' for item in frame.f_locals.iteritems(): print fmt % item
[docs] def do_p( self, arg ): '''Print local of global variable, or function evaluation.''' frame = self.frames[self.index].frame print eval(arg,frame.f_globals,frame.f_locals)
[docs] def onecmd( self, text ): 'wrap command handling to avoid a second death' try: return cmd.Cmd.onecmd( self, text ) except Exception, e: print '%s in %r:' % ( e.__class__.__name__, text ), e
[docs] def do_pp( self, arg ): '''Pretty-print local of global variable, or function evaluation.''' import pprint frame = self.frames[self.index].frame pprint.pprint( eval(arg,frame.f_globals,frame.f_locals) )
[docs] def completedefault( self, text, line, begidx, endidx ): 'complete object names' frame = self.frames[self.index].frame objs = {} objs.update( frame.f_globals ) objs.update( frame.f_locals ) base = '' while '.' in text: objname, attr = text.split( '.', 1 ) try: obj = objs[ objname ] except KeyError: return [] objs = {} for attrname in dir(obj): try: objs[attrname] = getattr(obj,attrname) except: pass base += objname + '.' text = attr return [ base+name for name in objs if name.startswith(text) ]
[docs]def exception(): 'constructor' tb = sys.exc_traceback frames = [] while tb: frames.append( Frame( tb.tb_frame, tb.tb_lineno ) ) tb = tb.tb_next return frames
def format_exc(): return '\n'.join( [ repr(sys.exc_value) ] + [ str(f) for f in exception() ] ) def callstack( depth=1 ): frames = [] try: frame = sys._getframe( depth ) except ValueError: frame = None while frame: frames.append( Frame( frame ) ) frame = frame.f_back return frames[::-1]
[docs]def write_html( out, exc, frames ): 'write exception info to html file' out.write( '<span class="info">' ) out.write( '\n<hr/>' ) out.write( '<b>EXHAUSTIVE POST-MORTEM DUMP FOLLOWS</b>\n' ) out.write( '\n'.join( [ repr(exc) ] + [ str(f) for f in frames ] ) ) out.write( '<hr/>\n' ) for f in reversed(frames): out.write( f.context.splitlines()[0] + '\n' ) for line in f.source.splitlines(): if line.startswith( '>' ): fmt = '<span class="error"> %s</span>\n' line = line[1:] else: fmt = '%s\n' line = re.sub( r'\b(def|if|elif|else|for|while|with|in|return)\b', r'<b>\1</b>', line.replace('<','&lt;').replace('>','&gt;') ) out.write( fmt % line ) out.write( '\n\n' ) out.write( '<table border="1" style="border:none; margin:0px; padding:0px;">\n' ) for key, val in f.frame.f_locals.iteritems(): try: val = str(val).replace('<','&lt;').replace('>','&gt;') except: val = 'ERROR' out.write( '<tr><td>%s</td><td>%s</td></tr>\n' % ( key, val ) ) out.write( '</table>\n' ) out.write( '<hr/>\n' ) out.write( '</span>' ) out.flush()
[docs]def breakpoint(): 'breakpoint' Explorer( 'Suspended.', callstack(2), intro='''\ Your program is suspended. The traceback explorer allows you to examine its current state and even alter it. Closing the explorer will resume program execution.''' ).cmdloop() # vim:shiftwidth=2:foldmethod=indent:foldnestmax=2